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An escape room to help you learn how to recycle!

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Escape room

Recycling in the canteen


Hello class!Today we'll learn how to recycle! That's why you must follow the following steps. Pay attention to every detail and have fun!

Teacher, please, read the note on the fridge!

Hello class!Today we had to leave earlier, that's why it's your responsibility to sort and take out the trash.Thank you! Your canteen monitors.

See you tomorrow! xxx.

Click on any bin so that you can learn what materials should go in it.

Click here when you're done with all the bins!

Choose all the materials that we should throw in the yellow bin

Where does the brown bin trash go?Follow us on this journey.

Where does the brown bin trash go?Follow us on this journey.

Where does the brown bin trash go?Follow us on this journey.

Where does the brown bin trash go?Follow us on this journey.

Where does the brown bin trash go?Follow us on this journey.

Where does the brown bin trash go?Follow us on this journey.

The teacher will give you the pieces of the puzzle to complete this picture.


In this challenge we will plant a seed in a glass jar and see how the plant grows.

a glass jar




In this bin we throw glass, but...

Let's give glass jars a second life!!!

Things we will need:




Well done!

You've finished!