Want to create interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people create interactive content in Genially.

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  1. Visualise POIs for different locations & tags (e.g., tourism POIs around Cambridge train station).
  2. Use a heatmap for visualising the OSM feature correlation.
  3. Apply PCA on the correlation matrix, and visualise relative distances between features with an interactive 3D plot (users can change elevation & azimuth).
  1. Select an optimal bounding box and date range automatically.
  2. Transform prices: a constrained domain to an unconstrained one using log.
  3. Preprocess data: handle missing and invalid data, merge with OSM features, apply one-hot encoding, and preserve only quantitative data.
  4. Apply cross-validation with RMSE for evaluating model performance.
  5. Linear models include: RidgeCV, BayesianRidge, and TweedieRegressor.
  6. Predict prices and report model performance (warn if the model is poor).



  1. Automatically download data and upload files to the database (use a progress bar whenever possible).
  2. APIs for joining tables, converting queried results into DataFrames, and getting POI data from OSM.





House Price Prediction
