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You can use the search bar to type in parent names, child names, emails or phone numbers and press the search button to see the refined results

Click this icon to toggle which columns you wish to view/hide in the Parent and Guardian table and press 'Apply' to see these changes on your screen.

Click this icon to filter your parents and guardians by status.

You can see which filters are currently applied to your parent and guardian accounts, and remove this by pressing the 'X' button.

Use the arrows near each column to organise your information in ascending/descending order

Use this icon to open the Quickview screen for this account, you can learn more about this feature here

Use this icon to view more actions to take on this parent account, including resetting parent passwords or deleting accounts.

Click here to manually add a new parent to your Office database.

Use this button to invite parents to create a Home account. You can invite all parents at once or use the checkboxes to the left of their accounts to select individual parents to invite.

You can click on any parent and guardian profile to open it and view more information.