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gran colombia
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Social Studies Presents


gran colombia


Gran Colombia happened some years after the independence of the New Granada colony, in 1810 after the Independence declaration in July the 20th, 1810, after a long conflict between Patriots and Realists, that can be traced since the Revolt of the Comuneros in 1781.

After the independence, a moment of chaos followed, in which the Newgranadian society was divided and struggling. It was called "La Patria Boba" (1810 - 1819). The Centralists (Estado Libre of Cundinamarca) were fighting against the Federalists (Cartagena, Antioquia and Tunja) for defining the political system of the new State and the control of it.

The Spaniards took advantage of the chaos to return to New Granada for taking over the control of the whole territory. They formed a huge army ("The Realists") to fight the Patriots. They managed to take Bogota and they prosecuted and killed many of the independence revolutionaires ("próceres"). This period concluded with the Boyacá Bridge Battle in August the 7th, 1819.

The Terror regime

In 1819, the Creole revolutionaries met in Angostura (Venezuela) to lay the foundations of what would become the new nation: La Gran Colombia. The name "Colombia" was a political project of Francisco de Miranda: to unite all of Latin America as a single nation.Bolívar thought that it was the best way to defend themselves against new attempts at reconquest by the Spanish, or colonization by the English. In this way, a union was created between New Granada, Venezuela and Ecuador (Panama joined later...).



For this reason, these flags are so similar!


Simón Bolívar, Francisco de Paula Santander, Domingo Caycedo, Joaquín Mosquera, Rafael Urdaneta, and, again, Domingo Caycedo.

first presidents

It was a rich and powerful country, with a fighting force of around 25.000 soldiers, and four important capitals: Bogota, Quito, Caracas, and Panama.

a large territory

Gran Colombia

Gran Colombia dissolves

Venezuela and Ecuador become independent. Bolívar wanted absolute power and Santander opposed it. Bolívar declared himself dictator and Santander carried out a coup against him.

Panama continued to be part of Colombia, and was separated in 1903, the year after the conclusion of the Thousand Days War.

Bolívar quits, falls ill ,and dies in Santa Marta

But things didn't last long:

Bolívar continued in independence campaigns (Perú, Ecuador and Bolivia) and Santander presided that same year.

1831 +





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