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The Future is now...
The Future 
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The Future is now...

The Future

Future tenses: will vs. going to
Learning Goal

I understand and can write about the future in two different forms

Learning Goal

Future tenses: will vs. going to
Learning Goal

Think about your plans for the winter break.

form 1

Future tenses: will vs. going to

Do you need help? I'll carry this for youI think that Groenlinks will win the next election.I promise I will come to your party at the weekend. He will turn 21 in two weeks!

will' + infinitive (the infinitive is the verb it 's normal state, meaning we don't need to change anything!)

1. For decisions made at the moment of talking or spontaneously2. Predictions based on opinion3. Promises/requests 4. Facts

πŸ“– Will - when and how?

πŸ“– 'Will'- When & how?

Future tenses: will vs. going to

Will The Netherlands win the match tonight?

The Netherlands will not win the match tonight. The Netherlands won't win the match tonight

The Netherlands will win the match tonight. The Netherlands'll win the match tonight


Negative statement

Positive statement

✍️ How do we form will?

'will' + infinitive (the infinitive is the verb it 's normal state, meaning we don't need to change anything!

✍️ How do we form 'will'?

Future tenses: will vs. going to

I am going to go to Paris next week. They are going to apply to Oxford as they won't stop talking about it.

to be + going to + infinitive (the infinitive is the verb it 's normal state, meaning we don't need to change anything!)

1. Future plans / intentions2. Predictions based on evidence

πŸ“– 'Going to'- When & how?

πŸ“– Going to - when and how?
Future tenses: will vs. going to

to be + going to + infinitive (the infinitive is the verb it 's normal state, meaning we don't need to change anything!)

Is she going to start singing lessons?

She is not going to start singing lessons. She isn't going to start singing lessons.

She is going to start singing lessons. She's going to start singing lessons.


Negative statement

Positive statement

✍️ How do we form going to?

✍️ How do we form 'going to'?

Future tenses: will vs. going to

Practice !

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Future tenses: will vs. going to


I understand and can write about the future in two different forms

Learning Goal