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A temporary interactive map for Warriors: Rising Waters.

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The RyeClan Camp . . . Due to the hurricane’s strong gusts and floods, a small wooden boat was shoved from somewhere within the swamp, towards the marsh, before finally catching in a copse of trees. RyeClan lives within these trees, sleeping beneath the overturned boat on beds of grass and leaves. Announcements are made from atop the hull and scratches can be seen in its peeling paint from the leader climbing up. Their nests are a bit more chaotic than ReedClan’s are, with a variety of questionable materials, considering most of these cats are kittypets who have never built dens before.

The Split . . . Sometimes simply referred to as the Gathering Place, this is where gatherings are held. The name refers to its location between the two Clan territories, as well as being a partial ravine. The Clan leader sits atop the cliff, while their Clanmates sit on the ground below. Despite there only being one Clan now, Gatherings are still held here.

The Former RushClan Camp . . . RushClan used to reside in a small dry gully. The sandy cliffs kept them sheltered from the wind, though the center sometimes filled with water when it rained. The warrior's den was an abandoned badger set that had been enlarged to fit more space. The other cats slept in tunnels from an old rabbit warren that had been widened to fit cats. These burrows have since collapsed and the buried over by Twolegs reforming the land. The gully is little more than a shallow dip in the earth. The leader used to sleep in a hole in the roots of a small, crooked elm. The leader would sit beneath the tree to make announcements. This tree was torn down and only the broken stump remains, with the burrow beneath the tangle of roots sometimes housing other animals.

The Twoleg Trash Heap . . . Between the marl pits and thunderpath is a low gully that over time has collected junk. It used to be a popular hangout place for Twolegs but it was frequently filled with litter and has since become a dumping ground for trash and useless objects. It's a rather small landfill and it's far enough that it does not contaminate the lake's water. It is however home to a number of rats. These rats typically carry infection more often than those in the barn. Cutting a paw on one of the many sharp metal objects can also lead to a diseased wound. It also has a foul odor. For the most part RushClan cats would stay away but RyeClan has yet to learn of its dangers.

The Thunderpath Bridge . . . In the far south of the territory, a stilted wooden bridge crosses a small lake where the Thunderpath crosses it. This is where RyeClan entered the wetland territories, coming from their Twolegplace to the southwest. The small forest on the other side used to be part of RushClan’s hunting grounds and cats can pass under the bridge to reach it but the lake is frequented by Twolegs as a swimming and fishing spot due to its water bring cleaner and clearer than the brackish, murky water of the swamp. There are also noticeably less alligators.

The Rouges Camp . . . The barn is a large gray, wooden building on the farm where the cattle sleep. The cats nest in the hay loft above the stables and hunt mice among the rafters. There's also a loose shingle that allows the cats access to the roof, much to the bewilderment of the Twolegs who have yet to figure out how they get up there. Atop the roof is a creaky metal weather vane of a rooster atop an arrow.

The Twoleg Den . . . A short distance from the barn is the building where the Twolegs live. The barn cats are allowed on the porch where they are sometimes left food, but they are not welcome inside. For the most part, the older Twolegs don't interact with the cats, allowing them to hunt rodents and wander the area in peace. The Twoleg kits are usually more active with the cats, petting them and even picking them up. They can be seen feeding the chickens in the mornings while the adults typically deal with the cattle.

The ReedClan Camp . . . ReedClan’s camp is centered around a large live oak with swooping boughs and resurrection ferns growing on the branches. The leader makes announcements from a low hanging branch and sleeps in a high up hollow in the trunk. The tree is one of three important trees in the territory, the other two being the Moonbark tree and the tree that RushClan’s camp was centered around. The warriors and apprentices sleep beneath cast iron plants clustered around the base. The camp is situated deep within a thicket in the drier part of the woods. It is surrounded by brush. The nursery is a den of branches and brambles built into the thicket. Seasons ago a large branch fell from the oak. Its inner wood has been hollowed out and the medicine cat herb store is hidden inside, though sick and injured cats still sleep beneath the iron plants.

The Cattle Pasture . . . The land closest to the marsh is fenced in to provide grazing for a small herd of dairy cows. This herd is used to the cats being around them, though walking beneath them can be dangerous in the event that they startle and kick. At night they rest on the ground level of the barn.

The Chicken Coop . . . There's a small fenced in chicken pen on the other side of the Twoleg den from the barn. The cats are not allowed to hunt the fowl and the Twolegs will shoot any predators they catch in the pen. The rooster can be heard clucking and crowing in the mornings.

The Crop Fields . . . The land to the north and west of the cattle pasture is owned by other Twolegs who grow varying crops. The farm on the other side of the Thunderpath grows sugarcane which is burned during the winter for harvesting. During these few days, the cats often experience coughing fits from the smoke and generally don't like leaving the barn. The Twoleg that owns this farm is also not fond of feral cats. The neighboring farm to the north is more accessible to the cats because there is no Thunderpath in the way, though the Thunderpath is not always in use. This farm grows rows of corn and soybeans. The cats are allowed to hunt mice among the crops and the Twolegs that own this farm are nice to the cats.

The Twolegplace . . . To the northwest, across the wide river that brings water to most of the swamp is a small, poor Twolegplace. Some of the Twolegs there live off the fish and wildlife but for the most part they stay out of the swamp. Kittypets and strays live here, often whispering about the feral cats in the swamp. Clan cats who enter Twolegplace don't always come out. The Twolegs also sometimes leave traps in the swamp, some for hunting and some for capture. It's not uncommon for a Clan cat to return after capture with a TNR ear notch and an immunity to certain diseases. A few wooden piers stick out over the water which creak when weight is put on them. Twoleg water monsters are tied to these half bridges, rocking against the sides. Farther south there is a collapsed half bridge.

The Moonbark Tree . . . The holiest location in the Clan territories, located far north of ReedClan’s camp, the Moonbark Tree is a massive and warped looking willow with pale gray bark and a hollow at the base. This hollow is filled with black water that the leader or medicine cat drinks from to initiate contact with StarClan. The few leaves that still flush from it are grayish green and from its branches hang ivy vines and moss. Cats are not allowed to hunt within thirty fox lengths from it.

The Crocus Field . . . Once the site of an ancient battle, it now sits at the edge of the Clan's graveyard. Legend goes that after a bloody battle between RushClan and ReedClan, the dead were buried there and yellow crocuses sprung from their graves overnight. When a cat passes, flowers are picked from this field and placed in front of the central oak in camp. Flowers are not allowed to be picked from this field for any other reason and cats are not allowed to hunt or spill blood here either. It is considered both sacred and haunted, a place where the connection to StarClan is strong, as well as a place rumored to have ghosts. Elders like to say it is because the deceased from StarClan can pass into the living world here.

The Marl Pits and Quarries . . . To the south are a few small quarries where clay, limestone, and marl was mined. The soft cliffs still remain, covered in ivy and grass, with paths leading up and down them. The marl quarries in particular are usually filled with water and RushClan used to talk about a spirit called Webclaw lurking in them that would pull cats in if they strayed too close to the water's edge.

The Collapsed Pier . . . A mangle of broken planks with rotting wood and rusty nails sticking out of the stumpy columns.

The Fallen Log Bridge . . . A wide fallen tree lays across the water, providing a bridge to the Split for ReedClan cats. Its covered in hanging moss and fungus, with rough brown bark.