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Miss Janeth Edith Salinas Hernández
November 22th 2022
Importance of organic compounds
Sauceda Castillo Sofía ID: 2114797 
Paloma Rangel Adame ID: 2115245 
Eduardo Ornelas García ID: 2114957 
Renata Macías Hernández ID: 2114743 
Mariana Banda Sosa ID: 2114995 
Luna Victoria Almaraz Marroquín ID: 2115334
Team 3, #312
Chemical Phenomena in the Environment
Learning evidence
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Miss Janeth Edith Salinas Hernández

November 22th 2022

Importance of organic compounds

Sauceda Castillo Sofía ID: 2114797 Paloma Rangel Adame ID: 2115245 Eduardo Ornelas García ID: 2114957 Renata Macías Hernández ID: 2114743 Mariana Banda Sosa ID: 2114995 Luna Victoria Almaraz Marroquín ID: 2115334

Team 3, #312

Chemical Phenomena in the Environment

Learning evidence

Metane: name, formulas and enviorenmental impactAcetone: name, formulas and process of production Methane: uses and importance Methane & Acetone: chemical and physical properties Exercises, Acetone: uses and importance Acetone: chemical and physical properties

21149952114743 2115245 2114797 2114957 2115334

Team 3

Mariana Banda SosaRenata Macías Hernández Paloma Rangel Adame Sofía Sauceda Castillo Eduardo Ornelas García Luna Victoria Almaraz Marroquín


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Importance and usage


Physical and Chemical Properties

Environmental impact



Importance and usage


Physical and Chemical Properties



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Environmental impact




Hydrocarbons are compounds made by carbon and hydrogen, while hydrocarbon derivatives contain other elements atached to the carbon.




Formulas:Molecular: CH4Structural: Condensed: CH4 Developed:CH4

  • Color: Colorless
  • Solubility: In water, 22 mg/L at 25 °C, slightly in acetone; soluble in ethanol, toluene, methanol, etc
  • Density: 0.657 g/L at 25 °C
  • Melting point: -296 °F
  • Boiling point: -258 °F
  • Flammability: Highly flammable
  • Toxicity: non-toxic, however, large quantities may result in suffocation..
  • pH value: 6.6–7.8
  • Chemical stability: very stable, but mixtures of methane and air are explosive.

Physical properties

Chemical properties


The first step is to add 2.6 of NaHCO3 with 22.9 ml of C2H4O2 in a tube and then it is heat up. We have as a result the sodium acetate which is going to be used later.

Process of elaboration

Then, we need a catalyzer which is made by 1:1 moles of NaOH and CaO to form soda lime

Finally, we mix the soda lime with the sodium acetate to put a lit match on the tube and the methane gas will appear.

It is important for electricity generation as it is used as fuel in gas turbines and steam generators.

It is the raw material used in the production of hydrogen, methanol, acetic acid and acetic anhydride.

Is important in the chemical industry: for example for the production of ammonia, since the amount of CO2 it produces is lower than that generated by other fuels such as diesel.

Importance of methane

Is a good fuel: it produces a substantial amount of energy without generating so much CO2, which is a factor that affects our health and environmental pollution.

Methane is a greenhouse effect gas, its presence in the nature and atmosphere is actually normal, but the constant and enormous emissions accelerate de climate change.

environmental impact of Methane

propan-2-one / 2-propanone / propanone

Dimethyl ketone

Formula: CH3-CO-CH3Molecular: ó Condensed: C3H6O Developed: CH3COCH3


  • Color: Colorless
  • Solubility: High solubility in water and organic solvents (ex, ethanol, benzene, etc)
  • Density: 0.7845 g/cm3 at 25°C
  • Melting point: -94.9°C
  • Boiling point: 56.08°C
  • Flammability: Highly flammable
  • Toxicity: Irritant & corrosive, above 50 L are considered toxic.
  • pH value: Neutral (pH 7)
  • Chemical stability: Normally stable

Physical properties

Chemical properties


This means "Anhydrous aluminium chorine", this reaction happens in prescence of this subtance

9 12

3 6

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Acetone can be produced by thes ynthesize of benzene (C H ) and propylene (C H ) into cumene (C H )

Cumene Process

How is Acetone produced?

This process of oxydation occurs through the addition of air.

9 12 2

After this, cumene is oxidized and Cumene hydroperoxide (C H O )

Cumene Process

How is Acetone produced?

Ketons, a bio-product from Acetone are separated by distillation.

Finally, the Cumene hydroperoxide is passed thorugh hydrolisis in a strong acidic medium

Cumene Process

How is Acetone produced?

Uses and importance
  • Cleaning of electric parts or microcircuits, skin, wool, glass and nails
  • Solvent for plastics ,synthetic fibers, cement, and lacquers
  • Preparation before paiting metals
  • Used to make paint
  • Helper of fermentation and specific odors or flavors
Uses and importance

As we can see, the acetone is important in the daily life and in some sectors of industry for the creation of different materials needed at the time to build or test. It also helped with the part of estetic by being a cleaner of nails, but people need to be careful about this substance because it irritates sometimes the skin which affects health. It also can be toxic when is present on food if people working in the industry of food use it incorrectly. We can finally say that is widely present in the economy with the example of Mexico which the buy and sells reached approximately 102 millions of dollars.

Acetone can be found both naturaly and chemically. it is a hazardous waste as it can be flammable, corrosive and/or toxic. it can be found in underground water. if spilled it can cause damage to wildlife, decreases the growth of plants. its effect on animals and humans has not been fully determined, but it causes irritation, toxic vapors, and several symptoms if ingested such as nausea, change in blood cells and even coma.

environmental impact of acetone

Organic compounds have different benefits for our activities and uses, but they may present some risks when they are not used correctly. One example of a benefit is the creation of multiple products thanks to the acetone. It is a component of paint and a substance used in nail cleaning. Other organic compound useful is the propane since it is a gas mainly used for the stoves or ovens of cooking, heater, and water boiling. We can also mention the ethanol which is alcohol, and in the part of medicine, it has favored the cure of patients and reduce of pain in some injuries. Phenol has also a role in medicine by reducing the pain of throat. Other uses are as disinfection or killing of bacteria and fungi.


Despise the numerous benefits they provide us; risks are always present. Acetone has provoked in some cases burns or irritations to the skin of women who use it as a nail cleaner as well as the phenol, including irritation in eyes or respiratory ways. A common risk for the people is the presence of fire near the hydrocarbon gases since they are flammable. Some cases showed how this creates explosions and burns the skin of people, that is why we need to be careful at the time of using a fire or being near a gas container. With a general view, we can say that organic compounds have benefits for the well beings and life quality, but the use of them needs to be done by someone who already knows their properties and proper ways of usage, because a mistake can result in an injury or death.





12.16 (c & d)

12.16 (a & b)






Gobierno de México. (2021). Acetona: intercambio comercial, compras y ventas. Data México https://datamexico.org/es/profile/product/acetone#:~:text=En%202021%2C%20el%20intercambio%20comercial%20total%20de%20Acetona%20en%20M%C3%A9xico,de%20entidades%20federativas%20y%20pa%C3%ADses.

b411. answers. (s.f.). ¿Cuáles son los usos de la acetona?. Es.411answers.com. https://es.411answers.com/a/cuales-son-los-usos-de-la-acetona.html

Bailey, K. (2012). Los usos comunes de la acetona química. Geniolandia. https://www.geniolandia.com/13067512/que-es-el-amoniaco-casero


Neamah, Ali Ibrahim (2017) "Acetone Production," The Hilltop Review: Vol. 9: Iss. 2, Article 12.Available at: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/hilltopreview/vol9/iss2/12

National Center for Biotechnology Information (2022). PubChem Compound Summary for CID 180, Acetone. Retrieved November 21, 2022 from https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Acetone.

National Center for Biotechnology Information (2022). PubChem Annotation Record for ACETONE, Source: Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB). Retrieved November 21, 2022 from https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.


Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2021, 10 febrero). Acetone | Toxic Substances | Toxic Substance Portal | ATSDR. ATSDR. https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/substances/ToxSubstance.aspx?toxid=1

Syracuse Research Corporation, Clement International Corporation & United States. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (1994). Toxicological Profile for Acetone (4.a ed., Vol. 4) [PDF]. Academic Service. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp21.pdf

Chemical Properties of Matter. (2020, 24 enero). ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/chemical-properties-of-matter-608337


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