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Etiquette in Japan
Baeva Ekaterina, Ivanovich Ulyana, Pafomova Elena
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Etiquette in Japan

Baeva Ekaterina, Ivanovich Ulyana, Pafomova Elena


1.rooted /ˈruːtɪd / укоренившийся 2.genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ подлинный, 3.искренний a grin /ɡrɪn/ ухмылка, широкая улыбка 4.a cue /kjuː/ сигнал, подсказка 5.a frown /ˈ fraʊn / хмурый взгляд 6.a pervert /ˈpɜː.vɜːt/ извращенец 7.bizarre /bɪˈzɑː(r)/ странный 8.a bow /baʊ/ поклон 9.precisely /prɪˈsaɪs.li/ точно 10.to bend /ˈ tuː bɛnd / сгибаться


11. to nod / ˈ tə nɒd/ кивать12. secular /ˈsekjələ(r)/ светский13. vending machines / ˈvendɪŋ məˈʃiːnz/ - торговые автоматы14. chopsticks /ˈtʃɒpstɪks/ - палочки для еды15. coats of arms /ˌkəʊt əv ˈɑːmz/ - гербы 16. voluminous /vəˈluːmɪnəs/ - объемный17. veil /veɪl/ - вуаль18. funerals / /ˈfjuː.nər.əlz/ - похороны19. affection /əˈfekʃn/ - привязанность20. a comb /kəʊm/ - расческа


In Japan, you shouldn't smile at strangers. Men should not smile at stranger girls, as they will be considered bizarre or perverts.

Smiles: How Japanese Express and Perceive Them

The three main types of bows are informal, formal, and very formal.



Eating and drinking

The groom is usually dressed in a black kimono The bride dresses up in a white kimono with white accessories.

Wedding in Japan

Wedding in Japan

There are two gift seasons in Japan, called seibo [ja] (歳暮) and chūgen [ja] (中元). One is for winter and the other is for summer.

Gifts and gift-giving

Mike's story

This is Mike.He has a business trip in Japan.Unfortunately, he doesn't know anything about Japanese culture. He needs your advice.

Mike's Casual smiles

1. Mike is very happy to visit Japan. He's smiling with joy! But passers-by don't smile back at him. Why?

Mike's Casual smiles

2. Mike decided to smile at the young girl, but she was scared. What did she think of him?


3. Mike is upset and thirsty, where can he find drinks in Japan?

Mike's business meeting

4. Mike has a business meeting today. How can he greet his Japanese colleague?


5. Mike found out that one girl gave his colleague a chocolate on Valentine's Day. But Mike didn't understand what that meant. Explain.

Mike is going to dinner

6. The Japanese colleague invited Mike to dinner. What should Mike do?

Mike is preparing wedding gifts

8. Mike was invited to his colleague's wedding. He bought such gifts for the couple. Guess and explain their possible reaction.

Mike is preparing wedding gifts

9. Mike is thinking about the upcoming event. Are his thoughts correct? Why?

Wedding of a colleague

Good gifts

10. Mike decided to give good gifts later. When can he do it?


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