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Romanesque Art

  • It was created in the 11th century.
  • The origin of that style comes from Italy and France, but it soon became a very popular and influential in many parts of Europe.
  • The architecture consisted of churches, cathedrals and monasteries.
  • The painting and the sculpture were exclusively dedicated to the church and made use of religious symbolism.


The romanesque buildings had a very solid and compact appearance because of their elements like round arches, thick walls and a few windows.The religious buildings had the shape of a Latin Cross, this symbolised the cross of Jesus. The long arm was made up of naves, that ended in an apse, where the altar was situated. The short arm was called "transept".The Basilica of Saint-Sernin in Toulouse and the Abbey-Church of Sainte-Foy in Conques were important examples of this type of church.
Romanesque cathedrals and churches were stone buildings with heavy stone roofs. To make them strong architects use techniques such as the dome or the barrel vaults, that are semi-circular arches supporting a roof, and outside, the buildings wew reinforced by buttresses that were external supports.



The church of Saint Michael is a small French Romanesque church or chapel located in Aiguilhe, a commune bordering Le Puy-en-Velay, in the department of Haute-Loire and the Auvergne region. The first construction would date back to 961, and it was erected as an abbey in the 12th century.

Romanesque sculptures were adapted to fit the space adapted to fit the space available in an existing building.Most Romanesque sculptures were reliefs,and were sculpted into buildings:-Capitals. The tops of columns were decorated with religious scenes.-Typanum. This was space avobe the main church entrance.-Wooden free-standing sculptures were not attached to a building.


The most importan Romanesque paintings were inside churches and had religious themes.They depicted people in rigid postures , and some of these figures were made specially large to demostrate their importance.-Murals: were painted on walls.-Altarpieces: were painted on woodenpanels.-Miniatures: were small illustrations in Bibles,prayer books and other religious texts

Eva Embarazada

The most importan Romanesque paintings were inside churches and had religious themes.They depicted people in rigid postures , and some of these figures were made specially large to demostrate their importance.-Murals: were painted on walls.-Altarpieces: were painted on woodenpanels.-Miniatures: were small illustrations in Bibles,prayer books and other religious texts

Romanesque painting

The figures represented, typically Romanesque, have no volume or depth and are delimited by simple outlines that divide the corresponding spaces. The artist's style has always been considered very close to the Master of Tahull. Between this panel dedicated to The Creation of Adam and that of Original Sin (P7284) the representation of a palm tree stands out, possibly because it is identified with the Tree of Life and because of the eastern location of Eden (Genesis, 2, 8), from where this tree was supposed to be native. Through the palm tree and with the help of color, the Eden of Creation, prior to sin, and the Eden after sin, represented by the Tree of Knowledge that appears dry, were separated. Its deterioration, produced by the disobedience of man and expressed chromatically, reflects a knowledge of the ancient stories related to the Tree of Death. This motif was also used in other Castilian ensembles, such as San Miguel de Gormaz and San Baudelio de Berlanga. Given the fondness of Byzantine art for the theme of the Tree of Death, the hypothesis of the Italo-Byzantine ancestry of these artists seems more and more secure.