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The snow Village hotel
The snow Village hotel chain together with HBO Nordic opened the Game of Thrones Snow Village hotel. created from snow and ice. It is located in Lapland, beyond the Artic Circle, where, thanks to natual conditions , it eill stand until the middle of spring. Visitors will have to spend the night in special sleeping bags. The interior of the hotel is very beautiful.  Builders and designers have taken the trouble to place as much decor associated with the "Game of Thrones" in the hotel as possible. There are sculptures of knights, dragons everywhere and there is even a life-size ice throne. To maintain this beautify in its original form, the temperature of the hotel is not raised above -2C. Therefore, it is advised to stay in this hotel for no more than one night. The price of a standard room is $270.
Your goalAttract as many visitors to the hotel as possibleTurn prospects and leadsCreate and develop a recognizable brandConvert to a customer
Role of contentTo arouse interest and make as many people as possible know about the hotel and visit it.Provide a specific and unique solution to attract as many visitors as possibleCome up with and show the value of the hotel with the help of distinctive features and make it as recognizable as possibleShow the economic value of the hotel
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The snow Village hotel chain together with HBO Nordic opened the Game of Thrones Snow Village hotel. created from snow and ice. It is located in Lapland, beyond the Artic Circle, where, thanks to natual conditions , it eill stand until the middle of spring. Visitors will have to spend the night in special sleeping bags. The interior of the hotel is very beautiful. Builders and designers have taken the trouble to place as much decor associated with the "Game of Thrones" in the hotel as possible. There are sculptures of knights, dragons everywhere and there is even a life-size ice throne. To maintain this beautify in its original form, the temperature of the hotel is not raised above -2C. Therefore, it is advised to stay in this hotel for no more than one night. The price of a standard room is $270.

The snow Village hotel

1) training videoRecord a video on social networks about how and what to do at the hotel to spend time safely and with pleasure.The video will help people to be prepared for difficulties in an ice hotel.2) perspectivesThe hotel based on the Game of Thrones is a unique hotel. A huge number of fans of the series will strive to visit places associated with their favorite series.3) presentationsMaking presentations about the hotel and its services at some forums, events, exhibitions.It will attract a large number of visitors and possible business partners.

1) NewsPost information about the hotel in the news.This will help the hotel attract as many people as possible.2) VideoRecord a video showing what the hotel looks like inside.This will help people find out how the hotel is decorated inside, the video will interest visitors and the hotel will have visitors.3) blog postpublish a post telling about the advantages of the hotel and how it can appeal to people who love the Game of Thrones series.Fans from social networks will be informed about the appearance of the hotel based on the series.

1)TestimonialsAdvertise the hotel with positive reviews.Use paid positive opinions of people, where the "consumer" talks about his personal positive experience of staying at the hotel and describes what exactly he liked there.Also use advertising of popular people and bloggers, one way or another related to the series.This will help to popularize the hotel among the necessary audience and create a positive image.2)Sales enablementProvide sales professionals and hotel staff with the necessary information on the series: what it is about, its characters, and so on.This will increase the efficiency of employees. Specialists will have certain knowledge, thanks to which they will be effective in any situation and at any stage of sales or service, will be able to answer customer questions that relate not only to organizational issues. The client will see that the staff is involved in the topic as well as he is.3)Virtual classroomsCreate hotel rooms in virtual reality so that potential buyers can view and evaluate the hotel environment.This will allow consumers to get acquainted in more detail with the features of the hotel, its content.

1) ROIThis will help determine the usefulness of certain investments in hotel advertising, and will clearly show how each advertisement works in terms of specific indicators.With the help of ROI, we will evaluate the promotion on three levels:1) which advertising campaign made a profit;2) which of the advertising channels pays off;3) the overall results of all marketing activities.Based on the results of the ROI calculation, you can scale the best campaigns and abandon those that do not bring results, as well as understand why certain advertising did not pay off. 2)Product demosPrepare a presentation and conduct a demonstration of the hotel, where it will be told about its purpose, functionality, target audience and value for it.This will allow the potential client to get a general idea of the project and understand how he can apply it to his goals

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