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Power distance is a cultural scale proposed by GEERT HOFSTEDE to measure the inequality of power distribution in social recognition institutions and organizations. It refers to the inequality of social status among people, and is a common phenomenon in various social and cultural groups.
Prepared by GroupA
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What power distance means ?

High Vs. Low power distance

Different influences in the business world

High power distance

Low power distance


1.Hofstede, G. (n.d.). Dimension data matrix. Retrieved from https://geerthofstede.com/research-and-vsm/dimension-data-matrix/. 2.https://classroom.synonym.com/effects-studentteacher-ratios-5576.html The Effects of Student-Teacher Ratios | SynonymIf you've ever tried to command the attention of more than a handful of youngsters -- or, let's face it, adults -- it's not hard to see why low...Synonym3.https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Characteristics-of-Low-and-High-Power-Distance-Groups_tbl1_280240433 4.https://study.com/academy/lesson/hofstedes-power-distance-definition-examples-quiz.html


Prepared by GroupA

Li Ziyue A184913 Zhang Zichuang A184910 WEI TONG A190879 MA Jiarou A184912


Power distance is a cultural scale proposed by GEERT HOFSTEDE to measure the inequality of power distribution in social recognition institutions and organizations. It refers to the inequality of social status among people, and is a common phenomenon in various social and cultural groups.



Power distance is often associated with the degree of centralization, leadership and decision-making in organizational management. In an organization with a High power distance, subordinates tend to rely on their leaders. In this case, managers often adopt a centralized decision-making mode. Managers make decisions, and subordinates accept and implement them. However, in organizations with Low power distance, there is only a low power gap between managers and subordinates, and subordinates are widely involved in decisions that affect their work behavior.

High power distance 1. Prefer autocracies or majority rule 2. Rarely close/personal 3. Less innovative climate 4. Less sharing ideas

Low power distance 1. Democracy and equality 2. Accept question authority 3. Low emotional distance 4. Share tasks and responsibilities 5. Higher innovation climate

High Power Distance Group

  • Autocratic Bosses
  • Considerable dependence on bosses
  • Centralization of responsibilities
  • Inequality among workers
  • More classes among workers
  • Subordinates expect to be told what to do

Low Power Distance Group

  • Democratic Bosses
  • Limited dependence on bosses.
  • Decentralization of responsibilities
  • Equality among workers
  • Less classes among workers
  • Subordinates expect to be consulted

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