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Name: Hamid hassan 
ID: ee01082841
Scrapbook journal
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Name: Hamid hassan ID: ee01082841

Scrapbook journal

Page A-F \\ Sub-Topic Chapter 5

Page 6-10 \\ Sub-Topic Chapter 4

Page 1-5 \\ Sub-Topic Chapter 3

Table Of Content

The formation of ethics and civilization in a diverse society

Improvement of life quality and life span A community built on the foundation of ethics and civilization is much likely to have a quality health system. Hence, life span and quality is improved.

Community settlement Settlement is a place where people live. A human population who have developed a long-term community in a specific area.

Religion and beliefs Religious beliefs and practice contribute substantially to the formation of personal moral criteria and sound moral judgemnt. Malay is a diverse country and thus many religions are practiced.

Similar languages with distinctive writing system Three main huge ethnicity groups live in malaysia which are the Chinese, Indians and Malay. Each group has different language and these language have different way of writing. However, they all share the same malay language since its the country's official language.

Organizational systems & social institutions Social institution is an interrelated system of social roles and social norms, organized around the satisfaction of an important social function. Organizational system allows groups to work together within their individual functions to manage tasks

An organized legal system, a system of values and morals A legal system refers to the legal regime of the country. It provides insitutions, principles, rules and methods to regulate the relationship between law and society. Thus, the legal system enforces the law and ensures the rights of the citizens are expressed and practiced. Thus, a legal system is fair because of the values, principles and morals that it aquires. In malaysian legal system, there is the written law and the inwritten law but the written law is most vital. It consists of the federal constitution, state constitution, legislation and subsidiary legislation.

The birth and development of creativity Creativity is a necessity anytime the rules are not sufficent to acheive a desirable outcome. It also plays a major role in cultural evolution and innovation. This social process allows individuals to develop skills like analysis thinking, critical thinking and problem solving.

Design power in technology and construction creation Power in technology approaches are being seen as a way for individuals to innovate and become more knowledgable. It is the practical application of scientific knowledge and use of devices to improve human performance. Construction creation provides a framwork for understanding the constructed worlds that people inhabit

Three layers of unity

Malaysia was initially built on the principle of union. The term union implies that states or regions are united together. However, that union was demolished in 1969 due to riots from different ethnic groups who believed they were treated unfairly in terms of economy and power. Later on the term unity was introduced and used rather than union. The term unity implies that not only the nation is united but also the people are united. Given the fact that malaysia is a multi-ethnic country, such term would allow people to work towards a common goal that is the unity of malaysia regardless of their internal identity.

Cohesion is the process to achieve peaceful, stable and prosperous conditions. This can be achieved by confronting the social deficits that exist. Such social deficits can be found in language, federalism politic, ethnicity and religion. For example, allowing ethnic faction to freely exercise their right to speak in their native tongue, however, the official language of the country is Malay. It is also vital that Malay language is spoken and taught to every individual with Malaysian citizenship. Moreover, social cohesion refers to the strenght of relationships and the sense of solidarity among memebrs of the community. To be socially cohesive is to have a sense of belongingness and build healthy relationships with community members regardless of their ethnicity.

Integration is a continous effort at all levels of society to reslove the social deficit embodied in the site of integration principles based on bargaining, negotiation and mediation. Moreover, it is a dynamic process of mutual engagement that facilitates effective participation by all members of a diverse society in economy, political, social and cultural life. Thus, fostering a shared sense of belonging at national and local levels. The integration platform provides a space and a meeting point between strategic groups in Malaysia, in which important matters can be discussed


These three layers work together to ensure that the enviroment around an individual is friendly, supportive and safe. Malaysians will come to recongnize each other as one, and accepting their cultural differences, also their internal ethnic identity rather than refrain from them. In addition, this process eliminated the root of racism, unlike other multi-ethnic countries.

Social history of the influence of world civilization in nation building

The development of Malay world history goes back to the pre-historic era which then evolved through proto-historical age, historical age and modern history. Pre-historic era is a time before the records of human activity were documented, it consists of paleolithic, mesolithic, neolithic, bronze and metal age. Proto-historical age is a time of the early existance of ancient kingdoms like 'Old Kedah'. Historical age in Malay world was the focal point to which a nation was built and thrived in the modern world. Moreover, it was the beginning of the formation of a diverse society since the arrival of chinese and indian traders. Also, the advent of colonial power (Dutch, Portugese, British).

Civilization from the middle east had a huge influence in terms of religion. It contributed in art, islam, sunnah, language, customs and culture. Soon was followed by the western colonization that also brought a more complex interaction and civilization networking. Western countries that have colonized Malaysia are Portugal, Dutch and British.

The Malaysian modern civilization is a product of various civilizations that have influenced the Malay world immensely. Initially, the migration of Chinese and Indians to Malay who brought a broader interaction and civilization networking. The Chinese contributed in philosophy, paper and Chinese Peranakan. The Indians contributed in architecture, sanskrit, social structure and Indian Peranakan.

Modern History is a time after the independance of the country in 1957 and the unification of Malaysia.

British colonization had brought more foreign workers from India and China that strengthened the Indian and Chinese civilization in Malay. Thus, the formation of plural civilization is the combination of several civilizations that form a civilization embedded with Malaysian identity. As of today, the globalization era has caused a mixture of various civilization without borders through complex digital networks.

The era of 'Borderless World' made the interaction and networking of civilization across continents possible through modernization and development. Moreover, the development of information and communication technology is a major impact on borderless civilization, such as smartphones, internet and computers. Also, social media platforms allowed people to interact and learn new cultures. Global civilization contributes in politic, economy, socio-culture and enhancement of knowledge and thought.

In conclusion, development led to social change and social transformation led to social complexity. Subsistent to commercial-industrial agriculture; poverty to middle class; rural to cosmopolitan; sharing universal values and thin ethnic boundaries.

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