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Tuesday November, 22
LEPEL Loréna 1ereG1 . 
Jeffrey Dahmer: 
The controversial Netflix series
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Tuesday November, 22

LEPEL Loréna 1ereG1 .

Jeffrey Dahmer: The controversial Netflix series



"recreating my cousin having an emotional breakdown in court in the face of the man who tortured and murdered her brother is WILD. WIIIIIILD".


“When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself — when I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said […] It brought back all the emotions I was feeling back then […] They didn't ask me anything. They just did it.”

"I don't know if 'liking' the series is the right word, as it's pretty unsettling to watch, but I do think it's well-acted by everyone involved, and the show does do a lot of work to maintain the focus is on the victims, the ineptitude of the police and the damage that Dahmer left in his wake.""

Guardian's Stuart Heritage

"Almost unwachtchably queasy"

Forbes Paul Tassi

What did eBay do as a result of the controversy?

What object that belonged to the killer was sold for 150 000$?

Did Netflix respond to the critic?

Who is Rita Isbell?





In what year was Jeffrey convicted?



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