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The mummification
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The mummification

6. Questions.

5. Steps of the mummification.

4. Egypt.

3. Mummification in different cultures.

2. Its types.

1. Funeral rites.


Know and understand more about the Ancient cultures

Learn more about the funeral rites and the mummification.


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  • Structured ceremony
  • Socially-acceptable way for members of a community to re-affirm and express their social attachments.
  • Rite of passage (anthropologists)
  • Traditional ceremonies associated in connection with burial or cremation.
  • Vary across religious groups often with a specific set of rules for what to do.

What are the funeral rites?

Before dawn a day after the death, the ekphora would take place until the body get to the final place

Get the body to the underworld as quickly as possible

Different types of Funeral rites


It was anointed in oil and wrapped in a shroud, and a coin was placed under the tongue

It was burned on a pyre at a sacred site with everything they might need to meet the gods. The ashes were collected.

One of their heirs would preside with the priest over the preparation of the body for cremation.

Different types of Funeral rites


Included anointment with oils, incense, and water from the sacred Ganges River as well as chanting mantras over the body.

The rites performed depended on the manner of death

A person wasn’t truly dead unless they were forgotten or somehow rendered irrelevant

Four days for the soul to ascend to happiness

Different types of Funeral rites


Central America was dominated by the Maya and Aztec (similar to the Egyptians) cultures and their precursors

Numerous ceremonies to ensure a good place in the afterlife

The important thing was to make sure the spirits of the dead were happy.

The body would be bathed and placed in a coffin with flowers and burial items, waiting for cremation

Different types of Funeral rites

East And Southeast Asia

As soon as possible (like the Hindus

In Japan, bodies were placed in barrels or clay pots and buried. However, Japan is an island nation, so funeral processions often carried the deceased on a cart shaped like a boat.

China had a lot of elaborate rituals as it was believed in Confucianism that children owed a duty to their parents and that the dead could still influence the living

Different types of Funeral rites

East And Southeast Asia

Mummification in different cultures

Objective: religion and afterlife beliefsIncas:

  • They took off the intestines and were covered with a balm (menthol, salt, tannin, alkaloids, saponins and resins).
  • Living person: maintain cosmic order, get good harvests and good fertility of the cattle
  • Process: placed with their knees under their chin.

Andean Bolivia:

  • Beliefs: 7 souls going to different parts
  • One souls goes stays on the skull
  • The Day of the Skulls or "Fiesta de las Ñatitas": skulls with flowers, glasses, hats and holes covered with cotton
  • "It is not a cult of death but a cult of life"

Mummification in different cultureS

Canary Islands The berbers where the first settlers of the Canary Islands.

  • From North Africa.
  • The Guanches mummified their dead using sophisticated techniques.
  • Mummy from Barranco de Herques

Mummification in different cultures

Asia Tarim mummies were discovered in the Tarim River basin in northwest China

  • The mummies stood out because of their costumes
  • They were naturally mummified
  • Highlights The Princess of Xiaohe

Mummification in different cultures

If the heart was removed replaced by a scarab-heart. If the mummy belonged to a pharaoh the mask could even be made of gold. Finally, the body was introduced in sarcophagi.



Mystical and superstitious character. Consited on 70 days. Large amount of water needed. A jackal mask representing the God Anubis.

Drying the body out.

Washing the deceased body

Bandage the corpse.


Extraction of the organs.

  1. What do you think about the ceremony judgement of the feather and the heart? Do you think is fair?
  2. Which method/process would you prefer to use after death?


Naiara carrilloaina torres claudia garcía rocío SÁNCHEZ amalia fernández alejandra garcía


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