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Humblet Thomas Jacquemart Lise Santapau Jeanne


Project - Part 2




Description of the potentially valuable product, process or service (PPS).


Description of the deliverable targeted at the end of the research.


State of the art.


State of the art on the innovative topics brought into the project.


General framework.



Table of contents

Trichoderma harzianum, for the development of a new biopesticide to optimise the conservation of apples.

State of the art

Pesticides = phytosanatary products :

  • Protect and control plants
  • Destroy or render harmless ognasisms concidered as harmful
Most common = herbicides, insecticides and fungicides -> against unwanted weeds, insect pests and fungal diseases

Agriculture :

  • Most important activities for humans
  • Provides food for the ever-growing human population
Losing it -> disaster

A) Introduction

1) State of the art

Focus on the storage of fruits -> Wound diseas can occur (rot) -> develops rapidly (1 months) and can, by contact, generate rotting points on healthy fruit. -> caused by fungi (main cause of post-harvest losses in fruit and vegetables.) On apples, the main losses are caused by moulds such as Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium expansum and Mucor spp. To limit food losses/damage/environmental impact of pesticides, it is necessary to limit or even completely eliminate them.tae.

A) Introduction

1) State of the art

2) The second group can penetrate the fruit through the lenticels. The development of the rot occurs during the storage phase.

Different fungi are involved in post-harvest fruit degradation. 1) The first group infects the fruit via wounds that may be caused by unfavourable weather conditions before the harvest (hail, strong wind) or during handling,picking, transport or sorting.

1) State of the art

B) Characteristics of pathogens

The main post-harvest pathogens of apples are the following fungi :

-> soft and liquid rots on various fruits and vegetables as well as black mould

Rhizopus nigricans

-> grey mould affects over 1400 plant species.

Botrytis Cinerea

-> Blue mold. -> It is considered the most important decay pathogen on stored apples.

Penicillium expansum

B) Characteristics of pathogens

1) State of the art

In order to eliminate these pathogens some solutions are already in place, chemical pesticides :

-> fungicide that acts non-systemic, mainly used in plants, but can also be used on fruit.


-> fungicides, including cyproconazole, epoxiconazole and prothioconazole


-> Fungicide mainly used for small fruits, fruit trees and greenhouse crops


C) Existing chemical pesticides and their limitations

1) State of the art

European legislation -> reducing pesticide on the marketChemical pesticide -> toxic to human World health organization -> one million chemical pesticid poisonings each year

Chemical pesticide = Problem ->negative environmental consequences -> need for more sustainable solution

C) Existing chemical pesticides and their limitations

1) State of the art

Bacillus thuringiensis

D) Biopesticides

1) State of the art

- Competition and induction of systemic resistance

4. Other mechanisms

- Peroxidases

3. Production of enzymes

2.Production of volatile organic compounds + proteine

- Antimicrobial molecules (lipopeptide) - Siderophores

1. Production of diffusible molecules

State of the art on the innovative topics brought into the project.

-> Most common adjuvant for apple storage -> Calcium ions influence the softening of apple -> Pectin : -> Ca2+ : ability to bind pectin molecules -> Softening of apple : lack of calcium ions but also loss of water during storage (turgenscence and modification in the 3D structure of the apple tissue as Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium expansum and Mucor

A) Calcium as adjuvant

2) State of the art

B) Trichoderma Harzianum

2) State of the art

- Ability to reduce the incidence of diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi - Capable of infecting plants

Biological control agent

- Fungicide application

Production of antibiotic compounds

- mycoparasitism, antibiosis, competition, and systemic resistance induction

Mode of action

C) Inverse Emulsifier

Inverse emulsifier

Component: -sterile distilled water -glycerine -water-soluble wax or Dehymuls KR -Tween 20 - a mixture of 19.00% coconut oil + 28.50% soybean oil --> Introduction of T.harzianum during its preparation. ( from a 10-day culture of the fungus on oatmeal agar plates )

2) State of the art

General framework.

- Protection period against undesirable organisms: two and a half months, under very specific temperature conditions

3) General Framework

- Improvment of the efficacity of the biopesticide

Batta research

- Attractive product for customer -Chemical

Pesticide production


- Harmful for humans + environment - European legislation --> laws - Limit: lack of research

Biopesticide production

- Conditions optimal

Black, bitter rot


+ info

Conclusion: - Inverse emulsion - Reduce the development of moulds - Compatible with the atmospheric condition

Biopesticide with Trichoderma Harzianum - Lack of research on its limitations as a fungicide

4) Objective

4) Objective

Test the temperature during storage --> determine the real condition of effectiveness of T.Harzianum. (with CaCl2)

A study on apples to have as similar as possible the same conditions and moulds

Test the temperature

Test the effect of CaCl2


Bring into contact our biopesticide and moulds with/without CaCl2

Description of the deliverable targeted at the end of the research.

For example :

If an increase in the size of the mold occurs -> Preferable to know the reasons for this phenomenon before marketing. -> Research = if it is possible to change storage conditions or improve the biopesticide so that it resumes its role as a fungicide.

Conclude and gather information about the functioning of the biopesticide and how it reacts to the change of temperature.

Description of the deliverable targeted at the end of the research.

The experiments previously mentioned will allow us to observe their variation in size with the temperature. -> temperature = when the mold can develop despite the biopesticide. -> temperature = where our biopesticide is most effective taking into account the different types of molds.

At the end of this project -> table containing the impact of the biopesticide on different molds -> in several storage conditions + one adjuvant

Calcium chloride

The limits

The effect of this molecule will be studied on our biopesticide. ->Necessary for the good storage of apples + allows a better conservation. -> If deleterious effect = Trichoderma Harzianum it is important to note it and that there is a research to replace it.

Generally = stored at 3 to 6°C. BUT, we do not know if the biopesticide works at this t° and also by varying it. -> define the optimal temperature = the molds will not grow + the limits of the biopesticide.

To conclude ...

5) Description of the deliverable targeted at the end of the research.

To conlude ...

5) Description of the deliverable targeted at the end of the research.

In a general way, this project will give a list of the multiple behaviors of the biopesticide in front of different conditions of storage of apples in the presence of Trichoderma Harzianum. -> We will have clues on the optimal conditions to store them. ->If the biopesticide is ineffective in some cases = take measures to store the apples correctly OR research to see what could be added to the biopesticide if we absolutely want to store at a certain temperature. In conclusion, for all these reasons, this project will allow to optimize the biopesticide.

Description of the potentially valuable product, process or service

The companies would also benefit from the information related to the studied adjuvant. They could then choose to keep it or not, or to replace it by another substance.

6) Description of the potentially valuable product, process or service

The information and results = will be of interest of companies in different ways. First of all, since we will provide a list with the behavior of the biopesticide at different temperatures. ->Companies choose the optimal storage temperature for apples. BUT, each temperature requires different means to reach it. From a quality-price point of view, our research = interesting to have a compromise between the temperature - energy /growing of the mold. The companies could benefit from several advantages:
  • the optimization of the storage of apples by maintaining the optimal temperature wich the fungus faces the mold,
  • having a less polluting approach, more concerned about the environment,
  • using the least energy possible for storage or avoiding chemical pesticides
  • reducing the costs related to the storage of apples by choosing the conditions of profitable storage compared to the behavior of biopesticide
To conlude ...

In conclusion, our study will allow companies :

  • to optimize their apple storage.
  • to lose less money and to have an environmental and more ecological approach.
->This is more and more sought after by today's consumers.

6) Description of the potentially valuable product, process or service


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