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Peabody LaunchPad
Created on November 4, 2022
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Performing Arts Unions
Arts in Healthcare
Arts Management & Entrepreneurship
Musicology/ Music Theory
Arts Advocacy
Community Engagement
Military Band
Church & Sacred Music
Chamber Music
International/ Underrepresented Artists
...or an Interest
...an Ensemble...
Music for New Media/ Computer Music
Recording Arts
Historical Performance
Places to Perform in Baltimore
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Explore Career Paths
Societies, Associations, and Guilds
From MusiciansWay.com
Resources for Brass Musicians
InterNational Women's Brass Conference
InterNational Tuba Euphonium Association
InterNational Trumpet Guild
InterNational Trombone Association
InterNational Horn Society
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Score and Media Database
Online Magazine
New Music USA
Opportunity Databases:
Local Presenter
What are PRO's?
PRO's are the entities which distribute royalties to composers
Non-Profit Publisher of 20th Century and Contemporary Scores
Orchestra Call for Scores
New Music USA
Careers in Composition
Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States
National Association of Composers/USA
Society of Composers
The Composer's Site
Baltimore Composers Forum
American Composers Orchestra
American Composers Forum
New Music USA Online Library
New Music Box
American Composers Alliance
Performing Rights Organizations
Resources Curated by LaunchPad
Commissioning Music
From the Catholic University of America
Composition Resources
Commissioning Rates
From Composition.org
From GALA Choruses
Commissioning New Works
From ComposerInklings.com
Components of a Commission Contract
Composing Music for Dance
From New Music USA
Commissioning Fees Calculator
Commissioning Music: A Basic Guide
Commissioning Music
Workshops and Festivals for Composers
Composing for Film and Media
Sample Composer Websites
Composer Case Studies and Professional Guides
Funding Resources for Composers
Also see our Opportunities Page
Resources for Composers Curated by LAUNCHPad
Score Preparation Guidelines David Dzubay on preparing scores (e.g., never use landscape orientation). Music Preparation Guidelines for Orchestral Music Valuable info from the Major Orchestra Librarians Association. More Tips for Composers Kenneth Woods on working with orchestras and conductors.
Score Calls and Competitions Composer Dan Lis gives an overview and advice for entering score calls and competitions. Hilary Hahn’s Encore Contest Hahn talks about her contest and judging process. Eric Whitacre on Competitions Sage advice and helpful case examples. Search for competitions viaLAUNCHPad's Competitions Search Page.
Presenting Your Work Professionally
Advice to Composers Just Starting Out New-music flutist Meerenai Shim on how composers can reach out to performers. Includes a sample first-contact email. John Mackey on Self-Publishing The benefits and pitfalls of self-publishing. The Future of the Recording Industry 2010 Interview in the Washington Post with Klaus Heymann, Founder of Naxos. The Muse that Sings Book containing interviews with prominent American composers about their creative processes and careers. By Anne McCutchan (Oxford, 2003). Randy Gibson Abandoned academia and went to private composition study in New York with La Monte Young, which helped him find his voice as a composer. Typical Composition Career Options A list with concise descriptions published by the Composition Department at the Catholic University of America. Annie Gosfield’s Advice to Young Composers Broadly applicable insights and examples. Dealing With Disappointment Composer and producer Randy Hoexter talks about handling career setbacks. New Music Map Interactive map shows connections among contemporary composers, grouping them into hubs based on style.
The Composer’s Guide to Doing Business Dennis Tobenski on promotion, working with ensembles, earning passive income from sales and royalties, and more. Collaboration and the Composer: Case Studies from the End of the 20th Century Profiles of working composers; emphasizes the importance of collaboration and wearing multiple hats. Commissioning Music: A Basic Guide Geared to those who commission composers, but provides helpful fee structures. Also see Sample Contracts via GALA Choruses and “Components of a Commission Contract” by Stacy Garrop. Art and Democracy: The NEA, Kickstarter, and Creativity in America Ian David Moss examines the Kickstarter phenomenon and its role in funding new music projects. Artist Revenue Streams Revenue streams for diverse musicians, including different types of composers. Also interviews and case studies. Hi, I’m Adam Schoenberg Edna Landau writes on MusicalAmerica.com about how Adam gained opportunities through networking. Kickstarter Budgeting and Planning Kevin Clark offers spreadsheets & tips. Articles by David Smooke Composer and Peabody faculty member writes broadly on NewMusicBox.org about the practice of being a professional composer. The Entrepreneurial Symphony Composer Jeff Nytch on the genesis, funding, and premiere of his first symphony.
Getting Your Music Out There
The Business of Being a Composer
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Case Studies and Professional Guides for Composers
Eligibility: Maryland resident who is not a student. Work samples must be < 3 years old.
New Music USA: Music Alive
Description: Funding to support “composer-in-residence positions with orchestral ensembles.” See site for details.
More Listings of Funding Resources
The Musician's Way Resources for Grantseekers. Links to grant directories, community foundation locators, grant-writing tutorials, and more. New York Foundation for the Arts Source. Click “discipline”; then, in the discipline dropdown select “Music”; choose subdiscipline “Music, All”; choose secondary discipline “Composers.” For listings of artist residency programs, see the resources on the LAUNCHPad Search for jobs page.
Description: Provides funding for prominent composers to create new works. Eligibility: American or Canadian composers
Guggenheim Foundation Grants
Eligibility: Ensembles: based in the US, committed to contemporary and/or world music, CMA members. Composers: US citizens or permanent residents. Works previously written or for multimedia not eligible.
Chamber Music America: Classical Commissioning Program
Description: Grants offered for different artistic disciplines on a 3-year rotation; composition is included in two of those years.
Description: Commissions approximately 12 composers annually via competitive application; sponsors new music concerts.
Description: Offsets costs associated with creating, recording, commissioning, performing, and presenting new music. Also supports community engagement.
Description: Funds for reputable chamber groups and orchestras with histories for performing new music to commission works.
Description: Funding for workshops and commissions.Eligibility: Composers or performers in collaboration with composers.
Eligibility: Emerging composers living in New York City or Minnesota who collaborate with an ensemble or a venue to present their work.
Description: Approx. 10 programs that support composers and fund community outreach. Many awards limited to composers residing in Minnesota.
Description: Three grant programs to support contemporary American music: funds to record, perform, and facilitate presentation.
New Music USA Project Grants
MD State Arts Council: Individual Artist Award
Koussevitzsky Foundation Grants
Composers and Schools in Concert Grants
Fromm Music Foundation
Jerome Fund for New Music
American Composers Forum
Aaron Copland Fund for Music
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Selected Funding Resources for Composers
Timo Andres Simple, minimalist design. Highlights his piano skills. Works page includes descriptions of each piece. Alex Temple Clean and navigable. Music page includes custom logos. Doesn’t categorize compositions by instrumentation/type, which suits her style. Lack of social media links.
Richard Johnson Effectively communicates his philosophy and aesthetic. Jennifer Jolley Project descriptions well-integrated with her blog; engaging bio. Audio and video links go off-site, which isn’t as desirable as posting them on-site.
Nico Muhly Spirited and navigable. Homepage blog incorporates posts on diverse issues. Discography includes photos and links for easy purchase/download, but score rental/purchase info is hard to find because it’s on the Contact page. Missy Mazzoli Clear and navigable layout. Links to publisher, rentals, and personal contact provided at the bottom of each page. Kevin Puts Easy to navigate from side menu; links to spin-off sites for individual major works, score purchase, social media. Well-organized works list. Sarah Kirkland Snider Functional site with ample multimedia examples and links to projects and CD releases.
Mason Bates Eye-catching, content-rich, compelling home page with social media connectivity. Music page has lots of information about individual pieces. Philip Glass The site mirrors Glass’s minimalist style, with a comprehensive calendar and a Music page that cross-references his compositions and recordings. Libby Larsen A well-organized site that enables visitors to purchase and download large portions of her catalog as PDFs. Unfortunately, score previews aren’t provided. David Little Appealing format and design with links to works and projects. Homepage incorporates news and upcoming events. Ability to add his events to your Google Calendar.
Rising Composers
Established Composers
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Sample Composer Websites
Things to consider when scoring for games, part 1 , part 2 – Video game composer Kole Hicks on scoring for games, adjusting workflow for technical constraints, and meeting client needs. How to Get Your First Job Scoring for Games – Leon Willett shares his experiences breaking into the game scoring business and provides career-launching tips. A Primer on Creating Interactive Music for Games – This article explores game music elements such as themes, sound-effects, and context-specific “stingers” as well as modular design. Video Games are the New Best Way to Make a Living Composing Music – A profile of video game composer Danny Baranowsky.
Scoring for Film and TV FAQ – Film composer Ned Bouhalassa addresses business issues, mixing, sampling, and more. Daily Film Scoring Bits – Film Composer Robin Hoffmann provides snippets of advice on orchestration, cue design, the film business, and much more. Berklee School of Music Online Media Scoring Courses – Scoring film, TV, and video games. Media Music Guide – Pete Thomas’ multi-part guide to being a media composer.
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Composing for Film and Media
Mentorship program, workshops, conferences, and conducting opportunities database
Event listing, repertoire lists, and various other resources
Committees and conferences
National and regional conferences, academic journals, repertoire lists, and various other resources
College Band Directors National Association
American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
InterNational Conductors Guild
List of Conducting MasterClasses
College Orchestra Directors Association
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
From dance&education.com
Weekly publication also hosting a database of opportunities
Philadelphia Dance
Ohio Dance
Dance New Jersey
Professional Training Opportunities
Education Resources
Dancing Opportunities
Dance Informa Magazine
From Ohio Dance
Dance Education Resources
From ImPulsTanz
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Calendar of concerts and masterclasses, competitions, and venue listings
Online forum, articles, and conferences
Hosts an annual convention, holds several competitions, a magazine, and resources for teachers and students
From MusiciansWay.com
Guitar Resources
Baltimore Classical Guitar Society
European Guitar Teachers Association
Guitar Foundation of America
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Calendar of events, podcast, online forums, competitions, and job openings
Committees and listings of international harp associations
Educational and grant programs, competitions, conference, and regional event listings
Harp Resources
World Harp Congress
American Harp Society
From MusiciansWay.com
Harp Column
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
News and web links
Research database at George Washington's Mount Vernon Library
Educational resources, grants, and an annual conference
Event listings, journal, articles, and educational resources
Educational programs, scholarships and grants, magazines, and other resources
Annual meetings, newsletter, journal, and other resources
Events calendar, newsletter, and other resources
Educational resources, scholarships and awards, podcast, and annual summit
Online Resources for Music Scholars
Viola Da Gamba Society of America
Society for Seventeenth Century Music
The Colonial Music Institute
Lute Society of America
Gotham Early Music Scene
Early Music America
American Recorder Society
Compiled by the Harvard Library
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Historical Performance
Calendar, blog, venue list, and cyber-union
Radio/podcast, album reviews, and articles
Jazz calendar, map, conference, and educational programs
DC based organization with a calendar of events, educational opportunities, and a blog
From the National Association for Music Education
How to Upload Events
Jazz Corner Portal to Jazz Websites
Jazz Near You Listing Service
Jazz Resources
Jazz Education Resources
DC Jazz
Baltimore Jazz
all About Jazz
Capital Bop
From MusiciansWay.com
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
How to Submit Works
This collection of media composer work samples can be sorted by genre, mood, etc for folks who may be looking for a composer to hire. Any Peabody student can host work here for 3 years after graduation. And each track can be embedded directly to other websites!
AFL Music for New Media Library
Perspective: A Forum for Film, TV & Media Composers
Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States
International Computer Music Association
North American Conference on Video Game Music
Resources curated by LAUNCHPad
Music for New Media
Computer Music
MIDI Association
Max Software Tools for Media
Composing for Film and Media
Baltimore Chapter
International Game Developers Association
Game Audio Network Guild
Association for Electronic Music
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Music for New Media/Computer Music
Annual meeting, workshops, event listing, grants and awards, publications, jobs board, and other resources
Career services, workshops, online forums, annual meetings, and a newsletter
Calendar of events, annual meetings, grants and awards, journals, a newsletter, and other resources
Research database at George Washington's Mount Vernon Library
American Musicological Society
The Colonial Music Institute
Regional Music Theory Societies
Resources curated by LAUNCHPad
Music Theory
Music Library Association
Society for Music Theory
Music Theory & Aural Skills Pedagogy Resources
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Musicology/Music Theory
MusicTheory.net Exercises, chord calculators, and more. Teoría Interactive chord-building and ear-training exercises. Dolmetsch Online Directory of theory and ear training resources for students. Theta Music Trainer Ear training games. The Musical Mind Ear training exercises, including solfège, dictation, and chord identification. EarBeater Customizable ear training exercises .
Practice Tools for Students
Contextual Ear Training Paula Telesco provides some best practices for teaching aural skills. The Cognitive Pedagogy of Aural Training Short paper by Orlando Musumeci on how psychology affects aural training. Also a bibliography. Teaching Aural Skills to High School Students Ideas for teaching various aural skills.
Music Theory Pedagogy Online Sample analyses, articles, bibliographies, and guides to pedagogy. Jacobs School of Music – Selected Music Theory Pedagogy Bibliography Comprehensive list of pedagogy books organized by topic. San Francisco Conservatory of Music – Theory Department A treasure trove of materials, resources, assignments, and syllabi. MusicTheoryExamples.com "A collection of scores and sound files." AP Music Theory Teacher's Guide Guide for teachers who are preparing students for the AP Music Theory test. Includes sample syllabi, exercises, and assignments. ChoraleGuide Guide to part-writing with formulas and mnemonic devices. Harmonia Free software that analyzes student chorales and generates practice sheets for analysis. Also a fully-analyzed set of Bach chorales. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier Analysis, scores, audio. SchenkerGUIDE Presentations, exercises, and bibliographies for teachers of Schenkerian Analysis.
Aural Skills
Music Theory
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Music Theory & Aural Skills Pedagogy Resources
Annual convention, scholarships, calendar of events, and publications
Event listing, journal, forum, and other resources
Placement services for registered members
Educational opportunities, calendar of events, national and regional conferences, newsletter, webinars, and job listings
Tips for Singers Seeking Work in Religious Organizations
The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
National Association of Pastoral Musicians
Presbyterian Association of Musicians
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Job board and annual conference
Ideas for organists Seeking Employment in Religious institutions
Church Music Association of America
The Cantors Assembly
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Selected US Churches that Present Organ Concerts
Selected MD/DC AreaChurches that Hire Musicians
American Guild of Organists
Washington National Cathedral Organ Recitals
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Church & Sacred Music
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Press the button in the top left corner of the map to see the categories menu (this map is organized by US region). Each location can be clicked on to reveal contact info for the venue.
Selected US Churches that Present Organ Concerts
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Information about Christian and Jewish Denominations
- Common Psalms: 23, 33, 42, 112, 116, 128, 130, 143, 148
- Seasonal Psalms
Acting as Cantor
Singing leaders, frequently termed Cantors, often perform psalms as soloists. Psalm texts are similar among different religious organizations, but musical settings vary.
Rehearsal Practices
Preparation: All music should be performance-ready at the first rehearsal. Bring pencils and water to every rehearsal. Respect: Demonstrate respect for the practices and faith of a religious organization regardless of your own beliefs. Leadership: Section leaders should be able to coach their sections and respond to singer questions.
Etiquette: Standard professional audition etiquette applies (see: Audition Tips). Repertoire: Bring thoroughly learned, appropriate material. Art and sacred songs preferred. Attire: Dress professionally; show music directors you would represent their organizations well. Vocalizing: Be prepared to sing an exercise that demonstrates your range. Sight-reading: Jobs are frequently won by the strongest sight-readers. Expect to sight-read both accompanied and unaccompanied excerpts. Attitude: Be pleasant and respectful; show that you’d be a good ambassador for the organization. Schedule: Come with your schedule in hand. Music directors often need to book singers months in advance for special events such as weddings, evensongs, and holiday services. Liturgy: Familiarize yourself with the liturgy and order of service of the organization before you audition (see below for information about different liturgies).
Tips for Singers Seeking Work in Religious Organizations
The Audition
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
- Guide to Synagogue Worship
- Reform Prayers for Shabbat Service
Common Types of Jewish Synagogues: Outline of the Jewish Holidays Jewish Liturgy (General) Reform Jewish Liturgy A History of the Jewish Liturgy
- Cantor Recordings
- Byzantine Catholic Lectionary (Readings)
- Orthodox Lectionary (Readings)
Less Common Christian Churches in the Baltimore Region: Byzantine Catholic Liturgy (Eastern Orthodox) Orthodox Liturgy (Russian Orthodox)
- The Baptist Hymnal (1991)
- Lectionary (Readings)
- Hymn Database
- Lectionary (Readings)
- MIDI recordings of the 1982 Hymnal
- Revised Common Lectionary (Readings)
- Midi Recordings of the Lutheran Hymnal
- More detail including scriptural references
- Revised Common Lectionary (Readings)
- Midi Recordings of the 1989 Hymnal – Some sheet music included
- Revised Common Lectionary (Readings)
- Further Explanation
- Book of Common Worship
- Excerpts from the Presbyterian Hymnal – Some sheet music included
- Revised Common Lectionary (Readings)
- Revised Common Lectionary (Readings)
Common Types of Liturgical Christian Churches:Baptist Liturgy Catholic Liturgy (Roman Catholic) Episcopalian Liturgy (Begins on page 355) Lutheran Liturgy (including Communion) Methodist Liturgy (Selection begins page 18) Presbyterian Liturgy Reform Church Liturgy
Outline of the Christian Liturgical Year
Information about Christian and Jewish Denominations
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Press the button in the top left corner of the map to see the categories menu (this map is organized location within the Baltimore area). Each location can be clicked on to reveal contact info for the venue.
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Selected MD/DC Area Churches that Hire Musicians
Resources for percussion education
Mallet percussion restoration, tuning, and repair
Fall Creek Marimbas
Info, pointers, and life hacks to achieve practice room breakthroughs
How to win orchestral auditions
From Rob Knopper
Percussion Pal
By Western Michigan University's Irving S. Gilmore School of Music
Spring Conference on Wind and Percussion Music
Mid-Atlantic Percussion Society
Seattle World Percussion Society
Resources for Percussionists
Percussive Arts Society
Compiled by MusiciansWay.com
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Compiled at MusiciansWay.com
By Gerald Klickstein
By Gerald Klickstein
Don't Be A White Egg
3 Traits of Successful Concert Programs
Sample Solo Piano Recital Programs
Church & Sacred music
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Baltimore Area Vocal Accompanists Facebook Group
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Tips for Aspiring Collaborative Pianists
Piano Technicians Guild
Resources for Pianists
Collaborative Piano
Other Resources
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Press the button in the top left corner of the map to see the categories menu (this map is organized into Concert Series, Performance Venues, Jazz Clubs, Restaurants & Cafes, Retirement Communities/Senior Centers, Part-Time Orchestras, Opera Companies, Choruses, Medical Institutions, and Religious Institutions). Each location can be clicked on to reveal contact info for the venue.
Places to Perform in the MD/DC Area
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Playing for choir or opera rehearsals Vocal Open-Score Reading by Billie Whittaker Opera Guidelines - A Few Tips by Kevin Class Playing in a pit or orchestra Be a Musical Theatre Pianist by Peter Hilliard Be an Orchestral Pianist by Suzy S. Sound Advice Protecting your hearing in the pit Playing for dance classes Accompanying Ballet Classes by Yee Sik Wong The Art of the Dance Accompanist by Eric Burgett A Course in Dance Accompanying by Neil Dunn Music at the Royal Academy of Dance (etiquette and repertoire of RAD classes)
Working with Larger Groups
Vocal literature Online: Ideas on Learning a Song or Aria Wolftrap Audition Aria Frequency List Top 10 Song Cycles Print: G. Schirmer Opera Anthologies 24 Italian Songs and Arias Hal Leonard Song Anthologies Hal Leonard Musical Theatre Anthologies Instrumental literature Online: ABRSM Repertoire Lists (rep for exams and recitals; all instruments) The Core Repertoire: Sonatas for Violin Print: Concertos for Violin and Viola Solo Wind Instrument Bibliography
Professionalism Professional Skills by Dr. Chris Foley Collaborative Piano Handbook via the University of North Texas (see “Professionalism,” p. 2) Setting Fees Take into account: Difficulty, rehearsal time, travel, prevailing rates, your other commitments. Recital Fee Question by Dr. Chris Foley Accompanist Fees and Policies by Eileen Huang Handling Requests to Perform for Free by Gerald Klickstein Creating Opportunities Tips: -Network with other collaborative pianists -Contact employers: churches, schools, private studios, plus opera, dance and theater groups -Diversify your skills and repertoire NATS Membership for Collaborative Pianists Getting Work as a Student by Chris Foley Summer Opportunities by Billie Whittaker Baltimore Vocal Accompanists Facebook Group The Unashamed Accompanist by Gerald Moore
Career Building
Sight-Reading Improve your Sight-Reading by Dr. Chris Foley Improving your Sight Reading by Bill Plake Sight Reading Resources by Belmont University Practice Sight Reading Sight-reading exercises General Resources Online: The Collaborative Piano Blog by Dr. Chris Foley Good Company Blog by Billie Whittaker Print: The Complete Collaborator by Martin Katz The Art of Accompanying by Robert Spillman
Skill Building
Literature Resources
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Tips for Aspiring Collaborative Pianists
National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC)
Society of Professional Audio Recording Services (SPARS)
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences
Acoustical Society of America
Audio Engineering Society
Midi Association
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Recording Arts
American Viola Society (AVS)
International Society of Bassists (IBS)
American String Teachers Association (ASTA)
Sample String Quartet Concert Programs
Sample Piano Trio Concert Programs
Compiled by MusiciansWay.com
By Gerald Klickstein
3 Traits of Successful Concert Programs
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Violin Society of America (VSA)
Stringed Instrument Resources
Societies and Resources
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Actor and Artist's Guide to Personal Finance
Baltimore Area Vocal Accompanists Facebook Group
Resources for Singers
Repertoire & Role Study Guides for Singers
Musical Theater for Classical Singers
Diction & Translation Resources for Singers
Career-Related Blogs & Articles for Singers
Sample Voice Recital Programs
Operabase: The Reference for Opera Performances Around the World
National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS)
Johns Hopkins Voice Center
Vocal Pedagogy Resources - Online
Vocal Pedagogy Resources - Print
Sample Websites of Classical Singers
Interviews with Singers
Acting Resources for Singers
Wolf trap Opera Blog
Basic Audition Tips for Singers
Voiceover Resources
Compiled by MusiciansWay.com
Church & Sacred music
Classical Singer Music
National Opera Association (NOA)
Opera America
Voice Care & Vocal Health
Compiled by MusiciansWay.com
By Gerald Klickstein
3 Traits of Successful Concert Programs
Opera Companies in the MD/DC Area
Opera & Stage
Vocal Health & Pedagogy
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Prepare For Auditions From the University of Florida List of Jazz Vocal Standards 1000 standards with year of composition All Time Greatest Jazz Vocal Standards Sample recordings; also search Spotify, YouTube
PRINT Get the Callback Jonathan Flom (Scarecrow Press 2009) A step-by-step handbook How to Audition for the Musical Theatre Donald Oliver (Smith & Kraus 1995) Repertoire, professionalism, forgetting lyrics, etc.
The Ins and Outs of Trying Out From the Kennedy Center Getting Ready for Audition Season Claudia Friedlander offers advice Planning a European Audition Tour Tips on travel, agents and auditions
PRINT Audition Advice for Singers Opera America Perspectives Series (1996) The Art of Auditioning Anthony Legge (Reprint, Peters 2001) Complete Preparation Joan Dornemann (Excalibur 1992) Repertoire preparation & getting the role The Audition Process Stuart Edward Dunkel (Pendragon 1991) Techniques to ease audition & career stresses The Opera Singer’s Career Guide Pearl Yeadon McGinnis (Scarecrow 2010) What the Fach?! Philip Shepard (2nd edition, 2010)
Musical Theater
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Basic Audition Tips for Singers
ONLINE Properly Preparing An Audition From the New York Film Academy Audition Tips for Musical Theater Actors Basic but important tips for auditions
ONLINE Audition Arias – Etiquette – Rules of Thumb By Carol Kirkpatrick The Audition Game From Wolf Trap Opera Young Person’s Guide to the Opera Audition Fundamentals that every singer must know Accompanist Expectations Interview with Laurie Rogers How to work with accompanists, from the Director of Opera Saratoga’s Young Artist Program
Carnegie Hall Singer’s Audition Handbook Claudia Friedlander’s blog for Carnegie, detailing tips from top singers on all facets of auditioning. Coloraturaaah Career discussion, commentary on singing, and thoughts on gigs and professional life. Operaversity Singer-authored blog focusing on opera and singing for both pros and audience members. OperaNow! Hilarious, often NSFW, podcast about what’s going on in the opera world. Patrick’s Opera Blog Insight on auditions, ways to succeed, preparation, etiquette, YAPs, etc. Posts are uncategorized, with some non-singing entries. Singin’rin Career building and momentum from personal experiences. A Soprano Steps Out A local singer discusses her daily life, training, gigs and the psychological aspects of singing. Sybaritic Singer Singing insights, music reviews, forums, & more.
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Career-Related Blogs & Articles for Singers
Being a Professional Chorister Martin L. Poock Opera chorus jobs can stabilize lifestyle/finances and lead to satisfying careers. Blind, Lesbian Opera Singer Inspires with Her Story Andrew Villagomez (2012) Mezzo-soprano Laurie Rubin performs and tours nationally and has written a novel. Cue: Costume Change Nell Porter Brown (2002) Harvard Economics professor became a singer at 43 and then a TV show creator and host. Football Player Turned Opera Singer Eve Conant (2011) Former football player Keith Miller discusses his workout and breathing program for singers. From CEOs to Opera Singers — How to Harness the “Superstar Effect” by Cal Newport, Ph.D. (2010) Article describing advantages of being the best in any chosen niche, plus strategies to get there. Jenna Fischer’s Advice to Actors A long but inspiring set of tips for building a career, by the star of The Office. Towards an Operatic Career in Europe Numerous tips and links by Martin Cooke Former opera singer holds speech seminar Maxwell Crook (2012) Former singer Peter Sicilian developed a seminar on vocal communication. My Story: From Opera Singer to an Executive MBA Andrea Carter (2011) Former opera singer discusses his decision topursue an MBA at Columbia University.
Tenors Miles Mykkanen, Tenor Christian Ketter, Tenor Baritones John Brancy, Baritone Joseph Lim, Baritone Theo Hoffman, Baritone Christopher Dylan Herbert, Baritone Eric McKeever, Baritone Andrew Sauvageau, Baritone Bass-Baritones Douglas Williams, Bass-Baritone Dashon Burton, Bass-Baritone
Sopranos Jennifer Forni, Soprano Maya Kherani, Soprano Jessica Strong, Soprano Mezzo-Sopranos & Countertenors Cecelia Hall, Mezzo-Soprano Annie Rosen, Mezzo-Soprano Nicholas Tamagna, Countertenor Eric Jurenas, Countertenor
Emerging Singers
Lauren Segal, Mezzo-Soprano Pros: Bio in multiple languages, great photos Cons: Design reduces size & impact of videos and other media content Michael Fabiano, Tenor Pros: Easy navigation; videos open full-screen Cons: Design places content low on page Jesse Blumberg, Baritone Pros: Downloadable press kit; mailing list sign-up Cons: Same slide show on each page
Audrey Luna, Soprano Pros: Great splash photo, multiple rep lists Cons: Videos too small on “Video” page Jeanine De Bique, Soprano Pros: Fantastic photo on home page, compelling bio Angela Meade, Soprano Pros: Clear, consistent, stylish layout Cons: Content begins too far down on page Tamara Wilson, Soprano Pros: Quotes in slide show, compelling photos Cons: Media located on “Galleries” page
Renee Fleming, Soprano Pros: Tidy, lots of content, a bit busy but consistent Juan Diego Florez, Tenor Pros: Compelling design; upcoming events, new releases, etc. on side menu of each page
Diana Damrau, Soprano Pros: Lively, clean design; unique milestones page Joyce DiDonato, Mezzo-Soprano Pros: Informative slide show; clear navigation; integration of social media in side menu
Mid-Career Singers
Established Singers
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Sample Websites of Classical Singers
Soprano Renata Scotto About: How to choose repertoire, start a career, pace a career Interview: Operachic blog, 2011 Tenor Juan Diego Florez About: Pressure to avoid roles outside of one’s comfort zone; career ambition; maintaining good technique Interview: Operachic blog, 2010 Tenor Jonas Kaufmann About: How to learn from recordings of the past, sing French opera, and take care of a growing voice Interview: Operachic blog, 2010 Tenor Noah Stewart About: Having something of your own to say, not sticking to the opera standards Interview: National Public Radio, 2012
Countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo, F. Paul Driscoll, editor, Opera News, and Anne Midgette, critic, The Washington Post About: The state of opera today: performers, auditions, career building Interview: National Public Radio, 2012 Mezzos Janet Baker and Joyce DiDonato About: Opera as an art form and career, evolution of music and how to survive Interview: Royal Opera House, 2016 Mezzo-soprano Heather Johnson About: Repertoire; making her Met debut Interview: White Bear Press, 2012 Soprano Anita Hartig About: Starting a career; importance of developing skill and sensitivity Interview: CNN, 2012 Soprano Kate Royal About: The debut that got her noticed, handling nerves, balancing family & career Interview: UK Daily Mail, 2011
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Interviews with Singers
PRINT Acting the Song Tracey Moore & Allison Bergman (Allworth 2008) Adding drama and dimension to roles Singing and the Actor Gillyanne Kayes (Routledge 2004)
ONLINE New Musical Theatre Green Room Acting, building character, memorization, etc. Songs for the Classical Singer 10 titles with videos from New Musical Theatre
Musical Theater
PRINT Singer and Actor Alan E. Hicks (Amadeus Press 2011) Stanislavsky for opera; character preparation Singing, Acting, and Movement in Opera Mark Ross Clark (Indiana Univ. Press 2009) “Singer-getics” method Acting Techniques for Opera LizBeth Abeyta Lucca (Vivace Opera 2008)
ONLINE Operatic Acting Developing a character by Bruce Schoonmaker
PRINT Acting for Singers David F. Ostwald (Oxford 2005) Guide to singing/acting in the studio, rehearsals, at auditions, performances.
ONLINE 10 Maxims of Believable Singing Acting Believable character development See also: More on Acting for Singers Character Development and Acting for Singers Article from Trinity College of Music
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Acting Resources for Singers
Diction IPA Source ONLINE Transcriptions & translations, arias & song texts Diction: Italian, Latin, French, German John Moriarty (Schirmer 1975) Diction for Singers Wall, Caldwell, Allen, & Gavilanes (Pst… 2009) English, Italian, Latin, German, French, Spanish English and German Diction for Singers Amanda Johnston (Scarecrow Press 2011) A Handbook of Diction for Singers David Adams (Oxford 2008) Diction in Italian, French, & German International Phonetic Alphabet for Singers Joan Wall (Pst. Inc. 1989) Translation Art Song Central ONLINE Archive of song scores, texts and translations The Lied & Art Song Texts Page ONLINE Texts & translations of art song & choral works Exploring Art Song Lyrics Retzlaff & Montgomery (Oxford 2012) Translations & IPA: Italian, French, & German The Ring of Words Philip Lieson Miller (Norton, 1966) Texts & translations: Several European countries Opera Aria Database ONLINE Nico Castel Libretti Series (Leyerle, 2000 present) Translations and IPA Phonetic Readings of Songs and Arias Berton Coffin (Scarecrow Press 1982) Word-by-Word Translations of Songs & Arias Part I – German & French | Part II - Italian Berton Coffin (Scarecrow Press 1969) Historical Languages Singing Early Music Timothy J. McGee, Editor (IU Press 2004)
General Resources
Language-Specific Resources
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Diction & Translation Resources for Singers
Czech Singing in Czech (with CD) Timothy Cheek (Scarecrow Press 2001) English The Singer’s Manual of English Diction Madeleine Marshall (Schirmer 1953) Singing and Communicating in English Kathryn LaBouff (Oxford 2007) French Word Reference ONLINE Pronunciation guide (also in other languages) Singing in French Thomas Grubb (Schirmer 1979) The French Song Companion Graham Johnson & Richard Stokes (Oxford 2002) The Interpretation of French Song Pierre Bernac (Kahn & Averill 1978) German LEO Dictionary ONLINE Gateway to German Diction (with CD) John G. Paton (Alfred 1999) German for Singers (with CD) William Odom (Schirmer 1997) The Fischer-Dieskau Book of Lieder Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (Hal Leonard, 1977) Hebrew Omniglot: Hebrew ONLINE Italian Gateway to Italian Diction (with CD) John G. Paton (Alfred 2004) Singers’ Italian Evelina Colorni (Schirmer 1996) Latin Singing in Latin Harold Copeman (Oxford 1990) Russian Russian Art Song ONLINE Singing in Russian Emily Olin (Scarecrow Press 2012) Russian Songs and Arias Jean Piatak & Regina Avrashov (Pst. Inc. 1991) Tchaikovsky’s Complete Song Texts Laurence R. Richter (Indiana Univ. Press 2002)
ONLINE The Guide to Musical Theatre Synopses, composer info, and more Musicals 101 “The cyber encyclopedia of musical theatre” PRINT Enchanted Evenings Geoffrey Block (Oxford 2004) Broadway musicals, from Showboat to Sondheim New Broadway Song Companion David DeVenney (Scarecrow Press 2009) Musical theatre literature by voice type & style The Jazz Singer’s Handbook (Book & CD) Michele Weir (Alfred 2005)
Musical Theatre
Internet Music Score Library Project Online Sheet Music Resources via MusiciansWay.com
Online Scores
ONLINE Aria Database Opera America's Role Preparation Primer Opera Glass Guide to opera composers, synopses, history Opera Scores via Indiana University Library PRINT Nico Castel Libretti Series (Leyerle, 2000-present) Translations and IPA Guide to the Aria Repertoire Mark Ross Clark (Indiana Univ. Press 2007) Arias by voice type and fach Guide to Operatic Roles and Arias Richard Boldrey (Caldwell Co. 1994) An Interpretative Guide to Operatic Arias Martial Singher (Penn St. Univ. Press 2003) The Singer’s Repertoire Berton Coffin (Scarecrow Press 2012) Repertoire by voice type & fach Stories of the Great Operas Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 John W. Freeman (Met Opera Guild 1984)
Art Song
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Repertoire/Role Study References for Singers
ONLINE American Art Song Art Song Central Free, printable sheet music; classical & traditional The Lied, Art Song and Choral Texts Archive PRINT The Art of the Song Recital Emmons & Sonntag (Waveland 2001) Researching the Song: A Lexicon Emmons & Watkins Lewis (Oxford 2008) Song: A Guide to Art Song Style & Literature Carol Kimball (Hal Leonard 2006) See also: Art Song: Linking Poetry and Music Singing In Style Martha Elliott (Yale 2008) Guide to vocal performance practices and styles French A French Song Companion Johnson & Stokes (Oxford 2002) The Interpretation of French Song Pierre Bernac (Kahn & Averill 1978) German The Cambridge Companion to the Lied James Parsons (2004) Poetry into Song Stein & Spillman (Oxford 1996)
Eileen Farrell Dramatic soprano; jazz & pop singer. Her advice: “Tell a story in song.” Bio James Melton Switched to opera in the 1930s after tenor voices went out of style in pop music. Bio Marni Nixon “The Voice of Hollywood.” Overdubbed several movie musicals. Interviews: YouTube | NPR Janet Pavek Played Guenevere in Camelot & Musetta in La Boheme at the MET. Obituary: Playbill.com Frederica von Stade Originally wanted to sing musical theatre; gained fame for opera. Interview: Opera Lively From Johnson’s Kids to Lemonade Opera: The American Classical Singer Comes of Age Book by Victoria Etnier Villamil on the 1930s-50s
Case Examples: 20th Century
Musical Theater Singing for the Classical Voice Neil Semer on how musical theater can help classically trained singers Transitioning from Opera to Broadway Advice on building a musical theater career. Published on Backstage.com Differences btwn Opera and Musical Theater By composer/librettist Mark Adamo Kelli O’Hara 5 Tony nominations and a thriving Broadway career. Interview: Broadway World
Advice Articles
Case Examples: Contemporary
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Musical Theater for Classical Singers
Kristen Chenoweth “Training is the most important gift you can give yourself.” Interviews: PhillyMag | Amazon Andriana Chuchman Roles include Magnolia in Show Boat & Adina in L’elisir d’Amore. Interviews: L’Elisir Victoria Clark Performances include Margaret in The Light in the Piazza & Ma Joad in The Grapes of Wrath. Interview: Broadway World | WSJ Nathan Gunn Roles range from Lancelot in Camelot to Billy Budd. Interview: MusicalCriticism.com Audra McDonald Classically trained, Tony winner: Bess in a Porgy and Bess revival; Billie Holiday in Lady Day. NPR Interviews | Bio Lauren Molina Coloratura, belter, rocker. Brian Stokes Mitchell Sings Broadway, jazz, classical; does voiceovers. Interview: Broadway World Paulo Szot Tony winner: Emile in a revival of South Pacific; also performs at the Met. Article: Opera News Lauren Worsham Tony nominated soprano. Sings theater, opera, rock. Interview: Playbill
Voiceover.com (Baltimore-based) Listen to voiceover demos Voiceover Jobs Different types of voiceover jobs
How to Make a Voiceover Demo – PDF Take Your Copy to the Woodshed Tips for preparing a voiceover script
Working as a Voiceover Artist
Singer/Voice-actor Examples
Erica Spyres Actor, musical theatre vocalist, spokesperson, voiceover artist DeAnn Trimarchi Actor, opera & musical theatre singer, voiceover artist
Liz Bieler Jazz singer & voice actor; listen to samples Annie Kozuch Actor, jazz singer, voiceover artist
Tips for Voice Acting and Getting Into the Voiceover Business, by Kevin Sanderson VoiceActing Academy Training and support in the industry
I Want to be a Voice Actor Representative articles: “Starting from ‘Zero’” “Voice Acting Myths”
Interview with a Voiceover Guy Launching a Career in Voice-over
Voice-over - Wikipedia Voice-over: Introduction to the Industry
Acquiring Voiceover Skills
About the Voiceover Business
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Voiceover Resources
Voice Teacher Associations & Periodicals
Adolescence, Singing Development and National Curricula Design - Health and Vocal Anatomy The Child Voice in Singing, by Francis E. Howard How to Teach Children To Sing Teaching Kids to Sing YouTube Channel Teaching Singing to Children and Young Adults
Children & Youth
Guide to Performing: Jazz Jazz Advice - Concepts and tips for jazz artists Tips on Popular Singing - by Frank Sinatra Free Pop/Rock Singing Tips Healthy singing for pop/rock singers Howcast - Pop singing basics Video archive Getting Vocal about Voice Care Singing Success - Popular singing YouTube Channel
Non-Classical Genres
Vocal Process - Article Archive Technique related articles for a variety of styles Voice Production Tutorials – from the NCVS The Voice Teacher - Article Archive Articles on technique, opera, & solving vocal issues Sing Wise - Information Resource for Singers Cantabile-subito Fach lists, repertoire, descriptions of voice types Voice Acoustics Laryngeal Anatomy – via Wikipedia Journal of Voice - Voice Medicine Voice anatomy & pathology, with related articles Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There! Healthy posture, stage presence, etiquette, etc. Alexander Technique for Musicians Efficient movement; more resources here Claudia Friedlander's The Liberated Voice 10 Most Common Problems of Singers National Association of Teachers of Singing New York Singing Teachers’ Association, Inc Classical Singer - Vocal Magazine
Warm Ups
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Vocal Pedagogy Resources - Online
About Vocal Warm Ups 30 Vocal Exercises Dr. Ingo Titze’s Favorite Five Vocal Warm-ups The Total Warm-Up by Gerald Klickstein YourAccompanist.com - backup tracks
The Soprano Voice Anthony Frisell (2010) Training Soprano Voices Richard Miller (2000)
The Treble Voice
Basics of Vocal Pedagogy Clifton Ware (1997) The Estelle Liebling Vocal Course Books Soprano | Mezzo/Contralto | Tenor | Baritone/Bass-Baritone/Bass The New Voice Pedagogy Marilee David (1995) On Studying Singing Sergius Kagen (1960) Your Voice: An Inside View Scott McCoy & Lucinda Halstead (2012)
Part 2
The Baritone Voice Anthony Frisell (2007) Securing Baritone, Bass-Baritone, Bass Voices Richard Miller (2008) The Tenor Voice Anthony Frisell (2007)
The Bass Voice
Adventures in Singing Clifton Ware (2006) The Art of Singing Jennifer Hamady (2009) Basics of Singing Jan Schmidt (2007) Complete Handbook of Voice Training Richard Alderson (1979) The Diagnosis & Correction of Vocal Faults James C. McKinney (1994) Dynamics of the Singing Voice Meribeth Bunch Dayme (2009) The Functional Unity of the Singing Voice Barbara M. Doscher (2nd ed., 1994) Learning to Sing Jennifer Hamady (2009) Principles of Voice Production Ingo Titze (1994) The Private Voice Studio Handbook Joan Frey Boytim (Hal Leonard 2003) Singing: The Mechanism and the Technic William Vennard (1967) Singing and Imagination Thomas Hemsley (1998) Singing and Teaching Singing Janice L. Chapman (2006) The Science of Vocal Pedagogy Dudley Ralph Appleman (1967) Vocal Technique Julia Davids & Stephen LaTour (2012)
Reading Lists
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Vocal Pedagogy Resources - Print (pt. 1)
Vocal Pedagogy Reading List By Dr. Stanley Cornett for his Pedagogy course Books by voice teacher Richard Miller Singers.com: Instructional Materials for Singers
One Voice: Integrating Singing Technique Joan Melton & Kenneth Tom (2012) Singing in Musical Theatre Joan Melton (2007) Singing for Musicals: A Practical Guide Millie Taylor (2008)
Bel Canto: Theoretical and Practical Vocal Method Mathilde Marchesi (1970) Bel Canto Masters Study Series List of guides to bel canto singing Caruso’s Method of Voice Production P.M. Marafioti (2010) The Four Voices of Man Jerome Hines (2004) Great Singers on Great Singing Jerome Hines (2004) The Technics of Bel Canto Giovanni Battista Lamperti (2012)
Anatomy of Breathing Blandine Calais-Germain (2006) Vocal Parts Anatomical Chart
Musical Theater
Singing Lessons for Little Singers Gregory Blankenbehler (2012) Singing Lessons for Little Singers - Beginner Series Gregory Blankenbehler (2012) Teaching Beginners Paul Harris (2008) Teaching Kids to Sing (Exercise Cards) Kenneth H. Phillips (1994) Singers.com: Teaching Kids to Sing List of books, scores, videos and more
Children & Youth
Technique/Pedagogy The Jazz Singer’s Handbook (w/backing CD) Michele Weir (2005) Singing Jazz: The Singers and Their Styles Bruce Crowther & Mike Pinfold (1998) The Complete Guide to Teaching Vocal Jazz Dr. Stephen Zegree (2002) Improvisation Vocal Improvisation (Jazz, R&B & Gospel) Gabrielle Goodman (2010) Scat! Vocal Improvisation Techniques Bob Stoloff (1998)
Bel Canto: A History of Vocal Pedagogy James Stark (2003) Hints on Singing Manuel Garcia (1894) How to Sing Lilli Lehman (1902) Singing in the 20th Century: A Recollection James D. Deer (2005) A Spectrum of Voices Elizabeth Blades-Zeller (2002)
Historical Pedagogy
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Vocal Pedagogy Resources - Print (pt. 2)
The Contemporary Singer (Berklee Guide) Anne Peckham (2010) Vocal Technique - Guide to Finding Your Real Voice Dena Murray (2002) The Complete Vocal Workout Roger Kain (2006) Vocal Workouts for the Contemporary Singer Anne Peckham (2005)
International Clarinet Association (ICA)
The National Flute Association (NFA)
The National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians (NAPBIRT)
International Double Reed Society (IDRS)
Clarinet Jobs Facebook Page
Compiled by MusiciansWay.com
Wind Instrument Resources
American Recorder Society (ARS)
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Sample Chamber Ensemble Websites
Chamber Music America
Sample String Quartet Concert Programs
Sample Piano Trio Concert Programs
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
By Gerald Klickstein
3 Traits of Successful Concert Programs
Examples of Innovative Ensembles
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Chamber Music
Rhymes with Opera “…performs new chamber operas, encourages theatrical innovation through multimedia and interdisciplinary collaboration” Interview with Rhymes with Opera by Angel Lam Roomful of Teeth Uses extended and multi-cultural vocal techniques, and commissions diverse repertoire. Coffee Conversation: Roomful of Teeth's Brad Wells, by Peter Matthew Skylark Ensemble Vocal ensemble creating narrative concerts combining stories and music. Interview from Thought Catalogue
Cantata Profana Vocal and instrumental ensemble that performs in a narrative programming style. Group Bio International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE) ICE is a modular ensemble with a focus on premiering new music. Claire Chase on New Music & the Dawn of the ICE Age, by Carlton Wilkinson
Lorelei Ensemble Nine-voice female modular ensemble, with vocalists occasionally doubling on percussion; focused on rarely heard repertoire. Interview from WBUR New York Polyphony Accomplished male vocal quartet that commissions new music, presents diverse programs and explores uses of technology. New York Polyphony: A Vocal Quartet Takes On Death from NPR
Vocal Ensembles
Alarm Will Sound 20-member ensemble dedicated to the creation, performance, and recording of contemporary music; often incorporate multimedia and performance art. Bang on a Can Contextualizes music in novel venues and explores interdisciplinary collaboration. The Who and Why of Bang on a Can, by Frank J. Oter
Prism Saxophone Quartet Seeks “to place the saxophone in unexpected contexts, chart fresh musical territory...” No Strings Attached: A PRISM on the Saxophone Quartet, by Matt Mendez So Percussion Brooklyn-based percussion quartet focused on collaborative projects, unique presentation, and creating community through music. A So Percussion Year in Review, by Adam Sliwinski
Del Sol String Quartet Primarily perform music by living composers, especially those from their home state of California.Edgy Precision from Del Sol, by David Bratman eighth blackbird Chicago-based sextet with “the finesse of a string quartet, the energy of a rock band, and the audacity of a storefront theater company.”Artist Interview, by Garrett Schumann
Larger Ensembles
Instrumental Chamber Ensembles
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Examples of Innovative Ensembles
Eighth Blackbird Strengths: Diverse media samples; multiple project descriptions; appealing and well-updated news page Roomful of Teeth Strengths: Attractive site; collaborative spirit; active verbs for headings; clear tour listings Duex Voix Strengths: Consistent aesthetic; prominent “Donate” button; accessible event RSVP; attractive reviews
Sō Percussion Strengths: Prominent accomplishments featured on homepage; unique photos, thorough schedule info; intuitive navigation; social media links at bottom Dallas String Quartet (Crossover Ensemble) Strengths: Landing page scrolls through multiple photos and links; autographed albums in web store
Other Ensembles
Axiom Brass Strengths: Clear professional materials; detailed education pages C Street Brass Strengths: Charismatic images and media
The City of Tomorrow Wind Quintet Strengths: Appealing “listen” button on homepage; prominent donate link to Fractured Atlas
Wind & Brass Quintets
Reference these sites to help you design a site of your own. See Build a Website for additional guidelines.
Lysander Piano Trio Strengths: Strong sample programs; ample information on homepage Trio Céleste Strengths: Thorough schedule page
Amatis Trio Strengths: Scrolling homepage design; info-rich homepage with news feed and media Claremont Trio Strengths: Effective minimalist design; strong photos; organized repertoire list
Parker Quartet Strengths: Streamlined video player on Media page; varying press quotes on homepage Spektral Quartet Strengths: Merchandise and donate pages; upcoming events listed on homepage; two concert schedule pages (all and local); poster archive
Ariel Quartet Strengths: Homepage features background video and link to upcoming event; clear 3-part “About” section; visually-appealing tour schedule Del Sol Quartet Strengths: Great logo; simple, well organized navigation; thorough education page, extensive sample programs
Piano Trios
String Quartets
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Sample Chamber Ensemble Websites
GALA Choruses
From GALA Choruses
Compiled by ChoralNet.org
Chorus America
Commissioning Tips
Choral Resources
Choral Resources
Compiled by MusiciansWay.com
Choruses in the MD/DC Area
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
West Point Military Academy Band
Navy Band
Marine Drum & Bugle Corps
Marine Band
Army Fife & Drum Corps
Coast Guard Band
Army Field Band
Army Band
Air Force Band
Naval Academy Band
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Military Bands
Orchestra External Job Search Links
How to win orchestral auditions
Regional Orchestra Players Association
Part-Time Orchestras in the MD/DC Area
International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians
Instrumental job openings in professional ensembles 22-23
League of American Orchestras
American Orchestra Forum
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Collective of 6 organizations providing grants, opportunities, and resources
Grants and scholarships, research articles, nonprofit management institute, podcast, and a blog
Newsletter and grants and resources for individuals and organizations
Job board, workshops, and annual summit
Lots of grants, resources, and other opportunities for individuals and organizations
Research studies and publications, legislation initiatives, network listings, and awards
Maryland Citizens for the Arts (MCA)
US Regional Arts Organizations
NAMM Foundation
Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation
Maryland State Arts Council
Americans for the Arts
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Arts Advocacy
The Basics of Freelancing & Entrepreneurship
LAUNCHPad's Resources for...
Marketing & Self-Promotion
Business & Legal Resources
Managing Money
Producing Concerts
Arts Administration
Choose a category...
Arts Management & Entrepreneurship
National conference, jobs board, grants, resources, and opportunities
From Eastman School of Music
Annual conference, jobs board, and listing of arts administration degree programs
Articles, courses, calendar of events, journal publications, and books
Research studies and publications, legislation initiatives, network listings, and awards
Articles on music, dance, theater, and visual art
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Association of Arts Administration Educators
From Arts Consulting Group, 2016
From Americans for the Arts, 2018
Top 10 Free Web Resources for Arts & culture Leaders
Local Arts Agencies Salaries
League of American Orchestras
Eastman Case Studies
Administrative Roles in Presenting Organizations
Arts Management Network
Americans for the Arts
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Arts Administration
Articles and Resources
Music Business vs. Arts Admin vs. Career Development vs. Music Entrepreneurship, by David Cutler The differences between and characteristics of college programs in these areas
Australian Guide to Careers in Music – Chapter 11: Arts Administration, by Michael Hannan Descriptions of job types and the requisite training they require
Diagram of One Non-Profit Presenter’s Organizational Structure University Musical Society at the University of Michigan
Senior Positions
Artistic Administrator: Curates concert seasons and schedules; may negotiate contracts Executive Director: Manages budget, strategy & senior staff; reports to a Board of Directors
1. Pursue internships 2. Seek entry-level employment: LAUNCHPad lists numerous arts administration job search tools.
Box Office: Oversees ticketing, sales, data gathering Development Manager: Acquires income from sources other than ticket sales (e.g. fundraisers/grants) Education Officers: Executes community/youth programs and projects Finance: Produces budgets, reports and forecasts; oversees all budgetary matters Front-of-House: Manages ushers, lobby, and guest services to ensure a quality audience experience Marketing/Communications: Oversees advertising, publications, promotions, audience development Orchestra/General Manager: Supervises operational matters such as scheduling, rosters, rehearsals Personnel/Human Resources: Manages employment matters, searches, hiring, reviews, benefits Production/Operations: Organizes logistics for events; manages technical requirements and stage crew Public Relations: Generates media coverage; addresses how an organization is viewed by the public
Gaining Qualifications for Arts Administration Jobs
Primary Administrative Departments & Duties
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Administrative Roles in Presenting Organizations
Event list, business and career tips, education articles, and more
Calendar of events, interest group list, networking portal, research publications, and teaching podcast
Online conferences, awards, and other resources
Leadership coaching and online resources
Grants and educational programs for growing businesses
Online resources, podcasts, and articles
Resources, a blog, and curated lists of insurance plans for reelancers
Articles about Music Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneur the Arts
US Association for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship
Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education
From the US Bureau of Labor Statistics
By Gerald Klickstein
Self-Employment Basics
National Arts Strategies, Inc.
Kauffman Foundation
Freelancers Union
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
The Basics of Freelancing & Entrepreneurship
Resources, funding, and mentorship for Peabody/JHU students
US Small Business Administration
(Membership required)
From Strategyzer
From DiscoverBusiness.com
Write Your Business Plan
How to Write a Business Plan
Project Management
Business Plans
Business Education
Legal Resources/Publishing
From The US Small Business Administration
From Bplans.com
Sample Business Plans
Business Model Canvas
Venture for America
Score Association
Grammy U
Music Business Association
JHU Social Innovation Lab
JHU Ventures
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Business Resources
Music Industry Quizzes
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)
The Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC)
National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM)
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
National Music Publishers Association (NMPA)
Music Publishers Association (MPA)
Harry Fox Agency (HFA)
The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
Washington DC Area Lawyers for the Arts
Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts National Directory
From the Arthur Friedheim Library
From Goldstein & Guilliams Arts Law
Publishing Articles
Publishing Organizations
Legal Resources
From the Future of Music Coalition
From MusicalAmerica.com (2014)
Music Publishing: Copyright Demystified
Understanding Music Copyright
IP Legal FreeBies Blog
Business and Legal Resources
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Legal Resources/Publishing & Licensing
MS Office
Resources for Grantseekers
Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Partnering with Non-Profits
Index of US Funding Sources by State
From The Grantsmanship Center
Provided by LAUNCHPad
Budget Templates:
By Gerald Klickstein
Resources, funding, and mentorship for Peabody/JHU students
Written by Jonathan Ostrow
Grants & Awards
Google Docs
Tips for Writing Grant Proposals
"The Musicians Guide to Fan Funding"
Crowdfunding Field Guide
JHU Ventures
Student debt relief from the US Department of Education
By Gerald Klickstein
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Actor and Artist's Guide to Personal Finance
A Guide to Personal Finance for Teachers
Income & Expense Tracking Template
Student Loan Repayment Plans
One year free for college students
MS Office
Self Employment in the Arts
Bookkeeping for Artists
Budget Templates:
For freelancers, created by Peabody LAUNCHPad
From MoneyGeek
Financial Literacy Basics
You Need a Budget Software
Google Docs
Financial Basics
Taxes & Accounting
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Managing Money
By Gerald Klickstein
By Gerald Klickstein
3 Traits of Successful Concert Programs
Sample Voice Recital Programs
Sample String Quartet Concert Programs
Compiled by LAUNCHPad:
Sample Solo Piano Recital Programs
Don't Be A White Egg
Commissioning Music
Sample Piano Trio Concert Programs
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Producing Concerts
Search Tool: Explore Maryland Arts
National Association for Campus Activities (NACA)
Places to Perform in the Baltimore Area
Touring Resources for Musicians
Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP)
From the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation
From the United States Artists
From Musical America Worldwide
From the Maryland State Arts Council
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Compiled by The Washington Post
Compiled by Virginia Commission for the Arts
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
Grants and Programs
American Music Abroad
Networking Tool
Funding & Travel
Virginia Local Arts Agencies
Concerts in Your Home
Classical Music Venues around Washington DC
House Concert Resources:
Booking & Listing
General Resources
DC Federation of Musicians
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
National Association of Campus Activities Identify & showcase for college presenters. US Artists Funds for US performers to appear at overseas festivals.
Association of Performing Arts Presenters Large showcases and other avenues for performers to reach presenters. ConcertsInYourHome.com Search for people who hire musicians to perform house concerts. Musical America Directory Search for presenters in a vast database.
Music Think Tank- Touring Articles by a variety of authors on issues ranging from organizing and promoting tours to selling merchandise. Touring Strategies Jeri Goldstein offers more than 15 articles. Advice for US and Canadian Bands Touring in Europe by Andy Reynolds Advice for Musicians Touring in Europe By Christina Morelli Carrying Instruments on US Planes These are new regulations as of March 2015, some of which may not be known to airline staff. Be prepared to show and discuss these regulations with them if necessary.
Before You Book a Tour Concise article with links to other posts on topics such as gig swaps and choosing cities. By Heather McDonald on About.com. Booking Your Own Tour: A How-to Guide By Ari Herstand, from the ASCAP blog. Booking Your Tour Singer-Songwriter Ann Vriend offers 24 tips on booking, money, travelling, and more. Count It All: The Actual, Hard Costs of Touring Money-saving advice for musicians by Kevin Breuner on the DIY Musician Blog. The DIY Musician's Guide to Touring Tips for planning a successful tour from start to finish.
How to Tour
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Touring Resources for Musicians
The League of American Orchestras
Civic Arts
Maryland Citizens for the Arts
Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance
From Arts Journal Blog
Community Engagement: What You Need to Know
Handbook for Artists Working in Community
From Springboard for the Arts. Free pdf download after submitting the contact form.
LAUNCHPad Community-Based Learning Programs
SphinxConnect Conference
National Guild for Community Arts Education
Association of Teaching Artists
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Community Engagement
Resources for African-American & Latino Musicians
Korean Students Association of JHU
Chinese Students Association of JHU
Glossary of US Immigration Law Terminology
JHED required
Compiled by LAUNCHPad
From the Murphy Law Firm
Sponsored by the US Department of State
JHU Cultural Groups
Japan Foundation Arts & Cultural Exchange
Asia Society
Asian Cultural Council
Asian Composers League
Study in the States
Journal of International Students
JHU Office of International Services
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
International/Underrepresented Artists
Congressional Black Caucus Scholarship Previous Deadline: April 29. Amount: $3K Jack and Jill Foundation Scholarship Usual Deadline: June 1. Amount: $1,500-$2,500 Latin Grammy Foundation Scholarship Previous Deadline: Nov. 2 Maryland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Several scholarships in the amount of $1K NANM Scholarship Competition for Voice Previous Application Deadline: Jan. 26 Amount: $4,500-$6,500 peermusic Latin Scholarship $5,000 for a composer of Latin music Soros Fellowships for New Americans Deadline: Nov. 1. Amounts up to $90K
AfriClassical.com - Blog, research, links Afrocentric Voices in “Classical” Music Johns Hopkins University Cultural Groups Search the directory using keywords Johns Hopkins University Diversity Resources Multicultural Awareness Council At the Cincinnati Symphony
African American Art Song Alliance African American Band Music African American Gospel Music African American Sheet Music African American Song Classical Music Recordings of Black Composers Latin American Art Song Alliance
Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra Philadelphia ensemble formed in 2007 Chicago Sinfonietta’s Project Inclusion Fellowships in conducting, performance, admin Coalition for African Americans in the Performing Arts D.C. organization supporting African-American classical musicians and performing artists Coalition of Harpists of African Descent Resources plus a repertoire list Colour of Music Music festival in Charleston, SC featuring African-American classical musicians. National Association of Negro Musicians Advocates for African-American music Opera Ebony Opera company based in NYC Project Inclusion - Grant Park Music Festival Promotes diversity in orchestras Sphinx Organization & Sphinx Competition Programs supporting diversity in classical music Videmus Resources and a voice competition
Other Resources
Repertoire Resources
Organizations, Ensembles, Festivals
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Resources for African-American & Latino Musicians
Peabody Arts in Healthcare
National Association for Arts in Health
International Association for Music and Medicine
American Music Therapy Association
JHU Center for Music & Medicine
Performing Arts Medicine Association
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Arts in Healthcare
Preparing DMA Candidates to Win Tenure-Track Jobs
Association EuropÉenne des Conservatories
Music Teachers National Association
Selected Places to Teach Music in the MD/DC Area
Young Audiences Arts for Learning, Maryland
Arts Every Day Baltimore
How to Apply for Faculty Positions
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The College Music Society
How to Read a Faculty Job Ad
By Gerald Klickstein
From The Chronicle of Higher Education
Teach for America
National Art Education Association
Inside Higher Ed
Lessons & Community Teaching
K-12 Education
Curated by LAUNCHPad
Higher Education
Press the button in the top left corner of the map to see the categories menu (this map is organized into Private Schools, Public Schools, Higher Education, Community Music Schools/Programs, Music Stores, Dance Teaching Opportunities, and Remote Teaching Opportunities). Each location can be clicked on to reveal contact info for the venue.
Selected Places to Teach in the MD/DC Area
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Maryland Music Educators Association (MMEA)
National Association of Independent Schools
Association of Independent Schools in Maryland/DC
Private School Teacher Salaries & Information
Council for American Private Education
MD Department of Education
Baltimore Teaching Fellows
From Private Schools Review
Private Schools in Maryland
Certification Index
Praxis exam info for MD
From the US Dept. of Education
Occupational Outlook Handbook:
(Other schools offer similar degrees)
From MoneyGeek
JHU Master of Arts in Teaching
Private School Info & Organizations
Certification & Employment Info for Maryland
High School
Middle School
Teacher Loan Forgiveness
Peabody Music Education Certification/Programs
National Association for Music Education
A Guide to Personal Finance for Teachers
American String Teachers Association
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
K-12 Education
Washington DC Federation of Musicians
Freelancers Union
Musicians' Union of Metropolitan Baltimore
Future of Music Coalition
American Federation of Musicians (AFM)
American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA)
Compiled by Peabody LAUNCHPad
Performing Arts Unions