Pedro Lopez Serial Killer
Niah Long
Created on November 2, 2022
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Serial Killer Presentation by Niah Imani , Diana
Pedro Lopez
- Who is Pedro Lopez
- Early Life
- Prison Life
- Revenage
- Series of Murders
- Confessions
- Evidence of the Crimes
- The Prosection
- Identifying the Victims
- If prosecuted in the Us
Pedro Lopez also known as " Monster of the Andes" was born on October 8,1948 in Santa Isabel Colombia . Lopez mother Benilda Lopez was physically abusive towards him and also worked as a sex worker .It was reported that Lopez was kicked at a early age and also becoming incarcerated during early adulthood. Lopez eventually went on a killing spree where he targeted young girls from his home country, Peru and Ecuador.
Who is Pedro Lopez
Lopez expressed that his mother was physically abusive and worked as a sex worker who was also assaaulted by her clients . Lopez claimed to be kicked out of his home at the age of 8 years old after his mother caught Lopez touching his sister breast . Lopez travel to Bogota where he became homeless and joined a gang , while in the gang he smoked cocaine . Mental Disorders Confusion Psychosis Anxiety
Early Life
Due to Lopez lacking education he survived the streets by begging and committing thievery. Lopez began stealing car parts theft and he was paid very well. He was arrested at the age of 18 for car theft and was sent to prison. After a few days of being in prison he was gang-raped by four prisoners. After experiencing that the anger and rage he experienced as a child rose inside him again, consuming him. He made another vow to himself to never be violated again.
Prison Life
Lopez got his revenge for being rape by killing three of the four men responsible. Authorities added an additional two years to his sentence, deeming his actions as self defense. During his incarceration he had time to revisit his life and a quiet rage toward his mother became frightfu
In 1978 Lopez was released from prison, he moved to Peru, and began kidnapping and killing young Peruvian girls. He was caught by a group of Indians and they tortured, buried up to his neck in sand but later Lopez was freed and deported to Ecuador. Experiencing near death did not stop his horrific ways and he continue to kill young girls. The increase of missing girls was noticed in the country, but it was concluded that they had likely to been kidnapped and forced into sex work .
When confronted by the police about the crimes he shared with his cellmate, Lopez began to break down and confessed. His memory of his crimes was very clear he confessed to killing at least 110 children in Ecuador, over 100 more in Colombia, and another 100 in Peru. Lopez confessed that he would walk the streets looking for innocent ‘good’ girls who he would lure away with the promise of gifts . Lopez often brought the girls to prepared graves, sometimes filled with the dead bodies of other girls he had killeday with the promise of gifts .
In April 1980, a mass flood exposed the bodies of four murdered children, and the Ecuadorian authorities realized there was a serial murderer at large. Shortly after the flood, Lopez was caught again trying to abduct a young girl . The police could not get Lopez to cooperate during questioning so they enlisted the help of a local priest, dressed him as a prisoner, and placed him in a cell with Lopez. The method worked. Lopez was began to share his crimes with his cellmate.
Series of Murders
Pictures of Lopez Vitcims
The police found his confession hard to believe so Lopez agreed to take them to the graves of the children. Over 53 bodies were found which was enough for the investigators to take him for his word. The public renamed him ‘Monster of the Andes’ as more information about his crimes became known. For his crimes of raping, killing, and mutilating over 100 children, Lopez received life in prison.there was no trail indicated
Lopez confessed that he would walk the streets looking for innocent ‘good’ girls who he would lure away with the promise of gifts . Lopez often brought the girls to prepared graves, sometimes filled with the dead bodies of other girls he had killed. He would calm the child with soft reassuring words throughout the night. At sunrise he would rape and strangle them, satisfying his sexual needs as he watched their eyes fade as they died. In Lopez’s confession he told of having tea parties and playing morbid games with the dead children. He would prop them up in their graves and talk to them, convincing himself that his ‘little friends’ liked the company. But when the dead children failed to answer, he would become bored and go off to find another victim.
- If the these crimes were committed today the forensic evidence would conclude:
- A full examine of the crime scene
- Body of victims
- Clothing
- Body Fluids
- Fingerprints
- Footprints
- Rape Kits
Evidence of the Crimes
How is a Crime Scene Investigated
If DNA technology was this advance during the 80s in Colombia , it would had been easier to catch Pedro Lopez because his DNA , and fingerprints would have been collected on the first arrest
- Obtain Permission Perform Autopsy
- Collect Appropriate Data Before Commencing an Autopsy
- Examination of Outside of Body
- X-Rays
- Check for Signs of Physical Abuse or Neglect and Sexual Assault
- Take Blood Samples
- Open Body Cavity
- Examine Individual Organs
How is Autosy Performed
Pedro Lopez was charged with the murder of over 100 girls, based on his confession to more, as there was no concrete proof for the rest of the murders . He was sentenced to 16 years in prison, the maximum time allowed by Ecuadorian law. During the trial, he was declared insane, and ordered to serve his sentence in a psychiatric hospital. He was released from the hospital early, after 14 years, for good behavior. The conditions of his release decreed that he pay $50 and follow a certain set of rules, but upon his release, he escaped from his bail enforcers
Opening Statements Presentation of Evidence Witness Testimony Rettal Witness Closing Agrument If Pedro Lopez was prosecuted in the United States he would have been considered a threat in the community and would not be released in jail .
If Prosecuted in the Us