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Are you ready to become an expert on a PBIS Rewards advanced feature? Let's go!
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Advanced Features Adventure
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Are you ready to become an expert on a PBIS Rewards advanced feature? Let's go!

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Advanced Features Adventure


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advanced feature Notes & Reflection form

Before you learn...

Learn how the ARS add-on can help schools more efficiently manage and track behavioral data.

Advanced Referral System

Learn how parents and teachers can communicate with one another through PBIS Rewards!


Learn how to recognize teachers and staff through Workplace Rewards for Teachers!

Teacher Rewards

Learn how students use the PBIS Rewards web portal and Student App to monitor their progress!

Student Access
SEL/Status Checks

Learn how to stay in tune with your students' emotional statuses!


Learn how to serve Tier II students with our Check-in/Check-out feature!

Choose ONE Advanced Feature you'd like to learn more about and CLICK on its card for a mini-lesson.

Advanced features choice board

Free Download!

Click on each photo to learn more!

CICO Best Practices
CICO Overview PDF

Let's say your school is doing a great job of implementing schoolwide Tier 1 PBIS and you have seen improved behavior campus-wide. However, a certain percentage of your students don’t seem to be responding. Students who continue to demonstrate minor inappropriate behaviors may be candidates for Check-In/Check-Out (CICO).

What is Check-in/Check-out? Why is it important?

Click on the linked white buttons below.

CICO Video for Coaches

Back to School CICO

CICO for eLearning

CICO + PBIS Rewards

Check-in/Check-out Video
Additional Resources

Now that you now a little bit more about what the Tier II intervention Check-in/Check-out is and what is used for, let's see what this standard PBIS Rewards feature looks like in the system!

How do i Check-in and Check-out students?

Free Downloads!

Click on each photo to learn more!

SEL/Status Check Best Practices
SEL/Status Check Guides

The SEL/Status Check feature from PBIS Rewards allows staff members and students to check and track the "ready to learn state" of students. This is an important part of PBIS implementation because it helps students recognize and manage their emotions, which can have a large impact on campus culture.

What is SEL/Status check? Why is it important?

Did you know? The SEL/Status Check feature is included in the standard base cost of PBIS Rewards!

Watch this video to learn how teachers can complete SEL/Status Checks from groups and how students can make self-checks from the web portal.

How does an sel/status check work?

Click on Read + to be taken to an article with step-by-step instructions for SEL/Status Check in PBIS Rewards.


SEL/Status Check Article: How it Works
SEL/Status Check on the Web Portal

This video will show you the process of how teachers and staff complete SEL/Status Check-ins on the PBIS Rewards Staff App.

SEL/Status Check on the Staff App
Access their digital student badge
View and enter events and raffles
View stores and make purchases
View point balance & details
Complete an SEL/Status Check

Your campus' school-wide implementation can only go so far if you don't have a consistent way to keep students connected to your PBIS program. Enter: PBIS Rewards! We offer two safe ways for students to connect with PBIS Rewards: via the Student Web Portal and our Student App!

On the Web Portal & App, students can:

what Can students access in pbis rewards?

There are two important Student App related resources here: the Student App video that shows a click through of how the app is used by students and the Student App Poster that gives students valuable information about logging into the app and its use. Download the poster to hang in your school!

Access Article

App Poster

How do students get access?

Learn more about all things student access by watching this brief video and reading through the step-by-step instructions on this PBIS Rewards Support Site article.

Additional Resources
Student App Resources

Click on each photo to learn more!

ARS Benefits
ARS Overview

The PBIS Rewards Advanced Referral System (ARS) brings a digital solution to track and aid in evaluation of your school's office discipline referrals. ARS is an add-on feature in PBIS Rewards that provides a simple and direct view into referrals. It also presents the user with numerous data points to help improve and grow the school's culture and climate.

Free Download!

What is (ARS) and how is it beneficial?

If your school does not currently have ARS and you would like to explore this option, please email sales@pbisrewards.com

Watch this video to learn how PBIS Rewards system admin can set-up and customize ARS for their campus.

Click to enlarge this quick run-through of what completing a minor referral looks like in our ARS feature.

ARS for Teachers: How it Works
ARS Set-up for Admin: How it Works

This video will show you the process of how teachers and staff can complete major and minor referrals through the ARS feature of PBIS Rewards.

ARS Demo Video

How does Advanced referral system (ARS) work?

Star Rewards

Click on each photo to enlarge.

  • Automatically earn points via Star Rewards in PBIS Rewards (if set up by admin)
  • See their point total
  • Request points for themselves
  • Recommend points for others
  • Receive points for earning Staff Stars in PBIS Rewards
  • Redeem their points in the Teacher Store
  • Post encouraging messages on the wall
  • Participate in raffles, events, and auctions

People enjoy being recognized for a job well done, and that is no different with teachers. In the same way that students need positive reinforcement for exhibiting the behaviors we desire to see, staff need to feel seen for their contributions. PBIS Rewards offers Workplace Rewards for Teachers or Teacher Rewards, an included feature that is an excellent tool for acknowledging staff for the incredible work that they are doing.

In Teacher Rewards, staff can:

What is Teacher rewards? Why is it important?

Click on Read + to be taken to an article with step-by-step instructions for how to request, recommend, and redeem points in Teacher Rewards.

Watch this video to learn how teachers can request points for themselves and recommend points for colleagues to redeem via the store, events, raffles, and auctions.

How does Teacher rewards work?

Click on Read + to be taken to the ultimate list of teacher incentive ideas to use in the Teacher Rewards store.



Teacher Rewards: Incentives
Teacher Rewards: 'How it Works' Video
Teacher Rewards: Article
The PBIS Rewards Family App is fantastic because it involves parents and guardians in your PBIS program. It is truly a positive relationship bridge between families and schools! Click the images to the right to learn more.
India WilliamsPBIS Rewards Trainer

Yes! The PBIS Rewards Family App can be used for communication between school and home through two-way messaging available in both English and Spanish. It also allows parents and guardians to view their student's points balance and details, view purchases, see upcoming events and raffles, and view referrals and Check-in/Check-out information.

Free Download

Family Communication

Does Pbis rewards have messaging?

Help your Spanish-speaking families get connected with PBIS Rewards! Access this free bilingual resource to learn how to change the langauge on the Family App.

Free Download

Click on Read + to be taken to an article explaining the benefits of the PBIS Rewards Family App and how families can use it to stay connected to PBIS.

Here we have two resources to help you better understand our Family Link feature in PBIS Rewards. Click Read + to access an article and/or watch the video the right.

How does Messaging work?



Family App: Now in Spanish!
Web Portal: Family Link
Family App: Article

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