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Advanced Features Adventure

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advanced feature Notes & Reflection form

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  • Have this document pulled up as you go through this learning experience so that you can jot down notes

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Advanced features choice board

Choose ONE Advanced Feature you'd like to learn more about and CLICK on its card for a mini-lesson.

Learn how to serve Tier II students with our Check-in/Check-out feature!


Learn how to stay in tune with your students' emotional statuses!

SEL/Status Checks

Student Access

Learn how students use the PBIS Rewards web portal and Student App to monitor their progress!

Teacher Rewards

Learn how to recognize teachers and staff through Workplace Rewards for Teachers!


Learn how parents and teachers can communicate with one another through PBIS Rewards!

Advanced Referral System

Learn how the ARS add-on can help schools more efficiently manage and track behavioral data.

What is Check-in/Check-out? Why is it important?

Let's say your school is doing a great job of implementing schoolwide Tier 1 PBIS and you have seen improved behavior campus-wide. However, a certain percentage of your students don’t seem to be responding. Students who continue to demonstrate minor inappropriate behaviors may be candidates for Check-In/Check-Out (CICO).

CICO Overview PDF

CICO Best Practices

Click on each photo to learn more!

Free Download!

Best Practices for CICO PBISA Personal WelcomeA great welcome is always important, with student/adult rapport being key! Personal interaction is crucial to the success of any Check-In/Check-Out system for students. Ask about their day, evening, interests, family or friends. Short and SweetKeep the interaction brief, quick and positive. Simply acknowledge the student for checking in or out and quickly review materials, supplies, and attitude. This short amount of time spent together should focus on language which empowers and encourages the student, even if they haven’t received the maximum number possible. Take the WheelUse open-ended questions which allow students to verbalize their own goals. “What went well” and “what do you want to work on today” are great ways to start a conversation. This helps establish buy-in from their perspective. Brainstorm ways to be better. Parent/Guardian InvolvementTo have a lasting impact, CICO can’t just be a “school” intervention. Take the time to get permission and buy-in from home. Coach parents on how to review the point sheet with their child. Make sure to stress a positive and encouraging interaction which is always part of the daily routine. Making the Dream WorkEstablishing a Check-In/Check-Out team which establishes and reviews the Check-In/Check-Out PBIS system for students, as well as review the data on a weekly or bi-weekly basis is a must. The team can track, discuss, and modify the program for each student. Discuss options, including modifying goals, fading, or even graduating students from the program.

Do’s of Check-In/Check-Out PBISBecause CICO is typically a Tier 2 intervention intended for a select subset of students, it should fill the sweet spot between general and specialized interventions. These students need a little more assistance to progress into Tier 1 and implementing CICO will help them to form the behaviors to create that success. When launching CICO, be sure to: CICO Do’s

  • Make it simple for students and coaches
  • Use standardized point goals
  • Use a simple 3-point system
  • Limit the number of expectations
  • Be intentional with each student at check-in
  • Compile and review data regularly
  • Assess progress and make modifications as needed
  • Plan for student transition away from CICO
It can be tempting to lose sight of the group-based element of CICO as a targeted Tier 2 intervention. While each student in CICO has individual challenges to overcome on their way to Tier 1, creating a personalized CICO plan for each needlessly complicates the process. Keep the process simple and general for the entire group. Students who are unable to progress away from CICO should be considered for individual, more intensive, Tier 3 supports.

Graduating from Check-In/Check-OutCheck-In/Check-Out can be a powerful approach to helping students to develop to their fullest potential. Remember, the goal of CICO is to help students move into more general supports and catch up with their peers. Checking in with their coach at the beginning of the day will help them to be prepared for class and ready to learn. Checking out at the end of the day will help them to reflect on their successes and learn from their difficulties. Over time, the points they receive each day for meeting schoolwide expectations will indicate the progress they are making. Once they are consistently meeting their points goals, they are ready to join their peers in Tier 1. At this time you can begin their transition out of your CICO program. Implemented effectively, CICO can result in reduced problem behavior, increased pro-social behavior, and improved academic engagement within your schoolwide PBIS initiative. Ultimately, though, Check-In/Check-Out is in place to help individuals achieve greater self-confidence and success.

How do i Check-in and Check-out students?

Now that you now a little bit more about what the Tier II intervention Check-in/Check-out is and what is used for, let's see what this standard PBIS Rewards feature looks like in the system!

Additional Resources

Check-in/Check-out Video

CICO + PBIS Rewards

CICO for eLearning

Back to School CICO

CICO Video for Coaches

Click on the linked white buttons below.

What is SEL/Status check? Why is it important?

The SEL/Status Check feature from PBIS Rewards allows staff members and students to check and track the "ready to learn state" of students. This is an important part of PBIS implementation because it helps students recognize and manage their emotions, which can have a large impact on campus culture.

SEL/Status Check Guides

SEL/Status Check Best Practices

Click on each photo to learn more!

Free Downloads!

Why SEL/Status Check?Emotional Intelligence is an important part of overall student mental health. The skills students build as part of character lessons embedded into academics will enable them to be successful long after their career as a student comes to a close. There are five key areas of social-emotional development:

  • Self-focus on emotions, values, thoughts, and actions
  • Self-regulate through responsibility for one’s own behavior, thoughts, and actions
  • Recognition and empathy for the feelings and behaviors of others
  • Effective communication with others, even when you disagree
  • Ability to make positive choices related to one’s own actions and behavior
Whether you’re in the physical classroom or in a distance learning environment, the development of emotional skills affect academic success. They also allow students to cultivate the soft skills that employers value in the workplace. Keeping tabs on student social-emotional development can be challenging when you’re not able to be together on a daily basis. That’s where PBIS Rewards’ SEL/Status Check comes into play.

Check In on Your Students’ Emotional StatusThe PBIS Rewards’ SEL/Status Check feature helps staff members to quickly log an SEL/Status check-in and track the emotional state of students on the PBIS Rewards Web Portal and the PBIS Rewards Staff App. Data helps staff members work with students to develop self-awareness and work towards greater emotional maturity. Track the emotional status for all students in your school via:

  • Customizable SEL/Status Check settings: category, emoji, color, description, and de-escalation strategies
  • Drilldown Reporting that provides data on all students and gives an overview of students at highest risk
  • Student Self-Check that gives the students the ability to document and communicate their mood
  • Notifications can be set to alert staff members when a student submits a high risk check-in
The PBIS Rewards’ SEL/Status Check feature gives staff members an opportunity to quickly identify risk factors in students. With this feature, educators can determine which students are high-risk and provide access to extra help throughout the day.

Students Can Self-Report Their Emotional Status, Too!Take behavioral education up a notch with our Student Self SEL/Status Check option, found in the PBIS Rewards Student App! Students can use the App to record their social and emotional states at any time, using the SEL/Status Check settings customized by your school. Stay on top of student moods and "ready to learn" status by encouraging them to self-report regularly. Data generated through these self-reports can help you to spot trends and focus on high-risk students as needed. Check-in with students who don’t otherwise draw attention for behavior. Help high-risk students work through difficult emotions. Get a more accurate snapshot of what is happening with your students on a social and emotional level. Student Self SEL/Status Check puts the power of communication in the hands of your students!

SEL/Status Check on the Staff App

This video will show you the process of how teachers and staff complete SEL/Status Check-ins on the PBIS Rewards Staff App.

SEL/Status Check on the Web Portal

SEL/Status Check Article: How it Works


Click on Read + to be taken to an article with step-by-step instructions for SEL/Status Check in PBIS Rewards.

How does an sel/status check work?

Watch this video to learn how teachers can complete SEL/Status Checks from groups and how students can make self-checks from the web portal.

Did you know? The SEL/Status Check feature is included in the standard base cost of PBIS Rewards!

what Can students access in pbis rewards?

On the Web Portal & App, students can:

Your campus' school-wide implementation can only go so far if you don't have a consistent way to keep students connected to your PBIS program. Enter: PBIS Rewards! We offer two safe ways for students to connect with PBIS Rewards: via the Student Web Portal and our Student App!

Complete an SEL/Status Check

View point balance & details

View stores and make purchases

View and enter events and raffles

Access their digital student badge

Student App Resources

Additional Resources

Learn more about all things student access by watching this brief video and reading through the step-by-step instructions on this PBIS Rewards Support Site article.

How do students get access?

App Poster

Access Article

There are two important Student App related resources here: the Student App video that shows a click through of how the app is used by students and the Student App Poster that gives students valuable information about logging into the app and its use. Download the poster to hang in your school!

What is (ARS) and how is it beneficial?

Free Download!

The PBIS Rewards Advanced Referral System (ARS) brings a digital solution to track and aid in evaluation of your school's office discipline referrals. ARS is an add-on feature in PBIS Rewards that provides a simple and direct view into referrals. It also presents the user with numerous data points to help improve and grow the school's culture and climate.

ARS Overview

ARS Benefits

Click on each photo to learn more!

Why Advanced Referral System (ARS)?The primary purpose of implementing PBIS is to change the climate of our schools so that they are a great place to grow educationally, emotionally, and socially. An important measurement of progress involves tracking office discipline referrals. A school with a poor climate should see a reduction in Office Discipline Referrals as the climate improves. The PBIS Rewards Advanced Referral System gives you a simple and direct view into this and much, much more.

Advanced Referral System Features and BenefitsCompletely Digital – No paper involved! The referral can be started from the smartphone app, a tablet device or a computer. Simple electronic forms take the drudgery out of the process.

  • Customizable Infractions List – You can customize the list of infractions to fit your school and environment (e.g., Bullying, Fighting)
  • Customizable Redirections List – You can customize the list of redirections that teachers are attempting to diffuse situations (e.g., Time Out).
  • Customizable Motivations List – You can customize the list of student motivations to more accurately reflect what might have been behind the infraction.
  • Customizable Administrative Actions List – The actions that are taken by the Administrative Staff dealing with the student can be customized (e.g., In-School Suspension, Letter of Apology)
  • Proxy Submission – Sometimes the staff who is dealing with the problem isn’t in a position to start the referral process. Another staff member can start the form on their behalf so that the Administrative Staff is notified.
  • Referral Notifications – When a referral is started, the office staff is immediately notified so they have advanced warning that a situation needs attention.
  • Closed-Loop View – The staff responsible for the referral will see what action was taken by the Administrative Staff.
  • 360 Degree View – Administrative reports give a clear view on how PBIS Rewards is working and how it relates to office referrals on a teacher-by-teacher basis. Your PBIS Program Lead will have great data to help provide feedback to teachers, helping them to see how adherence to PBIS principles makes a difference by reducing their office referrals.
PBIS Rewards’ Advanced Referral System gives you a clearer view on the progress your PBIS program is making and gives you teacher-by-teacher and student-by-student data to help you make improvements. ** The Advanced Referral System option is an ADDITIONAL FEE to the standard base cost of PBIS Rewards. **

How does Advanced referral system (ARS) work?

ARS Demo Video

This video will show you the process of how teachers and staff can complete major and minor referrals through the ARS feature of PBIS Rewards.

ARS Set-up for Admin: How it Works

ARS for Teachers: How it Works

Click to enlarge this quick run-through of what completing a minor referral looks like in our ARS feature.

Watch this video to learn how PBIS Rewards system admin can set-up and customize ARS for their campus.

If your school does not currently have ARS and you would like to explore this option, please email sales@pbisrewards.com

What is Teacher rewards? Why is it important?

In Teacher Rewards, staff can:

People enjoy being recognized for a job well done, and that is no different with teachers. In the same way that students need positive reinforcement for exhibiting the behaviors we desire to see, staff need to feel seen for their contributions. PBIS Rewards offers Workplace Rewards for Teachers or Teacher Rewards, an included feature that is an excellent tool for acknowledging staff for the incredible work that they are doing.

  • Automatically earn points via Star Rewards in PBIS Rewards (if set up by admin)
  • See their point total
  • Request points for themselves
  • Recommend points for others
  • Receive points for earning Staff Stars in PBIS Rewards
  • Redeem their points in the Teacher Store
  • Post encouraging messages on the wall
  • Participate in raffles, events, and auctions

Click on each photo to enlarge.

Star Rewards

Teacher Rewards: Article

Teacher Rewards: 'How it Works' Video

Teacher Rewards: Incentives



Click on Read + to be taken to the ultimate list of teacher incentive ideas to use in the Teacher Rewards store.

How does Teacher rewards work?

Watch this video to learn how teachers can request points for themselves and recommend points for colleagues to redeem via the store, events, raffles, and auctions.

Click on Read + to be taken to an article with step-by-step instructions for how to request, recommend, and redeem points in Teacher Rewards.

Does Pbis rewards have messaging?

Family Communication

Free Download

Yes! The PBIS Rewards Family App can be used for communication between school and home through two-way messaging available in both English and Spanish. It also allows parents and guardians to view their student's points balance and details, view purchases, see upcoming events and raffles, and view referrals and Check-in/Check-out information.

India WilliamsPBIS Rewards Trainer

The PBIS Rewards Family App is fantastic because it involves parents and guardians in your PBIS program. It is truly a positive relationship bridge between families and schools! Click the images to the right to learn more.

Family App: Article

Web Portal: Family Link

Family App: Now in Spanish!



How does Messaging work?

Here we have two resources to help you better understand our Family Link feature in PBIS Rewards. Click Read + to access an article and/or watch the video the right.

Click on Read + to be taken to an article explaining the benefits of the PBIS Rewards Family App and how families can use it to stay connected to PBIS.

Free Download

Help your Spanish-speaking families get connected with PBIS Rewards! Access this free bilingual resource to learn how to change the langauge on the Family App.