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session 3

Session 1

Session 2

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This site allows us to navigate different activities designed for the day

Welcome to JCT Physical Education CPD 2022/2023

Strand definitions game(10 mins)

Aim and Rationale jigsaw activity(5 mins)

Podcast(8 mins)

These activities are associated with

Session 1

Room 3

Room 1


Room 2

New specification

Aim and rationaletaken from page 4 and 5.Take a section each, and summarise in your own words on your google slide.

Physical Education

Room 4

link to Action Verbs and Learning Outcomes poster

Susan Crawford and Claire Walsh speak about physical literacy, physical activity, inclusion, disability, autism, health and wellbeing

This video shows us the approach of one school in Co. Waterford(13 mins)

These activities are associated with

session 2

Podcast 4: Physical Education as a concurrent process of learning – in through and about Physical Activity, supporting young people’s health and wellbeing

Podcast 3: Thoughts on Planning with Learning Outcomes towards an Integrated Curriculum experience

These activities are associated with

Session 3