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MODULE 6 - Unit 7

WORK LIFE BALANCE & European dimension


Know some advice to know your rights

To know your right about legal measures in Directive 2019/1158, you can visit the site of European Commission of Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion about work life balance. https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1311&langId=en.Also you can visit Nation official web site, for example in Italy you can look for information about paternity leave , maternal leave etc., in the site of (INPS) Istituto Nazionale di Previdenza Sociale https://www.inps.it/inps-comunica/diritti-e-obblighi-in-materia-di-sicurezza-sociale-nell-unione-europea/for-the-citizens/maternity-and-paternity-leave-allowance. In addition to these instruments, which are more technical, you can use questionnaires focused on the emotional sphere. These kind of tools, help you to increase overall life satisfaction. In the exercise below, you need to answer a questionnaire developed by Abhishek Shukla & Rajeev Srivastava in “Development of short questionnaire to measure an extended set of role expectation conflict, coworker support and work-life balance: The new job stress scale“.


There is no interpretation of this scale in the document “Development of short questionnaire to measure an extended set of role expectation conflict, co-worker support and work-life balance: The new job stress scale“, so give it your own. Maybe if more than 50% of your answers are from point four to 5 or 6 (depends on the table), you have a good work-life satisfaction.


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