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[I]np will [never]advp be [the same]np
 H                  ADV                        D       H
[My heart]np is [forever]advp changed
   D     H                     ADV
[I]np know [the [old]adjp me]np is [[over]advp and 
                    D      ADJ            H                  ADV 
buried]adjp [in [the grave]np]pp
  ADJ                  P    D      H
[I]np do not care what [they]np say because
 H                                              H
[I]np will [never]advp be ashamed [of [His love]np]pp 
 H                  ADV                                           P     D      H
 that saved me 180,

[the type]np that is [never]advp fading.
  D      H                             ADV 
Storyboard Genial
Alonso Arancibia & Joaquín Maureira
Hillsong UNITED - Oceans
[Spirit]np lead me where [my trust]np is [without [borders]np]pp
    H                                                D      H                      P               H
Let me walk [upon [the waters]np]pp
                                      D       H
[Wherever]advp You would call me
Take me [deeper]adjp than [my feet]np could ever wander
                      ADJ                               D   H
And [my faith]np will be made [stronger]adjp
            D      H                                             ADJ
[In [the presence]np]pp [of [my Saviour]np]pp
     D        H                           P     D       H
Hillsong Young & Free - Phenomena
[The world]np [I]np love, [the tears]np [I]np drop
  D         H              H                     D       H            H
To be part [of [the wave]np]pp, can't stop
                        H     D        H
Ever wonder if it's all for you?
[The world]np [I]np love, [the trains]np [I]np hop
    D       H              H                     D      H              H
To be part [of [the wave]np]pp, can't stop
                       H      D     H   
Come and tell me when it's time to
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Can't Stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam.
Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt lorem ips.
Slipknot - Before I Forget
[I]np am [a world]np [before]pp [I]np am [a man]np
  H               D     H                   H             H                 D  H
[I]np was [a creature]np  [before]pp [I]np could stand
 H                 D       H                        H             H
[I]np will remember [before]pp [I]np forget
 H                                                         H
[before]pp [I]np forget that
      H              H

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[I]np will [never]advp be [the same]np H ADV D H [My heart]np is [forever]advp changed D H ADV [I]np know [the [old]adjp me]np is [[over]advp and H D ADJ H ADV buried]adjp [in [the grave]np]pp ADJ P D H [I]np do not care what [they]np say because H H [I]np will [never]advp be ashamed [of [His love]np]pp H ADV P D H that saved me 180, [the type]np that is [never]advp fading. D H ADV

Storyboard Genial

Alonso Arancibia & Joaquín Maureira

Hillsong UNITED - Oceans

[Spirit]np lead me where [my trust]np is [without [borders]np]pp H D H P H Let me walk [upon [the waters]np]pp P D H [Wherever]advp You would call me ADV Take me [deeper]adjp than [my feet]np could ever wander ADJ D H And [my faith]np will be made [stronger]adjp D H ADJ [In [the presence]np]pp [of [my Saviour]np]pp P D H P D H

Hillsong Young & Free - Phenomena

[The world]np [I]np love, [the tears]np [I]np drop D H H D H H To be part [of [the wave]np]pp, can't stop H D H Ever wonder if it's all for you? [The world]np [I]np love, [the trains]np [I]np hop D H H D H H To be part [of [the wave]np]pp, can't stop H D H Come and tell me when it's time to

Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Can't Stop

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam. Consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt lorem ips.

Slipknot - Before I Forget

[I]np am [a world]np [before]pp [I]np am [a man]np H D H H H D H [I]np was [a creature]np [before]pp [I]np could stand H D H H H [I]np will remember [before]pp [I]np forget H H H [before]pp [I]np forget that H H