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The Four friends on the nigth of hallowen

The four friends on halloween

Once upon a time in the nigth of halloowen 4 friends ( Candela, Judith, Teresa and Claudia ). Went for trick or trat in Transilbaña more horrifig in the city. They were skared but they wanted candie. he was strange so they called the whadsthe matter? and the man apedrad. Trick or track !!!. He gave a candy to each one. the candies were very delicius!!!

Once upon a time in the nith of hallowen went for trick or

Judith's stomach started to hurt. She started to become greem. Little Judith started to become a zombie!!!. We were worried but we are her friands. We were worried of Judith . So we went to the house more horrifiic.

The End.

Called the door. E gain girls? "You poisoned Judith"!! The man closed the door. Suddenly Judith become a human. And huggeed her friends

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