link layer
01 Agus Radit
Created on October 17, 2022
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link layer & dns
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1. Radit
what is it & use of it
link layer
What is link layer
link layer is the lowest layer in the Internet protocol suite, the networking architecture of the Internet. The link layer is the group of methods and communications protocols confined to the link that a host is physically connected to. The link is the physical and logical network component used to interconnect hosts or nodes in the network and a link protocol is a suite of methods and standards that operate only between adjacent network nodes of a network segment.
Despite the different semantics of layering between the Internet protocol suite and OSI model, the link layer is sometimes described as a combination of the OSI's data link layer (layer 2)
link Layer
MAC (Media Access Control) defines how packets are placed on a media in this sublayer the hardware addressing system is defined.
LLC (Logical Link Control) defines network layer protocols and then encapsulates the transport protocols.
Contains of data link layers
This layer is the protocol layer that transfers data between nodes on a network segment across the physical layer.
use of link layer
what is it, use of it, example
domain name system
All computers on the Internet, from your smart phone or laptop to the servers that serve content for massive retail websites, find and communicate with one another by using numbers a.k.a IP Addresses
Domain Name System is a system that translates human readable domain names (for example, to machine readable IP addresses (for example,
domain name system
DNS Infrastructure
A whole domain name is composed of three parts. The first part is the machine or host name, the second part is the name of the website itself, and the part last is the TLD (such as "www" to denote the "World Wide Web") (like .com or .gov). There are dots separating each section of the domain. For example in the URL . "Gojek" is a sub domain of .com, and "www" is a sub domain
The DNS process, simplified, works as follows:A browser, application or device called the DNS client, issues a DNS request or DNS address lookup, providing a hostname. For example “”.
DNS Protocol
The Domain Network System (DNS) protocol helps Internet users and network devices discover websites using human-readable hostnames, instead of numeric IP addresses.
4. DNS performs several important functions, including translating domain names into IP addresses, routing traffic across the Internet, and providing security against attacks. 5. DNS is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of the Internet.
DNS Performance (Function)
1. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the Internet that allows users to connect to websites using easy-to-remember domain names instead of IP addresses. 2. DNS is a distributed system that relies on a network of servers around the world to provide its services. 3. DNS is an essential part of the Internet that plays a vital role in its operation.
Simply, this content delivery network (CDN) can refers to a geographically distributed group of servers which work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content.
DNS Based Content Distribution Network
Content distribution network is a network of servers that are geographically dispersed and networked together is a content distribution network. To hasten delivery, they provide users cached internet information from a network site that is close by.
- Choose a Platform Wisely, Choose a secure hosting platform and content management system. If you don't have the budget to have a dedicated server, make sure that the hosting you choose meets the latest encryption standards, DNS leak protection, SSL authentication and a comprehensive storage system. If you are using wordpress as a CMS, follow the basic security procedures like 2FA (2-factor authentication) and regular software updates.
DNS Based System Prevention
Prevention for Sysadmins It's very difficult for website owners and administrators to detect DNS poisoning until after a lot of damage is resolved and the exploit is able to spread to every DNS associated after launch, prevention is the best way.
- Using DNSSec, One important thing you can do to protect against DNS poisoning attacks is to use DNSSec, which is very effective in avoiding such attacks. The standard was strengthened later this year with special features designed to prevent this kind of attack. By verifying the root domain (meaning Signing the Root) whenever a user tries to access the web.
DNS Based System Prevention
- DNS Servers Always Up to Date, Apart from choosing the right hosting platform for your security needs, you should always keep your DNS servers up to date. Whether you're running Bind, MicrosoftDNS or any other server, the latest version will always have the same security fixes as HSTS, DNSSec, Response Rate Limiting (RRL) security standards to ward off DNS attacks.