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Exile, trail, and death
DEATH3. Slow walk to death
TRIAL2. From Dapitan to Trail in Fort Santiago
EXILE1. Bitter Sweet life in dapitan
- Won 20,000 pesos, 6,200 of w/c was Rizal's share - Joining the lottery was Rizal's only vice
Idyllic Life in Dapitan: - Members of his family took turns in visiting him (Trinidad, Maria, Narcisa; Teodosio, Estanislao, Mauricio, and Prudence) - Built house by the seashore of Talisay and another for boys school and hospital for his patients
Rizal and Father Sanchez: - Father Sanchez is Rizal's most beloved Jesuit; the only Jesuit who defended Noli Me Tangere in public -Tried to bring back Rizal to the Catholic fold but failed
Rizal Challenges a Frenchman to a Duel: - Mr. Lardet wrote a letter to Antonio Miranda expressing his disgust to a business deal with Rizal - Rizal became sensitive and challenged the man to a duel. It was resolved through an apology by the said man
Rizal-Pastells Debate on Religion: - Long scholarly debate (friendly) - Rizal was not convinced by Pastells arguments but still continued to be a Catholic
Wins in Manila Lottery: - Mail boat Butuan brought happy tiding for the winners of Lottery Ticket No. 9736 (Rizal, Carnicero, Equilior)
Beginning of Exile: - Father Pablo Pastells, superior of jesuit society informed Father Obach through a letter that Rizal could live at the parish convent on the following conditions: 1. Rizal to publicly retract his errors concerning religion 2. Perform church rites 3. Conduct himself in an exemplary manner as Spanish subject and man of religion - Rizal disagreed and consequently lived in the house of commandant Captain Carnicero
EXile: Bitter sweet life in Dapitan
EXILE IN DAPITAN (1892-1896)
Rizal's Encounter with Friar's Spy: - November 1893, Pablo Mercado introduced himself as friend and relative
Rizal as Businessman: - Engaged in various businesses, his most profitable was in hemp industry
Rizal as Farmer: - Introdueced modern methods of argiculture w/c he observed in Europe and America
Artistic works in Dapitan: - Made sketches of perons and things - "The Mothers's Revenge" - "The Dapitan Girl", woodcarving of Josephine Bracken w/c he gave to Father Pastells
Linguistic Studies: - Knew 22 languages
Contributions to Science: - Explored jungles and coasts and discovered rare specimen named after him (Apogonia and Rhacophorus azali)
Rizal as Teacher: - During his exile to Dapitan he established a school and taught reading, writing, languages, geography ect.
Community Projects for Dapitan: - Conducted different community projects for Dapitan's beautification through funds from generous patients
Water System for Dapitan: - Used his knowledge of engineering and constructed a water system for the townspeople
As Physician in Dapitan: - Had many patients of different backgrounds (mostly poor); He became interested in local medicine in the use of medicinal plants
- Rizal sensed he was an Impostor and reported him to Captain Sitges - successor of Carnicero - Impostor was interviewed and was known to be Florencio Namanan, hired by the friars to spy on Rizal's activities
Rizal as Businessman: - Engaged in various businesses, his most profitable was in hemp industry
Rizal's Inventive Ability: - invented "sulpukan" - unique cigarette lighter; invented machine for making bricks
Rizal and Josephine Bracken: - Josehine was adopted by Mr. George Taufer who later became blind, because there were no opthalmologist who can cure Mr. Taufer's blindness, he was accompanied by Josephine to Manila (from Hong Kong) - Rizal and Josephine fell in love and agreed to marry - Mr. Taufer heard the projected marriage and tried committing suicide; later known his ailment was incureable
Adios Dapitan: -July 31, 1896 Rizal's 4-yr exile came to an end
Volunteers as Military Doctor in Cuba: - Rizal offered his service as military doctor in Cuba before the Katipunan contacted him - Governor Blanco accepted his ffer
Rizal and the Katipunan: - Dr. Pio Valenzuela the emissary went to Dapitan to talk w/ rizal and told Rizal of his necessary support for the Katipunan's plan - Rizal objected Bonifacio's project for he believed it was premature for 2 reasons - (1) people are not ready for a revolution (2) arms and funds should first be collected
- Taufer returned to Hong Kong while Josephine stayed in Manila w/ Rizal's family -Rizal and Josephine Lived Happily in Dapitan but their expecting baby died through an accident
Outbreak of the Philippine Revolution: - Evening of August 19, 1898, Katipunan plot of Revolution discovered by Fray Mariano Gil, Augustinian cura of Tondo - The discovery aggravated the "Cry of Balintawak" was raised by Bonifacio and Katipuneros - August 30, the revolusionist led by Bonifacio and Jacinto attacked San Juan but were repulsed w/ loss
Rizal Misses Ship Going to Spain: - España arrived in Manila on August 6, 1896 and departed just before the day Rizal arrived in Manila -He immediately wrote to Blumentritt expressing his fear of attracting trouble for staying Manila. - Rizal was transferred to Spanish cruiser Castilla accomodated by captain Enrique Santalo, by order of Governor General Ramon Blanco - Stayed about a Month on the ship from Aug 6 - Sep 2 1896
- left Cebu, landed at Iloilo and went shopping and visited Molo Church - From Iloilo, sailed to Capiz and proceeded towards Manila via Romblon
From Dapitan to Manila: - left Dapitan on July 31, 1896 - Achored at Dumaguete, capital of Negros Oriental - In Dumaguete, he visited a friend and former classmate, Herrero Regidor - Facinated by the entrance of Cebu
- Don Pedro advised Rizal to take advantage of the protection of the British law which he did not heed
Arrival in Barcelona as Prisoner:- Oct 3, Isla de Panay arrived in Barcelona - His jailor is now General Eulogio Despujol, the same person who ordered his banishment to Dapitain in July 1892 - Oct 6, the brusque general told Rizal he would be shipped back to Manila on transport ship Colon - same day, at 8 pm the ship left Barcelona with Rizal
Rizal Arrested Before Reaching Barcelona:- Isla de Panay left Singapore for Spain on Sep 8 - Sep 25, he saw the steamer Isla de Luzon, leaving Suez Canal crammed with Spanish troops - Sep 28, a passenger told Rizal that he would be arrested by order of Governor General Blanco and would be sent to prison in Cueta (Spanish Morocco) Rizal realized he was duped
Victim of Spanish Duplicity:- Without knowledge, Governor General Blanco deiceited Rizal and was secretly conspiring with the Minister of War and Colonies (utramar) for his doom
Rizal in Singapore:- Isla de Panay arrived at Singapore on Sep 7
Depature for Spain: - August 30, 1896, Rizal received from Governor General Blanco two letter of introduction for Minister of War and Minister of Colonies which absolved him for raging revolution (REMEMBER this!!) - Sep 2, 1896 the day before his departure for Spain, wrote to his mother on board Castilla - Sep 2, 6 pm, Rizal was transferred to the streamer Isla de Panay - his last trip abroad began
- - The Battle of San Juan was proclaimed by Governor General Blanco as a state of war in the first 8 provinces ( Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac) - Rizal read about the revolution the newspaper while on the Castilla and was worried for 2 reasons: (1) violent revolution that would only lead to much suffering and loss of human lives, has started (2) it would only arouse Spanish vengence
Actual Trial: - December 26, 1896 - Accused to 3 crimes: rebellion, sedition, illegal associations - Penalty: life imprisonment-death for rebellion and sedition, correctional imprisonment and a fine of 325 to 3250 pesetas for illegal association
The Arraignment of Rizal: - December 11, 1896 - Rizal pleaded not guilty to the crime charges against him
- Rafael Dominguez evaluated the case and a prima facie case was against Rizal, for the crime of rebellion and formation of illegal organization. - Judge Nicolas dela Pena, gave some recommendations to Governor Blanco: Accused be kept under the custody of law Accused be brought to trial Order of attachment be used against his property Accused be defended in court by an army officer
The Preliminary Investigation: - Colonel Francisco Olive, the Judge Advocate of the Spanish military tribunal, summoned Rizal to appear before him on November 20, 1896 - Two kinds of evidences brought up against Rizal -----> Documentary ----->Testimonial
The Trial and Martyrdom of Rizal: - November 3, 1896 when Rizal arrived in Manila with the steamer Colon - Rizal was bought to Fort Santiago pending the persecution of his case - The collection and fabrication of evidence against Rizal was the centerpiece of the Spanish government.
Trial: From Dapitan to fort Santiago
Aftermath of a Hero-Martyr's Death: - Spaniards - resident, friars (excluding Jesuit), corrupt officials exulted with sadistic joy
His writings awakened Filipino nationalism and paved the way for the Philippine Revolution.
The Last Hours of Rizal: - DECEMBER 29, 1896 - RIZAL'S LAST DAY - DECEMBER 30, 1896 -RIZAL'S EXECUTION
Martyrdom of a Hero: - One of the priests blessed him and offered a cricifix to kiss - He requested the commander of firing squad to be shot facing the firing squad but the request was denied
Death March to Bagumbayan: - About 6:30 am, a trumpet sounded at Fort Santiago -signaling the beginning of the death march to Bagumbayan Rizal was dressed in a black suit, black derby hat, back shoes, white shirt, and black tie
Last Hours of Rizal: - Captain Dominguez - incharge of all arrangement for execution, read the death sentence to Rizal - to be shot at the back at 7 am in Bagumbayan (Luneta) Rizal thanked Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade - Santiago Mataix, a a Spanish jounalist interviewed Rizal for his newspaper El Heraldo de Madrid Hid his farewell peom inside his alcohol cooking stove
Death: Slow walk to death