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Stage 3 Identify technology value kAren Fernanda Ramirez Ortiz2120032_7123 - 20- 22Income approach method

Definition of the Income Approach

a way of calculating the production of a certain economy in a certain period of time and is based on the sum of all the income attributed to various economic agents and resulting said production.

Salaries + Rents + Interest + Dividends

input method --> value of all income generated in an economy = PIB

production creates value and this value is used to pay for all the factors of production used in the production process, so the value of production is necessarily equal to the value of the income provided by it. Therefore, the Gross National Product (GNP) coincides with the National Income (IN), which, in turn, can be calculated as the sum of all the income generated in the economy, that is: the remuneration of work + profitability about capital + net taxes on production and imports + balance of labor and capital income with the rest of the world.

How can companies create value from their innovation?

the true definition of business innovation refers to driving revenue, An example of this is the creation of an income model that will charge customers for a product, having an impulse that allows the customer to have a guarantee and recognition of what they will really get, as well as a database in which they are guiding the customer. personal customer need and creating new products to meet customer needs.