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Extra help
Doing a job interview
Writing a resume
Writing a cover letter
Job ads
Resume, cover letter, job interview
Getting a job
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Getting a job

Resume, cover letter, job interview

Job ads

Writing a cover letter

Writing a resume

Doing a job interview

Extra help

Job ads

Writing a cover letter


Job interview

Extra help

(and listen)

1. Listen and find the corresponding ad on your worksheet.

Getting a job

2. Group work : Spot the part of the employer or the part of the employee and try to note down in your notebook the questions or answers.

Read these ads

Job ads

Writing a cover letter


Job interview

Extra help

Cover letters

Read these ads

Getting a job

and listen to them while reading.

Then read these letters

and listen to them while reading.

Who is answering to what ad ?

Job ads

Writing a cover letter


Job interview

Extra help



To start with...

Highlight in yellow or orange the greetings and closing formulas.

Why you want this job

Highlight in blue or green the parts about the candidate's interests and motivation.


Why you are perfect for this job

Highlight in pink or red the parts showng qualities and experience.

Getting a job

Read these ads again.

Don't forget the first sentence : why you are writing ! (l'objet du courrier)

You can also add your availabilities, or a few personal information.

If you haven't got much experience, do not hesitate to insist on your motivation and what you can bring to the company !

Job ads

Writing a cover letter


Job interview

Extra help

Present perfect

adjectives about yourself

Showing your interest and qualities

Difference between a resume and a cover letter

Activités interactives en plus ici

Getting a job

What you need for a cover letter

Utilise les expressions données pour traduire les phrases suivantes. ready to – interested in – responsible for – good at – willing to a. Je suis bon-ne en français. ________________________________________________________ b. je suis prêt-e à travailler dur. _______________________________________________________ c. Êtes-vous d’accord pour travailler le week-end ? _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________ d. Vous serez responsable de la section des CD. ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________ e. Elle s’intéresse à la mécanique. ____________________________________________________

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod

Liens vers les petites activités d'entraînement au present perfect https://learningapps.org/10549950 https://learningapps.org/12368231 https://learningapps.org/9143746 https://learningapps.org/3142724 https://learningapps.org/2025817 https://learningapps.org/7002506 https://learningapps.org/7844505 https://learningapps.org/11785840 https://learningapps.org/3115535 http://learningapps.org/watch?v=p9dm80fsk17 https://learningapps.org/15042417 https://learningapps.org/5752430

Job ads

Writing a cover letter


Job interview

Extra help


Here are some examples ; you can get inspiration from them, but also find many others on the Internet.

Remember : what you write in your resume must match with what you write in your cover letter !

Getting a job

You can change the order of the sections. It's your call !

Think about relevant personal informations : name, contact, age, address

Sum um your diplomas and any training you had. Talk about the options you chose.

Sum up your previous experiences. Give the year, the name of the employer, the name of the job, and the main responsibilities you had.

And you can add some extra informations like foreign languages or abilities you have apart from your diplomas !

Job ads

Writing a cover letter


Job interview

Extra help

Chief funster

Outback adventurer

Lifestyle photographer

Park Ranger

Getting a job

Wildlife caretaker

Taste Master

Now it's time to write to get one of these jobs.

... and prepare your cover letter and your resume !

The following ads correspond to a contest : discover the preview !

Choose your ad...

You are perfect for this job : be convincing !

Job ads

Cover letters and resume


Job interview

Extra help

The employer

is going to ask questions to find the right person for this job.

The candidate

has to show he/she is the best choice.

Great !

You have sent a resume and a cover letter ; the employer wants to meet you. Let's prepare !

Getting a job

Job ads

Writing a cover letter


Job interviews

Extra help

Some examples

Getting a job

Now, you do the job interview !

By pairs ; one student is the manager and the other one is the candidate !

Job ads

Writing a cover letter


Job interview

Extra help

Getting a job

Vocabulary challenge

Barèmes et critères

A job ad...

... and its winning application !

Just for fun

Envoyer une vidéo

A- Resume and cover letter : C’est à toi maintenant de postuler ! Chaque groupe a un pack d’annonces ; tu en choisis une à laquelle tu vas postuler par écrit, en t’aidant du travail d’entraînement en classe et du retour du professeur sur le travail de groupe. Inspire-toi des exemples. Pense à bien utiliser toutes les informations données sur le poste ! Tu dois joindre une lettre de motivation et un CV rédigés en anglais. Niveau de langue Langage adapté à un jeune français apprenant l’anglais (pas un professionnel bilingue) – peu d’erreurs – réutilisation du vocabulaire de la séquence /3 Eléments personnels Suffisamment d’éléments personnels, mais pas d’éléments inutiles /2 Éléments d’expérience Expériences passées /2,5 Mise en avant de ses qualités Savoir-faire, personnalité, disponibilité... /2,5 Réutilisation des informations de l’annonce /2 Forme politesse, présentation... /2 lisibilité /1 Total /15 B- Job interview With a classmate, you must create a job interview lasting at least 1:30mn. You can film yourself and hand the video to the teacher, or play it in class. You write the script in class, so that the teacher can help you. Then you finish your script and you practise with your friend/family etc at home ! The job interview Recruteur Candidat Critères A1 A2 B1 A1 A2 B1 Attitude - articulation distincte, vitesse correcte, volume adapté - regarde bien l’interlocuteur, sérieux - attitude adaptée à la situation, naturel de conversation - autocorrection quand nécessaire 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts Prononciation compréhension difficile / compréhensible mais trop français / compréhensible et très « anglais » + intonation appliquée 1/2 pts 3/4 pts 5/6 pts 1/2 pts 3/4 pts 5/6 pts Grammaire trop d’erreurs pour bien comprendre / compréhensible mais il y a des erreurs / compréhension facile malgré quelques erreurs 1/2 pts 3/4 pts 5 pts 1/2 pts 3/4 pts 5 pts Contenu - situation de conversation identifiable, convaincant et cohérent - chaque interlocuteur enchaîne naturellement s’il y a un trou - chaque interlocuteur est capable de gérer les questions/réponses un peu/souvent/à chaque fois - vocabulaire riche et varié 1/2 pts 3/4 pts 5/6 pts 1/2 pts 3/4 pts 5/6 pts Total

How to send a video file Pour transmettre une vidéo à quelqu'un par internet, le plus sûr est d'utiliser un site de stockage temporaire comme Wetransfer. Vous envoyez la vidéo, vous validez, ça vous donne un lien que vous pourrez ensuite communiquer à votre destinataire (via l'ENT). Le destinataire cliquera sur le lien pour télécharger la vidéo à son tour. La vidéo sera automatiquement supprimée 7 jours après.

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