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BY:Marcos S, David F and Mauricio V



14. Gracias

13. Equipo

12. Datos

11. Versus

10. Mapa

9. Timeline

7. Frases

6. Galería

5. Vídeo

4. Evaluating

3. Creating the solution

2. Developing Ideas

8. Procesos

1.Inquiring and analysing

inquiring and analysing

Inquiring and analysing is to explain the need to identify and prioritise the research ananalyse existing and develop a design brief.Example: You research a toy you identify why you are going to do it the you analyse the other toys and yo create an brand.

Creating the solution

Creating the solution is like justify the changes to the design creating , present the product with good things and do a logical plan.Example: You make a car and you do changes and you said why you do the changes later you think things to create the solution, you show the good things about your car and you make a logical plan


Evaluating is to do the solution, how the propuct could be improved, the succces of the solution and the design testing methods.For example a toy if it broken you need to see how could be improved when the product is improved you see the changes and for that is the evaluating part.

DEveloping ideas

Developing ideas1:First you have to imagin how is going to be the product 2: Specific the product even talking or drawing3:Present your idea of the product like on a diagrams4:Draw diaagrams and drawings of your product