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In completing this unit, the learner will be ABLE to realize the importance of conflict a story.



MODULE 8: Technical parts in Building-up a Story

Building-up a Story


Conflict... Conflict... Conflict…

Unit 8.4: How to use conflict into your story

The conflict is the most important part of a story because it determines the course of action, captures attention, and gives a sense of action to the hero in the story. A story without conflict is boring, banal, and uninteresting, it does not capture attention.


Listen to this story:

Victor gets up in the morning, eats breakfast, goes to school where he is a teacher and gives music to children according to the contract he has with the school. When he finishes his school program, Victor comes home, has dinner with his wife, watches TV and goes to bed. How do you like this story? Is there a conflict? Is there anything that catches your eye?


Let's take the same story and try to bring an element of change, of capturing attention:

Victor gets up in the morning, eats his breakfast, and goes to the school where he is a teacher to make music lessons with the children according to the contract he has with the school. However, when he arrives at the school, the school gate is wide open and there is no one in the school... The classrooms are empty, the teachers' office is empty, the porter is not at the gate to greet him, as every time, the school canteen is empty... Victor anything. He pulls out his phone and calls the school principal, Johana ... but Johana doesn't answer either...How do you like the story now? Did it pique your interest? Did a surprise item appear? inconsistent with the reality known to our hero in the story?


Our hero has a goal and a path that he takes to reach this goal. Suddenly an obstacle, a problem, a conflict appears in his way, the hero in the story must overcome this obstacle in order to reach his goal, to make the world a better place.

the obstacle that stands in the way of our hero's goals.

Conflict is

not a problem but an opportunity to develop the story.


1 The conflict with oneself

6Character versus Destiny

Five types of external conflict:

The only internal conflict:

5Character versus Society

4Character versus Machine

3Character versus Nature

2Character versus other Character


In any story we have six (6) types of conflict

Remember that a conflict gradually increases in intensity to reach the "Climax" stage.

In any story, you can identify more than one conflict. In general, there is an inter-conflict and one or more external conflicts.


To have an overview of the details of the conflict, watch the following video:


You have successfully completed Unit 8.4!

MODULE 8: Technical parts in Building-up a Story