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León wedding dresses through history

Traditional wedding's clothes

Can you see any weddings here?


The 60's

Until Nowadays


The 70's



The Dictatorship


The Republic


King Alfonso XII

Changes in wedding dresses through the time

  • The king Alfonso XII wore in his wedding with the queen María de las Mercedes of Orleans a military suit. And the queen wore a white dress with a veil.
  • In that wedding there were people from all around the country wearing traditional clothes .
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Weddings in Spain during the XX century

  • In the republic, women used to wear a tight black dress with a headdress and men a suit.
  • Only the richest women could afford to wear white dresses.
  • Ad sometimes during the civil war some people married in the war front because the ware fighting.

Weddings in the republic

  • In this time couples were dressed in black clothes, the same as in the republic.
  • In 1939, with the ditactorship, civil marriage disappeared and catholic ones became compulsory.

Weddings in the Franco dictatorship

Before the sixties women were dressed in dark colours and the only white things allowed to wear were in their hair and in the bouquet,

The groom wore usually dark suits with a white and a tie and the bride began slowly to use white dresses with cola and white veil instead of the dark ones.

The 60's

  • In this time white dresses became more popular and in fashion for women

The 70's

  • Nowadays all type of weddings are posible (under the sea, in a hot air balloon, with sneakers and all kind of clothes..)


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