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Vital Functions

Nutrition: Digestive System

Nutrition: Excretory System

Nutrition: Respiratory System

Nutrition: Circulatory System


the three vital functions

NUTRITION: It is the process of taking in food and turning it into energy. Food contains many small substances called NUTRIENTS, and they give us ENERGY.

This function consists of digestion, excretion, respiration and circulation

the three vital functions

INTERACTION: It describes the relationships that we have with the world around us. We receive information from outside our bodies through our senses and we react to them.

the three vital functions

REPRODUCTION: It is essencial for any living species to survive. For humans, beings, reproduction is the process of making and giving birth to a baby.

1. Which vital function does each of these words belong to? Relationship Food Baby Energy Senses Nutrients


The digestive system allows your body to get nutrients it needs from the food you eat. There are different parts of the digestive system:

1. What is the function of the digestive system? 2. What is the function of the Gallbladder? 3. What is the difference between the small intestine and large intestine? 4. What is obesity? How can you prevent it? ODS 3

Teeth tear and crush food in the mouth into smaller pieces. Then the tongue and saliva help to break it down and form a bolus.

The oesophagus is a tube that pushes food from the throat down to the stomach.

The stomach is like a mixer in which food is broken down into smaller and smaller pieces. It makes gastric juices and uses the muscles to mix the food and juices together.

Is a long narrow tube where nutrients become small enough to pass into the blood stream.

The liver and pancreas produce juice that help to transform food into nutrients in the small intestine

The liver and pancreas produce juice that help to transform food into nutrients in the small intestine

The leftover food mixture moves through the large intestine. Water and the remaining minerals are taken out. The waste becomes hard and produce stools.

Stools are pushes out of the body via the anus.

Label the picture:



large intestine


small intestine



Beside the digestive system, there are three other body systems that take part in the process of nutrition.

At the respiratory system there are two important processes in respiration:- The process of inhaling and exhaling air.- The process of exchanging two gases: oxygen and carbon dioxide.

We take in oxygen, which passes through our lungs and into our blood

We push out the carbon dioxide that our body doesn´t need

Write the parts of the respiratory system. What gases are exchanged in respiration? What procceses are involved in the respiration?

Teeth tear and crush food in the mouth into smaller pieces. Then the tongue and saliva help to break it down and form a bolus.

The oesophagus is a tube that pushes food from the throat down to the stomach.



Air that passes through the nasal passage gets warmer and moist.

Lungs are two spongy organs that are protected by the rib cage.

Alveoli are millions of tiny air sacs where gas exchanged place.

The pharynx allows the air to flow from the mouth and nose into the lungs.

Windpipe leads to two smaller tubes: the bronchi.

Bronchi are two major air tubes in the lungs. They connect them to the windpipe and lead to alveoli.

Label the picture:








system helps you breathe.

You breathe air through the

and mouth.

The air goes down the

into your lungs.

The lungs transfer the

to the circulatory

system, when it moves around your body.

The lungs also help release



The circulatory system is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen around the body. The circulatory system includes the heart and the blood vessels.

The heart is responsible for pumping blood around the body through blood vessels. Blood vessels carry blood cells around the body. There are three types of vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries


Arteries: They take the blood from the heart to all parts of the body

Veins: They bring blood from your body back to your heart.

Capillaries: They connect arteries and veins. Gas exchange occurs in the capillaries because they have thin walls.

1. What is the difference between an artery and a vein? 2. Are these things good for your heart? Justify your answers. - Doing exercise. - Eating a lot of salt. - Eating a Mediterranean diet. - Eating fried food.


Label the picture:






system moves blood through the

heart and around the body.

It moves the blood in the arteries and

Blood gives your body nutrients and

The heart is divides into four parts: the left and

right atriums and the left and right



The excretory system is responsible for removing unwanted substances from the body. The excretory system expels waste from the body. It consists of the urinary system and sweat glands.


The urinary system is renponsible for removing liquid waste from de body.

The kidneys filter the blood ans separate the waste and water. This combination of waste and water forms urine.

Urine from the kidneys travels through the ureters to the bladder where it is stored.

Urine leaves the body through a tube called the urethra.

Is an elastic muscular organ that collects and stores urine from the kidneys before urination

Which body systems do the following organs belong to? Copy and complete the table in your notebook. Windpipe heart kidneys ureters bladder pharynx alveoli arteries lungs veins capillaries sweat glands. Respiratory systemcirculatory systemexcretory system



Your body also eliminates waste in the form as sweat. It´s a mixture of water and minerals. When your body is too hot, sweat glands produce sweat. The sweat is released through your pores. The procces cools down your body.

Why do you sweat when you do exercise? Which illnesses can affect the excretory system?


Other body systems are the same in women´s and men´s bodies, but the parts of the reproductive system are differents.

The female reproductive system is made up of two ovaries the fallopian tubes, the uterus, vagina and the vulva.

Which are the main parts of the female reproductive system?

The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus.

The ovaries produce and store the female sex cells, called ova.

It is the external part of the female reproductive system and protects the outside of the vagina.

It is a muscular tube which connects the uterus to the outside os the body.

The uterus is where baby develop until it is born.


The male reproductive system consists of the scrotum, two testicles, the urethra and the penis.

The penis is an external organ that contains the urethra.

Testes, also known as testicles, are two oval shaped external organs that produce millions of cells called sperm.

The scrotum is an external sac of skin which contais the testicles.

The urethra is a tube inside the penis which carries the sperm out of the body.

Which are the main parts of the male reproductive system?


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Trabajo realizado por:CAROLINA TORRECILLADIANA DOMÍNGUEZROSANA IBAÑEZ@aprendes.aprendo.aprendemos

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