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Carrera: Ingenieria en sistema y redes informaticas. Asignatura: Ingles Basico. Tema a presentar: My daily activities. Docente: Ing. Yenis Martinez Presentado por: Allisson Lourdes Guevraa Palma

Despues de haber dado lectura al contenido de la sesion 1 y 2 de esta unidad, Escriba 15 oraciones con actividades que realiza a diario, incluyendo estructura en tercera persona. Asimismo, se deberan utilizar adverbios de frecuencia, imagenes por cada accion y vocabulario estudiado en clase.


Activity 1

I have to go college every Wednesday.

I usually get up 6 in the morning.

Activity 2

Activity 3

Every day I do cleaning in the house.

Activity 4

I usually play video games with my friend

Activity 5

Every time I wake up I see my dog and I give her food.

Activity 6

Sometimes i help my Mother at work.

Activity 7

I frequently meet up with my family on Sunday

Activity 8

My mom sometimes makes food on saturdays

Activity 9

Sometimes on Fridays I go out for a walk with my friends

Activity 10

Sometimes at night we take my dog for a walk in the car.

Activity 11

I always make the food.

Activity 12

I always do my homework on Saturday and Sunday

Activity 13

Sometimes I watch TV in the afternoon.

Activity 14

My sister goes to the park in the aftternoon

Activity 15

My mom sometimes cooks dinner for me.


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