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Día Naranja
Basic guide to create a great presentation
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Día Naranja

Basic guide to create a great presentation


What is Orange Day and why is it commemorated?

  • The 25th of each month marks Orange Day, a day to act, raise awareness and prevent violence against women and girls. But why was it decreed and why is it important?

Currently this movement, to make visible the violence suffered by women around the planet, is celebrated not only every November 25, but every 25th of the month: with the well-known Orange Day. This day is part of a great campaign called the Campaña Naranja ÚNETE, launched in 2008 by the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization and which aims to raise awareness to prevent and eradicate violence against women and girls.

  • Throughout the world, every November 25th the International Day for the Eradication of Violence against Women is commemorated, officially decreed by the UN in 1999; however, in Latin America this date has been commemorated for several years, in 1981, in honor of three Dominican sisters assassinated on November 25, 1960 by order of the dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, of whom they were opponents.

Orange Day seeks to mobilize public opinion and governments to undertake concrete actions in order to promote and foster a culture of non-violence. The choice of orange responds to the fact that this is a color that represents a bright and optimistic future free of violence against women and girls.

Some figures on violence against women in Mexico and the world

43.9% of women in Mexico have faced aggression from their husband or current partner, or the last one throughout their relationship and 53.1% suffered violence from an aggressor other than their partner. (UN Women Mexico)

14 of the 25 countries with the highest number of femicides in the world are in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).In Mexico, 9 women are murdered a day (INEGI).

According to ECLAC, every year 64 thousand women and girls are murdered in the world.

What's the Orange Day?

Infografía sobre la historia del Día Naranja

Write a subtitle here


  1. Como proyecto parcial de este primer corte, realizarán una infografía que tendrá como tema principal la historia del Día Naranja.
  2. Esta infografía tendrá que contener los siguientes puntos:
    1. -¿Qué es el Día Naranja?
    2. -Historia (Resumen breve de la Historia del Día Naranja)
    3. -Opinión (¿Por qué creen que es importante recordar este día?)
  3. Rúbrica de evaluación
  4. Tamaño recomendado de la infografía: Tabloide
  5. Fecha de entrega: jueves 22 de septiembre

Pasos para realizar una infografía

  1. Define tu audiencia
  2. Define tus metas
  3. Reúna su información
  4. Elige un tipo de infografía
  5. Cree una jerarquía lógica en sus datos
  6. Elije y personaliza una plantilla que se ajuste a su mensaje

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