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Agenda 2030

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for Sustainable Development

Agenda 2030


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a roadmap to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all without compromising resources for future generations.

What is the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?

Consists of 17 Objectives

with specific goals to achieve: free, healthy, and safe people, committed to the community, nature, and environment, prepared, productive and innovative and working with equality.

1-end of poverty2-zero hunger 3-Health & Wellness 4-Quality education 5-Gender equality 6-clean water and sanitation 7-affordable and clean energy 8-decent work and economic growth 9-industry, innovation and infrastructure

17 objectives

10-reduction of inequalities 11- sustainable cities and communities 12-responsible production and consumption 13-climate action 14-underwater life 15-life of terrestrial ecosystems 16-peace, justice and solid institutions 17-alliances to achieve the objective

To achieve this, 193 countries established the 17 objectives, 169 targets and 231 global indicators

To achieve sustainable development we must take into account: social inclusion, environmental protection, economic growth.