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5 aspects in which English culture has influenced the development of humanity.
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5 aspects in which English culture has influenced the development of humanity.

5. Chocolate bar

4. Literature

3. Penicilin

2. Steam machine and railway network

6. Team members

1. The bicycle




Dandy Horse

Laufmaschine / Draisine.

Previous names and iterations

The bicycle

Safety bicycle

1885, Englishman John Kemp Starley created his first safety bicycle. Today that invention is regarded as one of the most important moments in bicycle history. It had featured chain that connected pedals to the rear wheel and steerable front wheel. This device (called Rover) ignited the era known today as “Golden Age of Bicycles”.



Steam machine and railway network

beginnings of capitalism

One of the great milestones of Great Britain was the invention of the steam engine and the railway network. The development of the railway network at this stage became the main engine of industrialization, driving the steel industry. For this great project, large investments were required that could no longer be undertaken by family businesses, so commercial companies were created by dividing the capital of the companies into shares called shares, in short, it was the first step to financial capitalism.

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928 by accident. He went on vacation and forgot a bacterial culture plate where, by chance, a fungus grew. In 1928, Fleming studied the mutations in the staph cultures he had left stacked in a corner of his lab. He noted that they had been accidentally contaminated by a fungus. The staph colonies surrounding the fungus had been destroyed, while more distant staph colonies were intact. Fleming grew the mold in pure culture and found that it produced a substance that killed various disease-causing bacteria.


English literature has a long and complex history, it is one of the oldest and most influential literatures in the West. We can speak of English literature since the 5th century, the High Middle Ages, when the Roman Empire began to abandon the British Isles and peoples of Germanic origin began to occupy it. The 9 most important periods in English literature are:


Postmodernism Postmodernism is a reaction against modernist premises. It is characterized by the idea of experimentation and the rejection of conventional literary forms. Postmodernists did not believe in the existence of a higher art form, or that some works of art are more valuable than others. So the idea of creating something aesthetically perfect did not make sense, for this reason, the authors create texts with an irreverent and random style.

The 20th century: Modernism is a literary period that began around 1900 and lasted until the 1940s. Modernism is a period in which writers rebelled against the literary norms of the 19th century that mostly had a clear narrative history. To fulfill this purpose they used new narrative techniques such as free verse, multiple points of view and the "stream of consciousness" (stream of consciousness) as in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, as well as the inclusion of "exotic" cultures.

Old English (Anglo-Saxon Period): 600–1066 Middle Ages: 1066-1500 Renaissance: 1500-1660 Elizabethan era 1558 – 1603 Jacobite era 1603 – 1625 Carolingian era and Oliver Cromwell 1625-1660 The Restoration: 1660-1700 The Enlightenment: 1700 – 1798 Romanticism: 1798 – 1837 Victorian era: 1837-1901 Modernism: 1901 – 1939 Postmodernism: 1940 – 2000 XXI century

The Mayan natives called that tree "cacahuaquchtl". The word chocolate comes from "tchocolatl" which was an Aztec drink prepared from cocoa, peppers, honey, vanilla, among others, and that was thickened with achiote juice. It is also known as Theobroma, which in Greek means Food of the Gods.

Origin of the word chocolate

Chocolate bar

The first chocolate bar was manufactured in the mid-19th century by the English company Fry & Sons. They devised the combination of cocoa liqueur, cocoa butter and sugar.


Brayan Orlando Belloc Castillo

Team members


Joel Heriberto Fuentes Quintanilla


Gonzalo Ramos Figueroa


Rodolfo García Luna


Lucero Carolina Hernández Padrón

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