Created on August 25, 2022
Here is the presentation and help for use of BacteriaGame, a serious card game for review of medical bacteriology
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Presentation and use of BacteriaGame
Mathilde Lescat, Assistant Professor in medical Bacteriology, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
principle and audience
Rules of the game
Educational objectives
BacteriaGame is a bacterial classification review card game born from the collaboration within the University Sorbonne Paris Nord between Mathilde Lescat a medical microbiologist and Nicolas Pineros a game designer from the Ludomaker, the University's GameLab. Later, they were joined by Katie Tenaillon a young talented designer to create the drawings of the bacteria.
BacteriaGame is published and distributed by the SFM, it is possible to get the game by buying it on the site: for more info click here:
by the French Society of Microbiology
These educational objectives are mainly knowledge objectives: - To know the essential bacteriological characteristics of bacteria (Gram aspect, family, main resistances to ATB) - Identify the environmental / commensal sites in which these bacteria evolve - Make the link with the pathologies due to these bacteria - But also to deduce how to collect them to diagnose them in the laboratory - Understand the antibiotic treatments to be implemented for serious or frequent infections due to these bacteria In addition to BacteriaGame, you can consult my slide show on the essential notions to know in medical Bacteriology here:
Educational objectives
Educational objectives
This game is intended for medical students (medicine, pharmacy) of different levels (from the 3rd year to the internship years). It can also be used for the training of technicians in Bacteriology of medical biology laboratories. Its objective is to learn and review the characteristics of 20 bacteria (or groups of bacteria) of medical interest. These bacteria have been chosen for their frequent or serious involvement in human infectious diseases. The aim of the game is to associate these bacteria with selected essential characteristics
Principle and audience
Principle and audience
Bacteria list
+ Click
Rules of the BacteriaGame
Here is a simplified guide explaining the rules of the game
Game summary
The object of the game is to match bacteria cards to their essential characteristics and to guess the bacteria cards of the other players. The game proceeds as follows: after setting up the game board, each player matches 4 characteristic cards to two bacteria cards he or she drew initially and draws 4 cards again. The next player plays clockwise. At any time, a player can bet by trying to guess another player's bacteria using a joker system and try to win points. A bacteria booklet is present in the game and helps to verify the associations made by the players as they bet.depending on who is wrong (bet, put down cards) the jokers are lost and those who are not wrong win points. The winner is the one who has won the most points at the end of the game which lasts 30 minutes (this time can be increased for the first sessions of play).
game summary
Installation of the game table
Each player places in front of him: - 2 bacteria cards face down after having looked at them - 4 characteristic cards - - 2 Joker or Token Start a timer for 30 minutes (or 1 hour if it is the 1st time the players play) To return to the summary click here
To return to the summary click here
The first player to play is the one who has never had antibiotics (or doesn't remember) Then the game turns clockwise
Launching and running the game
- To bet - To replace one of his characteristic cards if you realize that he has made a mistake - To look in the booklet for the card concerning one of his bacteria in case he blocks To return to the summary click here
Use of Jokers
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Course of the bet
Instagram account bacteriagamer, click here:
facebook page: Bacteria Game, click here:
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Contact : Mathilde Lescat