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What are the benefits of an Interactive Word Wall?

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Students actively interact with content vocabulary. Each subject has a unique set of vocabulary terms, and students need to know their meanings, connections, and how to use them in various contexts.

Vocabulary instruction should be extended over time with opportunities for students to hear, speak, read, and write words in various contexts. An Interactive Word Wall provides these opportunities for students during the length of a unit of study. The bonus - minimum preparation for the teacher.

The Interactive Word Wall provides multiple exposures to key content vocabulary and concepts. This develops an understanding and retention of vocabulary. Once students have surface knowledge of content vocabulary, they can make connections and transfer to a deeper understanding of the content.

Words become related to one another and connections are built.

An Interactive Word Wall helps to build higher levels of conceptual understanding and thinking skills through student engagements.

It's often been said, "those who do the work, do the learning." Students are the ones doing the work with the Interactive Word Wall.