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  Areas  of  law   
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Areas of law

Basically it is something private, it is usually used in the civil sphere, that is, it is used for negotiations, from its wording to its clauses, content and possible responsibilities.

Law of contract

The company law basically serves or is used when two or more entities/persons come together to do business, and decide to unite their capitals or industries in order to work in a uniform and united manner among the associates, they can undertake or participate in operations mercantile.

Company law

Lorem ipsBasically, the land law is in charge of redistributing the lost lands, that is, lands that are idle or abandoned (valdias) and basically promoting them to increase the intensity of use and also increase their productivity in order to improve the lives of farmers and their families.um dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat.

Land law

The law of torts is the area of the law, in charge of protecting people from the bad acts or treatment of other people, for example: If a person is damaged by the wrongful act of another person, you can file a claim for compensation against the person committing the offense.



Equity and trust are due to the property-type benefits that it offers and the diversity of operations that can be carried out, allowing the client to be certain that the trustee will deploy all its diligence to achieve the intended purpose.


Basically, as the name of the law says, "employment law" this is aimed at employment, and its main objective is to regulate unemployment, that is, it ensures that there are no arbitrary unemployment, or in other words, it regulates relations in the labor sphere.


Basically, family law deals with all kinds of family issues, as its name says, it is family law, that is, for the family in society, some things that it deals with are: custody of minors, divorces , domestic violence claims, spousal support claims, paternity rights applications, parental and grandparent visitation agreements, child support, legal separation and emancipation


The objective of the immigration law is basically to regulate the entry and exit of people (Salvadorans) and foreigners from the national territory, as well as the transit and stay of foreigners, within a framework of respect, protection and safeguarding of human rights and also of a contribution to national development


Basically, this law (intellectual property law) protects the works of the spirit manifested in a sensitive way, whatever the mode or form of its expression, its merit or its destiny, provided that said works have a creative character. intellectual or personal, that is, originality.


Basically, this law of criminal law is just one more branch of public law, which is responsible for regulating punitive power, that is, it regulates criminal activity within a State, in this case within our country El Salvador. Criminal law associates the performance of certain behaviors, called crimes, penalties and security measures as legal consequences


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