Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Rita Torres


Reconhecer a importância da leitura dos rótulos dos alimentos a fim de optar por escolhas alimentares saudáveis.

Objetivo Geral

Have you ever felt like you failed at something? What did you learn from that experience? When was a time you dared greatly?

Objetivos Específicos

  • Promover a aquisição de conhecimentos no que diz respeito à leitura dos rótulos dos alimentos.
  • Identificar as diferentes características dos rótulos dos alimentos.
  • Incentivar a leitura dos rótulos dos alimentos.
  • Capacitar para a escolha consciente e informada dos alimentos através da leitura dos rótulos dos mesmos.

Sometimes we put more energy into trying to be liked than into paying attention to those who already like and love us. Have you ever found yourself working hard to get someone else to like you? Did this have an impact on the friends you already had at the time?

Tudo o que pode constar no rótulo de um alimento:

  • Denominação de venda;
  • Lista de ingredientes;
  • Informação Nutricional;
  • Condições de conservação;
  • Prazo de Validade;
  • Lote;
  • Nome e morada da entidade;
  • Código de barras;
  • Ponto verde.

Where do you see a lack of justice right now in the world? What can you do in or outside of class to help change this? Why do you think Pope Paul VI says that justice will lead to peace?

Descodificador de Rótulos

First, let's clarify that we're not talking about situations of unequal power (abuse, institutional racism, etc.) where certain responses are given as a matter of survival. Start by reflecting on your friendships. How do you train your friends to see you? Is there anything you'd like to stop allowing within a friendship?

Cereais - Informação Nutricional por 100g

What is one conscious or unconscious habit you'd like to change and why? What will you do instead? What are the steps to replacing your current habit with a new one?

Bolachas - Informação Nutricional por 100g

Batats Fritas - Informação Nutricional por 100g

What is one thing you'd do if you weren't afraid to fail?

Coca Cola - Informação Nutricional por 100ml

Think about what your chapter is and what it looks like. It may be a family secret, a part of your inner world or just a part of your personality that you don't share. What do you lose from keeping this chapter private? What do you gain from keeping this chapter private?

Diet, Light, Zero, Magro e Integral - Qual a diferença?

Does life feel blurry for you right now? If so, give one example of how you might shift your focus and how that would be helpful. If not, give an example of a time in the past that you shifted your focus to gain perspective and how it helped you.

Em suma...



Obrigada pela vossa atenção!