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Genesys Cloud

Confidental & Proprietary

In this module, we will review...


What is Genesys Cloud?

Using the Genesys softphone

Logging in & navigating the Genesys Cloud desktop app

Accessing the Genesys softphone within Salesforce

What is Genesys Cloud?

Genesys Cloud is a web-based softphone that integrates directly with Salesforce. Genesys will also be used to access schedule information, Gamification (performance) statistics and more!

Logging In

to the Genesys Cloud Desktop App

Logging In

The Genesys Cloud app will be accessed daily via the Genesys Cloud icon on your desktop. Click the Genesys Cloud app that appears on the screen to continue.

Logging In

Once the application opens you will be directed to a log in screen. Our first step in this process will be to ensure that our location is set correctly. It should appear as 'Americas' (US West) at all times. If another location appears, we will utilize the [change] option in blue text to update. Click '[change]' on the screen to continue.

Logging In

A location list will appear where we can update the region as needed. Select Americas (US West) to continue.

Logging In

Once the region is set to Americas (US West), select 'More Login Options' at the bottom of the screen.

Logging In

You will now need to enter the Organization name. Our Organization name is 'SignetJewelers', with no space. Click on the Organization Name field to continue.

Logging In

You will now need to enter the Organization name. Our Organization name is 'SignetJewelers', with no space. Click on 'Next' to continue.

Logging In

You will now login to the Genesys Cloud app by clicking on the Microsoft logo. Click on the Microsoft logo to continue.

Logging In

You will then enter your Signet email address here. Click on the field to enter the email address to continue.

Logging In

You will then enter your Signet email address here. Click on 'Next' to continue.

Logging In

You will then enter your Signet email password here. Click on the Password field to continue.

Logging In

You will then enter your Signet email password here. Click on 'Sign in' to continue.

Logging In

Click on 'Yes' to continue.


the Genesys Cloud Desktop App


  • Personal work schedules
  • Quality Evaluations
  • Performance Statistics (Gamification)

To begin our exploration of the Genesys Cloud Desktop App, we will explore several of the fields present on the home page. As we navigate you will find that we will only be identifying certain areas of the page. The reason for this is that the Genesys Cloud Desktop App is only used in a support or administrative capacity, as the softphone itself will be accessed through Salesforce.

Navigating the Genesys Cloud Desktop App


This section of the Genesys Cloud Desktop App contains a daily schedule view. This includes start and end shift times, breaks and lunch times, as well as additional scheduled activities. It will be crucial that this information is viewed at the start of each shift and that you take ownership over each scheduled activity for your work day. This ensures high performance rankings in the area of schedule adherence and is vital to the success of the C3 team.

Navigating the Genesys Cloud Desktop App


The View Full Schedule link allows you to navigate directly to the schedule area in the app. In this section you will be able to view your schedule daily, weekly or monthly. Schedules in the C3 are typically released between 3 and 4 weeks in advance.

Navigating the Genesys Cloud Desktop App


The inbox icon on the home page will be where you go to receive updates regarding personal communications, schedule changes/adjustments and newly released quality evaluation notifications. You will be able to quickly identify that a new notification was received by the orange dot indicator that will appear.

Navigating the Genesys Cloud Desktop App


The Scorecard Summary and Personal Bests sections on the home screen view will provide a daily, weekly and all-time performance view. This section will compile all performance components and the points earned for each.

Navigating the Genesys Cloud Desktop App


You have successfully mastered navigating the support and administrative functions within the Genesys Cloud Desktop app. Please remember that this application will only be used in the capacity that we have just reviewed. This application will be a vital resource for your success as a C3 team member. The application should be opened at the beginning of every shift and remain open for the entirety of your shift.

Navigating the Genesys Cloud Desktop App


the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce


Setting up your systems and resources will be an incredibly important part of each workday. It ensures that you have resources at hand that best equip you to care for your customers and provide them with stellar customer service. The steps to setting up your Genesys smartphone are no exception to this rule. It is important to note that some of these steps will be completed every day and others may only be needed on occasion. It will be crucial that we are in the habit of checking these settings before beginning each shift and ensuring we are set up appropriately.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Click here to start!

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Our first step will be to enable pop-ups within Salesforce. When pop-ups are blocked, an indicator will appear in the far right hand corner of the web address bar with a red X. Click the pop-up indicator icon to continue.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Select the option 'Always allow pop-ups...'

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Click on 'Done'.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Select Allow when this pop-up appears.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Click on the Genesys Authenticator Window to continue.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Our next step will be to log into our Genesys smartphone through the authenticator window. Click 'More Login Options' to begin signing in.

Click on the Genesys Authenticator Window to continue.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

You will need to enter our organization name: SignetJewelers (with no space). Click on the Organization field to enter the name.

Click on the Genesys Authenticator Window to continue.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

You will need to enter our organization name: SignetJewelers (with no space). Click on 'Next' to continue.

Click on the Genesys Authenticator Window to continue.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

You will sign in with your Signet Microsoft account. Click on the Microsoft logo to continue.

Click on the Genesys Authenticator Window to continue.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Once we have signed into the system using our Microsoft account, a new pop-up window will appear. Here we will need to allow the cloud to access our systems microphone. Click 'Allow' to enable.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The WebRTC Phone window supports the Genesys softphone system and allows it to run properly. For this reason, the window must remain open during your shift. While the window itself states it cannot be closed or minimized, we are able to minimize this window without impacting its functionality. Click the minimize icon in the window to continue.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Click here to finish setting up your softphone.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce


This is your Genesys softphone window. Within this window you will mange and navigate through your phone interactions with your customers. In addition, this window will also be used to change and update your status throughout your workday, depending on your scheduled task.

Setting up the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Click through the areas in the Genesys Softphone Window to learn more about it's functionality.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The status window in the Genesys Softphone will be an important component of this application's use. This window will be used throughout your workday and should reflect each activity you partake in. These statuses should be utilized to reflect the activities listed in your schedule in the Genesys Cloud desktop app.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The 'On Queue' status will communicate to the system that you are ready to take a call and order the longest waiting call directly to your softphone.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The 'Available' status can be viewed as a 'default status' each day when you sign into the application, you will automatically be placed into this status. It communicates to the system that you are signed in, but haven't yet specified the type of work you are doing.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The 'Busy' status is reserved for any task related work completed in the C3. This communicates to the system that a team member is not taking live customer calls. The only status we will use as phone team members is the 'Queue Aux 10' status.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

To request queue time, simply message the C3 Dugout via the @Dugout Teams group with your request. A member of leadership will respond to your request with the time period you are scheduled. This time will also be added to your schedule in Genesys. The time will be scheduled in 15 minute increments. If you should find that additional time is needed, just ask!

The 'Busy' status is reserved for any task related work completed in the C3. This communicates to the system that a team member is not taking live customer calls. The only status we will use as phone team members is the 'Queue Aux 10' status.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Similar to the busy status, the 'Away' status is reserved for task related work. This status will not be used by the phone team.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The 'Break' status serves as two different functions in Genesys. The 'Break Aux 02' status is used for your scheduled 15 minute breaks. You will know when to use this status because it will be specified on your schedule each day. Note that this status should only be used during your scheduled time.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The 'Unscheduled Break Aux 7' is available for use if you should need to step away from call taking during a time that you are not scheduled for break. This status communicates to the leadership team that you are stepping away briefly and will return in a few minutes. If additional time away from call taking should be needed during your scheduled shift, please speak with a member of leadership before stepping away.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The 'Lunch Aux 01' status is to be used during your unpaid, scheduled lunch break. Depending on the length of your scheduled shift, this period of time could be scheduled for 30 or 60 minutes. This status should only be used during your scheduled time each day.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The 'Meeting Aux 11' status can serve several different topic points. This status is only to be used when scheduled. Common uses will include scheduled team meetings and one on one conversations with the leadership team.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The 'Training Aux 12' status will be used for any training being completed. This status is only to be used when scheduled. Common uses will include time to complete Signet required trainings and refresher courses.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Click through the areas in the Genesys Softphone Window to learn more about it's functionality.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The hamburger menu in the Genesys softphone will allow you to access several functions that are also available within the Genesys Cloud app, as well as functionality to make phone calls.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

You will not need to use these first two menu options within the hamburger menu.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

When you need to make an outbound call, select "New Interaction".

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Click here to view the Genesys Outbound Queue Options job aid!

To place an outbound call, you will need to type in a queue name first. Begin to type the name of the queue in order to select the appropriate queue. It is recommended to select a queue that is most closely related to the reason for the call (ex. if it is a call to a Kay Store, you can select 'KJO Store Merchandise'.)You will then enter the phone number, and click "Call" to dial out. There are no additional numbers that need to be added to the phone number in order to dial out.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

In the "Agent Performance" section, you will be able to view your call statistics for the day.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

In the "User Inbox" section, you will be able to view any voicemails, new evaluations or schedule changes.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce


Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the voicemail to view additional options.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce


Evaluations are an important part of your performance metrics. You will receive notifications in your Genesys Inbox every time a new evaluation is available for review. To view the evaluation itself, you will need to review it in the Genesys cloud app.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Schedule Notices

These notifications will appear any time there is an update to your schedule. This could include a new week's schedule being released, or a change in lunch or break time. To ensure proper schedule adherence, these notifications should be viewed as soon as possible after they are received.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

This section will view you a quick view of your schedule by day. To receive the full benefit of the schedule view, best practice will be to view it in the Genesys Cloud app.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Click through the areas in the Genesys Softphone Window to learn more about it's functionality.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The phone icon will allow you to pick up incoming calls that are made directly to your personal extension. Please note, when you are taking calls 'On Queue' the call will automatically answer, so this action will not be necessary.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The pause button will allow you to place a caller on hold when needed. Please be sure that you are asking the caller for permission to place them on hold and waiting for their acceptance, before doing so. Once the caller is placed on hold, the pause icon will turn red indicating the call is on hold.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The mute button will allow you to block any audio being shared in the call from transmitting to the customer. Please note that this button should not be used in place of the Hold option as this could cause confusion for the customer. Use this action sparingly and briefly, if needed. Please note, all call recordings will continue, even when the call is on mute.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The transfer button will allow you to transfer a customer's call to a specific queue or a specific team member, when needed. After selecting transfer you will need to search for the appropriate queue or person name. Consult should always be used as the call type when completing this action. By selecting consult you will be able to speak with the individual you are transferring the call to before completing the transfer. During this interaction you may bring them up to speed on the reason for the customer's call, confirm if they have already been verified and prevent the customer from repeating any unnecessary steps.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The disconnect button will end the call interaction. Best practice will be to utilize this option at the end of every call, and not to assume the system will end the interaction, once the customer disconnects on their end.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

This button will allow you to view a dial pad, when needed. While you will not need this function when placing an outbound call, you will need it when navigating through an automated system. A common use of this function would be if you're calling a credit provider on a customer's behalf.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Secure Pause is an important function in Genesys. It allows us to pause all functionality for our recording process, so we may safeguard our customer's personal credit card information. This action should only be completed when placing an order on a customer's behalf. You should select the Secure Pause button right before a customer provides their credit card number and right after they have finished providing their CVV number, and you've moved on to the next screen. By selecting Secure Pause a second time, you will resume recording as normal. Please note, you will not need to select Secure Pause when a customer is paying using their Private Label Credit Card. If you should ever forget to select Secure Pause prior to the customer providing their card information, all hope is not lost! Once you have completed the call, email your direct supervisor with the customer's name and related case number, and they will work with the Signet IT team to have it corrected.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

You will not use the Schedule a Callback feature.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

The flag button should be utilized any time there are quality issues present during the call. Common instances of this may be if the customer indicates that there is an echo or static present they can hear, or if you yourself are having difficultly hearing the customer. The button will turn red in response.

Managing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

As you can see, when there is an active call, the available softphone functions will be white. The information on the call will display the phone number, as well as the queue the call is coming from.

Utilizing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Once the call disconnects, you will see a Wrap-up code box appear. This will begin a countdown of wrap-up time to complete your documentation for the call. The total amount of time for Wrap-Up will vary by queue, but once the timer is up, you will be back On Queue. If you select the "Done" button, it will immediately put you back On Queue, so be sure to only select this once you are completely finished with your documentation.

Utilizing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

Once the call is disconnected, the call will grey out. Previous calls may stay in your interaction window for a brief period of time.

Utilizing the Softphone

Accessing the Genesys Softphone in Salesforce

You may now exit the module.

You have now completed this module!

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