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Made by ignacio
Sparta vs athens
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Made by ignacio

Sparta vs athens

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7.Who winned

6.What they winned with this war?

5.Fighting estrategies of Athens

4.Fighting estrategies of sparta

3.How did Sparta and Athens fight?

2.And how did it come about?

1. When did it happened?


Peloponese war between sparta and athens and their respective allies occured in two phases the first was 460 until 446 b.c and the second period was from 431 until 404 b.c and this war perjudicate the two bands

1.When this war occured?

So much so that Sparta, the great rival of Athens, started the war with the justification of avoiding the excessive growth of the military and economic power that Athens exercised over the rest of the Greek cities. In this way, the war was simply a struggle for Greek hegemony.

2.how did it come about?

Athens fighted over all with boats and they fighted body to body. More details later

Sparta fighted with hoplites, light infantry units of helots. They fighted without armor. More details later

3.How did Sparta and Athens fight?

The estrategy of spartan people was surround the grounds that surrounds athens, attack and get out of the fighting camp. They fighted without armor as you can see here.

4.Fighting estrategies of sparta

Athens fighted over all with boats and they fighted body to body.

5.Fighting estrategies of Athens

Sparta won the Peloponnesian War because Athens wasted men and resources on a disastrous expedition in Sicily. With money from Persia, Sparta built a large army and defeated the Athenians at Aegospotami in 405 BC. They winned terrirtory and destrozate the athens economy.

6.Why the winned and What they winned with this war?

obiously sparta winned becaouse they were best fighters and they haved better estrategy

7.Who winned?

what was the estrategy of athens?

Why this war occured?

What was the estrategy of sparta?

when this war occured?

Who winned the peloponese war? and why?

Question time

to you all of course

Thanks for your attention!

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