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Special Education Information for 
Campus Administrators
Let's talk about ARDS and such!
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Special Education Information for Campus Administrators

Let's talk about ARDS and such!

ARD 101

Make sure everyone is heard. You ensure special education is provided to meet the unique needs of the child. What's being discussed is documented.

You represent the district, campus, the student and are agreeing this is the most appropriate plan for them. Propose/Recommend "Are we all in agreement?"

Campus Administrators

Chair the ARD

You run the show!Can we hire them? Can we buy that? Why, What, Who, When, How


Ensure FAPE


Ferris ISD SpEd Dept. expects all administrators to project ARDC meetings. This gives all parties an opportunity to view the drafted document and allows the administrator to see first hand what they are agreeing to.

How do I know exactly?

Deliberations, deliberations

Evaluation staff are trained on how to keep deliberations. While they are not required, they are increasingly important in litigation.

No PLAAFP, No ARD MeetingObj only required for students that take STAAR ALT.

Draft PLAAFP, Goals, Obj.

Progress reports

ARD Prep should be reflected in teacher appraisals

The Special Education Teacher

Should be presented and reviewed at every annual ARD meeting!

Staff Performance

Address shortfalls with saff members. (Lack of preparation, poor data, etc.) Goals and objectives should be individualized, measureable and based on data! (Anyone should be able to pick up the IEP and implement it) Show your work!

These failures should be reflected on a Special Education teacher’s evaluation:- Failure to write measurable goals and objectives for students - Failure to measure and document progress - Failure to send home IEP progress reports as required by the IEP - Failure to collect data regularly and correctly - Deciding to stop an accommodation without going to an ARDC meeting - Failing to implement any aspect of the IEP/BIP Evaluating GenEd Teachers – look for correct and consistent implementation of IEP modifications and accommodations in the GenEd classroom.

Staff Performance


Keeps you in compliance

Prevents skipping steps

Helps the meeting flow smoothly

Aids in documentation


Try this:

“We will schedule a conference for you to meet with the biology teacher about that issue after the meeting. We believe we have sufficient information to proceed with the development of the IEP/BIP, etc.”

All the training in the world doesn’t matter if it’snot implemented. Holding staff accountable has to start with campus leaders, or else it ends with a district lawsuit.

ARD 101 Part 2

ARD 101 Part 1


Show what you know!


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