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Action Research Program on Character Develepment

20 outstanding teachers, ambassadors of the Global Teacher Prize, are turning their classrooms into research laboratories. Get to know their projects!

Aleyda Chévez

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Critical thinking for active citizenship



Carolina Muñoz



Cristobal Rojas


Darío Greni

Development of Skills / Competencies

Diana Rubio





Eduardo Pérez

intercultural pedagogy


Elisa Guerra

Literacy / Reading and writing processes

Gisela Gomez

Development of Skills / Competencies

Gustavo Calderón


Jayse Ferreira

Development of Skills / Competencies




Jhon Acosta

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Diego Caiza


Katerine Franco


Marcela Henríquez

Development of Skills / Competencies

Marcia Hernández

Development of Skills / Competencies

Marcio Batista

Development of Skills / Competencies

Mariela Guadagnoli

Student Retention

Mario Santibáñez

Development of Skills / Competencies

Guillermo Guevara

TIC + Motivation

Sindey Bernal

Emotional development











Action Research Program on Character Develepment

20 outstanding teachers, ambassadors of the Global Teacher Prize, are turning their classrooms into research laboratories. Get to know their projects!

Jhon Acosta

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Diego Caiza


Katerine Franco


Marcela Henríquez

Development of Skills / Competencies

Marcia Hernández

Development of Skills / Competencies

Marcio Batista

Development of Skills / Competencies

Mariela Guadagnoli

Student Retention

Mario Santibáñez

Development of Skills / Competencies

Guillermo Guevara

TIC + Motivation

Sindey Bernal

Emotional development











Action Research Program on Character Develepment

20 outstanding teachers, ambassadors of the Global Teacher Prize, are turning their classrooms into research laboratories. Get to know their projects!

What is the impact of the evaluation of historical sources on the viceroyalty class system in the conceptualization and exercise of democracy for the development of civic character in third year high school students of the Peruvian Spanish Interworld school?

Research question

Critical thinking for active citizenship


I believe that a fundamental base is the example of the teacher. We cannot promote what we ourselves are not capable of doing or demonstrating through our actions and our words. Respect, empathy, solidarity, honesty, justice, among others, they must be the engine of each of our daily actions, always bearing in mind that in front of each of our actions there is a child who observes, learns and reinforces his own life. In addition, the subject I teach, Language and Literature, is an excellent platform to model the development of character and virtues, since fiction can show us some aspect of our lives and serve as an inspiration for our actions.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Civic character strengths: fairness, respect, volunteering and contributing to the common good.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

The school must promote learning that is useful for life and contributes to social development. Students must acquire tools that allow them to provide solutions to the problems and challenges that they will experience throughout their lives, understanding in depth the characteristics of our current world and the transformations that we will experience as citizens of the 21st century.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?

What is the effect of formative assessment on the development of honesty?

Research question


The development of character and virtues can be modeled from the example that we as teachers have over our students, generating collaborative work with parents, teachers, the mental health team and the community in favor of forming proactive students with a desire to comply. their life projects to offer society strategies that generate progress, collaborative work and peace.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Moral character strengths: Honesty and integrity, caring and compassion, gratitude, courage to take initiative.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

Today's school must promote learning which enhances the basic skills that allow the student to communicate, be critical and reflective; the citizen competences that allow coexistence, democratic participation, the management of socio-emotions, solidarity and labor competences that correspond to the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are necessary for students to be trained as productive and altruistic beings at social service.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


What musical teaching strategies favor the development of autonomy in students with visual disabilities at Colegio Santa Lucía?

Research question


On the one hand, character must be educated through concrete concepts; the virtues and values ​​that make it up must be known. But also, the so-called 'training moments', which occur on a day-to-day basis in the school environment, should be used in parallel; so that with pedagogical intent we can model their practice and make it evident in certain situations.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Intellectual character strengths: curiosity, carefulness, intellectual autonomy, critical thinking.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

Character education is an opportunity to train the citizens that society needs. Upstanding and ethical people capable of discerning between what is good and what is not, for them and for their environment, and that this allows them to act accordingly.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How do critical thinking and scientific skills complement each other and allow for the creation of an academic training that favors the performance of 6th grade students?

Research question

Development of Skills / Competencies

The development of character and virtues can be modeled through pedagogical strategies that allow students to experience everyday situations in which they can analyze and strengthen values ​​and virtues. Some strategies to model character and virtues are:• Teach students to regulate emotions • Provide students with testimonies of life that serve as a motivational source and can influence their character • Facilitate everyday situations that encourage analysis, decision making and recognition of values • Teach by example: students learn more from what they observe than from what they simply hear

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Intellectual character strengths: curiosity, carefulness, intellectual autonomy, critical thinking.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

Today's school must promote a comprehensive education that encourages the development of values ​​and virtues on which the character of children and young people who will participate as future citizens of the world is formed.The school must offer diverse pedagogical strategies that link the active participation of the students, their families and other actors of the educational community in the construction of learning that is significant for the lives of the students. Some of the learning that the school should promote today are: • Character education understood as the inclusion of values ​​such as empathy, resilience, trust, honesty, compassion, teamwork and gratitude; moral and intellectual qualities and development of virtues. • Citizen competencies that guide the interaction of students with others and with the environment • Managing emotions in everyday situations and having the ability to face global challenges. • Encourage school leadership, participation and decision making • Learn to work with others: collaborative work

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How are autonomy and critical thinking related in the development of a STEM program among 15 to 18 year olds

Research question


Generating participatory experiences of solidarity and service in real contexts. For this, the teacher must carry out continuous and committed work, since the teaching of character education and virtues is not reduced to work inside the classroom, it is the teacher who receives a preponderant role in educating inside and outside of it, with his example, inspiring and motivating students to excel, discovering how valuable we all are as people. This originates from a need that tries to be transformed into a team by the teacher and students. That will direct them to meaningful, lasting and lifelong learning.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Intellectual character strengths: curiosity, carefulness, intellectual autonomy, critical thinking.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

Currently the world is making a demand for citizens with good virtues, who are not only suitable for a job but also a good person, with management of a portfolio of securities that allows them to act honestly and with criteria in various situations. In this sense, the school must guarantee an early approach to these new moldable, scalable and procedural concepts that allow personal growth committed to the common good.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How to get students with hearing disabilities to maintain a character that encompasses good behavior and demonstrates their civic virtues?

Research question

Intercultural pedagogy

The congruence between what is taught and lived, inside and outside the classroom, is decisive for the development of character and virtues. Educating in character implies that teachers and parents are committed to our own development, that we exemplify the constant struggle for human improvement.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Intellectual character strengths: curiosity, carefulness, intellectual autonomy, critical thinking.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

The work of the school is to educate our children and young people so that they are highly capable, and at the same time, deeply human.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


Can active participation in a literary creation podcast foster curiosity and critical thinking in students aged 10 to 15?

Research question

Literacy / Reading and writing processes

It is modeled with each one of our personal and collective behaviors, both from teachers, directors, assistants, parents and everyone involved in the school community. The virtues are not separated from each other and to achieve an optimal result it is important to advance in all of them.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Intellectual character strengths: curiosity, carefulness, intellectual autonomy, critical thinking.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

The emotions, talents and personal abilities of the students must be promoted, strengthened and validated, leaving behind a school where the teacher is an indisputable authority, which does not allow dialogue and collective growth.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


Development of Skills / Competencies

From my perspective, teaching by example must be achieved and the people that we try to train must be formed. This goes is not an imagination, because by systematizing educational practices this goal is a task that can be achieved.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Performance character strengths: self-discipline, responsibility, goal-setting, grit.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues


What is the link between the development of the work autonomy of the seventh year students of the I.P.E.T. N°85 "Republic of Italy" of Córdoba, Argentina; through the development of a productive project with the ABP methodology?

Research question

The school forms integral people capable of developing in the modern world and society, it is important that the curriculum also accounts for these adaptations in society and to not remain only in the discourse without systematic processes that support this learning and let them to the good will of each teacher or school.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?

To what extent do the learning experiences based on the Maker STEAM methodology, the alternative environments and the roles that are proposed contribute to the increase in confidence, foster resilience and perseverance in Middle and High School students?

Research question


Through institutional programs that have character developmnet as one of their priorities. Methodologies and projects that land concrete actions to increase knowledge of the virtues that form character, shown through an increase in language, service-based learning strategies where it is exposed to real dilemmas and assumed as a transforming actor. And through healthy and congruent environments where the search for knowledge, truth and understanding is valued in order to act appropriately in situations that require an ethical response. Integrate actions to strengthen ecosystems where they can contribute to the common good from their talents where they simultaneosly develop resilience, work in a team and determine to achieve personal goals through common sense.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Performance character strengths: self-discipline, responsibility, goal-setting, grit.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

The idea that the school should promote an understaning of their reality and to allow them to interact from social empathy.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


Why are students unmotivated in the classroom?

Research question

Development of Skills / Competencie

To model character development, we must be clear about what we want from our students and what virtues do we want them to develop when they leave school. An alternative is to work with projects that motivate, involve and place the student as a protagonist, giving them the tools to be able to become everything they want to be. Foster a collaborate school that promotes trust and service to others. Promote the ethics of care within the institution that mobilizes and models all its actions.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Performance character strengths: self-discipline, responsibility, goal-setting, grit.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

The school must include spaces in which intellectual, moral, civic and performance values ​​and virtues are promoted; that they form habits in their students that allow them to decide what they want to become. It must exemplify and inspire to influence students well.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How to promote teamwork through collaborative board games within sixth grade students of the Envigado Commercial Educational Institution?

Research question


With practical and specific actions focused on the great problems that modern society faces. Promote, Education for all, waste management, preservation of the environment, sustainability, gender equality in labor relations and ethical and morally sound actions.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Performance character strengths: self-discipline, responsibility, goal-setting, grit.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

The school must form a complete individual, capable of understanding the current needs and the most pertinent social problems. In a world of constant and rapid transformation, the individual must adapt quickly, but they always seem to lose their moral and ethical values.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?



Through practical examples based on the reality in which the student is inserted; Another way is to listen actively, giving space for students to express themselves.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Intellectual character strengths: curiosity, carefulness, intellectual autonomy, critical thinking.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

How to promote teamwork through collaborative board games in sixth grade students of the Envigado Commercial Educational Institution?

Research question

Autonomy, benevolence, empathy, I can see being the most necessary.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How do audio stories support the development of confidence and teamwork in fourth graders?

Research question


The development of character and virtues can be modelled through pedagogical strategies that allow students to experience everyday situations in which they can analyse and strengthen values and virtues. Some strategies to model character and virtues are:- Teaching learners to regulate emotions.- Providing learners with life testimonies that serve as a motivational source and can influence their character. - Facilitating everyday situations that encourage analysis, decision-making and recognition of values. - Teach by example: students learn more from what they observe than from what they simply hear.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Performance character strengths: self-discipline, responsibility, goal-setting, grit.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

Today's school must foster a comprehensive education that promotes the development of values and virtues on which character is formed in children and young people who will participate as future citizens of the world. The school must offer diverse pedagogical strategies that link the active participation of students, their families and other actors in the educational community in the construction of learning that is meaningful for the lives of students.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How can you motivate and develop high school students to become interested towards current issues that involve them?

Research question

Development of Skills / Competencies

The actions that we can carry out require the participation and consensus of all members of the educational community. Integrate the school curriculum and culture through the use of technology, the development of interdisciplinary-playful activities, the search for consensus, community commitment, socio/emotional development that allows the achievement of academic and professional objectives.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Civic character strengths: fairness, respect, volunteering and contributing to the common good.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

We must promote the development of the ethical, intellectual, social and emotional in each person.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


Development of Skills / Competencies - Development of Skills

In my opinion, this work must be done collectively since each one of us, based on our thoughts and feelings, can contribute to the group and ensure that what we want to highlight is approached from different points of view. This modeling must be systematic, shared by the entire group of the institution and projected throughout the entire schooling of each of our children.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Moral character strengths: Honesty and integrity, caring and compassion, gratitude, courage to take initiative.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

How does the approach to entrepreneurship contribute to the development of leadership and collaborative work in the sixth year class A of school n°17?

Research question

Uruguay is currently in a process of change at a systemic level which aims to leave the current establishment and move to one of our neigbors. Although it is not new in the educational world, it is a great advance and places the child at the center of our practices since what is sought is to know what their potentials are, to be able to develop them and, in addition, to work on those that are not their strongsuits. Skills, competencies, virtues, are present in our classrooms and, all of them, seek to prepare children for the future, applying what was learned at a given time in other situations that promote active participation in society.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


What is the impact of scientific fakes news on character formation?

Research question

Development of Skills / Competencies - Development of Skills

I believe that in the first place we must get closer to our students, really get to know them. Working from closeness makes many things possible for us. Knowing them we will be able to identify where to start and what aspects to work with each one. I always try to address it in workshops, with different themes and example situations, which allow them to reflect and grow in these aspects. I believe that enhancing self-esteem is fundamental and necessary in general. Helping our students to see themselves and recognize themselves capable of achieving any goal is a great challenge, but I consider it to be a fundamental pillar.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Moral character strengths: Honesty and integrity, caring and compassion, gratitude, courage to take initiative.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

Undoubtedly, the school should promote not only conceptual learning, but life skills, so that our students acquire tools that can serve them not only as a student but as a person, I believe that this is the way to achieve better results.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How to generate pedagogical strategies that foster a positive school climate and empathic interpersonal relationships to educate in perseverance and confidence, ultimately seeking to avoid school dropout?

Research question

Development of Skills / Competencies

From my perspective, teaching by example must be achieved and the people that we try to train must be formed. This goes is not an imagination, because by systematizing educational practices this goal is a task that can be achieved.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Performance character strengths: self-discipline, responsibility, goal-setting, grit.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

The learning that places the students as protagonists of their teaching-learning process is what the school must promote today. Taking into account the interests of our students, being able to link curricular knowledge with their environment and promoting character development are some of the keys to carrying out this titanic task.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How can a commitment to environmental sustainability be developed in students that ultimately has an impact on society through activities developed within the subject of Natural Sciences?

Research question

Development of Skills / Competencies - Development of Skills

From the participation of the entire community, a comprehensive curriculum and a favorable school climate.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Civic character strengths: fairness, respect, volunteering and contributing to the common good.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

A global intercultural pedagogy based on the recognition of one another and a spirituality that creates ethics and values.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


With the implementation of augmented reality, is it possible to arouse motivation for learning in students of the I.E. 821542?

Research question

TIC + Motivation


How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Performance character strengths: self-discipline, responsibility, goal-setting, grit.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues


What type of learning should promoted in today's school?


How can the development of strategies to recognize depression due to transmedia narratives in 7 to12 years old boys and girls strengthen the virtue of resilience as a mechanism for character formation?

Research question

Emotional development

Recognize, identify and apply responsibility, respect, integrity, compassion, understanding, honesty, justice, empathy, perseverance and courage, from 3 moments: 1. Reflection of the context. 2. Dialogue between peers. 3. Practice. Live the experience.

How can character development and virtues be modeled?

Civic character strengths: fairness, respect, volunteering and contributing to the common good.

Principal theme

Group of Virtues

Articulate information with strategies that allow the creation of projects that respond to current demands from the articulation of disciplines not as independent areas but transversal and that allow teamwork between teachers, families and students.

What type of learning should promoted in today's school?