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Digital wellbeing

Digital wellbeingDigital wellbeing (or digital health) is the pursuit of a conscious and healthy relationship with technology in the workplace and in one's personal life.






How do we interact with social media and what impact do they have on our lives?

Digital wellbeing

digital identity ACTIVITY 1

  • Take 5 selfies
  • Describe them
  • Choose one to upload to social media. Why did you choose that one? How does that identity resemble your personal self?
ACTIVITY 2 (in pairs or groups) Reflect on the previous activity and compare your reflections with those of your classmates. As a team, write a short article or blog to share your reflections and conclusions on social media. Digital identity is the set of information published on the internet about us and which makes up the image that others have of us: personal data, images, news, comments, tastes, friendships, hobbies, etc. In other words: How do others perceive you? This, of course, has a lot to do with our ability to recognize ourselves, understanding that identity brings together many definitions of oneself, such as gender identity, sexual, social, psychological, moral identity...

digital responsibility ACTIVITY (in groups)

  • Individually: think of an action on social media that has had negative consequences for you, or for a friend.
  • Write that story using fictional characters and share it with your group. Reflect with your group on each other's stories.
  • Create an article, reflection, or post in the format of your choice and publish it on social media.
Digital responsibility We are increasingly exposed to technologies and that brings with it the responsibility to use these tools safely and responsibly. Digital responsibility not only refers to maintaining one's own safety but also includes assuming the consequences of one's actions, behaving responsibly in the virtual environment, and being part of a community.

communication in the era of social media ACTIVITY (in pairs)

  • With your partner, read the article below.
  • Analyze it and discuss what you think is most relevant. Do you agree or disagree with the article? What is your opinion on the topic?
  • Prepare a presentation for the class on your analysis and opinion.
Article: https://theconversation.com/social-media-is-it-really-to-blame-for-young-people-being-lonelier-than-any-other-age-group-104292 Social media: is it really to blame for young people being lonelier than any other age group?Young people are lonelier than all other age groups, according to recent findings from the BBC Loneliness Experiment. In a survey of more than 55,000...The Conversation

social media and their presence in our daily lives ACTIVITY (in groups) Let's check in with our digital habits:

  • Think of 5 habits you have with your most common digital device in your daily life.
  • Share them with your group and identify in each case if it is a positive or negative habit.
  • Choose a negative habit, explain why you think it is a negative habit, and suggest a plan to change it.

the impact of social media on our social interactions Challenge (in a group)

  • Organize three trips with your friends to a park. Everyone must agree not to bring their phones.
  • When you return from each trip, take note of the following:
  1. How did you feel? What did you feel?
  2. Did you need your phones at any moment? What for?
  3. How were these trips different from others?
  • In your group, discuss and compare your notes with your classmates. Brainstorm which factors of those that have come up are the most important for your life and relationships.
  • (in groups or individually) Publish an article with conclusions, photos, music, and/or whatever you feel is relevant.

Social media in our personal or social objectives ACTIVITY (in pairs) Answer the following questions and reflect on your answers.

  • How many times a day do you feel the need to publish something?
  • When you do it, do you publish it on all your social media?
Once you've published it,
  • what do you hope to receive?
  • do you frequently check reactions?
In your daily life: How many times a day do networks claim your attention when you are doing something else? How many times is this claim relevant to your life? Have you felt anxiety or stress caused by not having been able to answer or act or post something? Did you reflect in that moment on the real importance of those actions that cause you anxiety? Have you felt fear, anguish, or anger about any publication? How did you react? Have you overreacted to any of your posts or those of your friends? What were the consequences of that overreaction? Social media can be very demanding of our attention. If we answer their calls for our attention every time, we won't have time for anything else, and we'll only be present online, rather than in real life.