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Fallacy Practice
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Fallacy Practice

Something is true because person “A” an authority claims it to be true.

Appeal to Authority

Question 1/10

Appeal to Tradition


The defendant is obviously guilty because the nurse testified that he was lying.

Question 2/10

Fallacy of Composition

Appeal to Authority

Appeal to Ignorance

Putting two or more “good” things together does not necessarily mean they will be good together?

Fallacy of Composition

Question 3/10

Appeal to Tradition

Extravagent Hypothesis

With the U.S. unemployment rates at 10.5%, every state has unemployment problems.

Question 4/10

Slippery Slope

False Analogy

Fallacy of Division

What is true for the whole has to be true for any of the pieces of the whole as well.

Claiming something is true or right because it has always been that way.

Bandwagon Appeal

Question 5/10

Appeal to Tradition

Either/or Fallacy

After 20 years of teaching, Mrs. Smith is asked why she still lectures almost exclusively. She replies, that's the way I have always taught.

Question 6/10

Hasty Generalization

Appeal to Tradition

Fallacy of Composition

Uses lack of evidence (for or against) as the basis of the eargument. For example, if something can’t be disproven, it must be true!

Extravagant Hypothesis

Question 7/10

Fallacy of Division

Appeal to Ignorance

The similarities between the two things are not substantial enough to apply to the other.

Question 8/10

Hasty Generalization

False Analogy

Slippery Slope

Formulating a complex or unlikely explanation for an event when a simpler explanation would do.

Hasty Generalization

Question 9/10

Extravagant Hypothesis

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

There is Premise X. Premise X must be true because of Premise X

Question 10/10

Circular reasoning

Either/Or Fallacy

Bandwagon Appeal

Occurs when a conclusion is drawn from a sample that is too small or selective to represent the subject accurately.

Extravagant Hypothesis

Question 11/1

Fallacy of Division

Hasty Generalization

Assuming that because "B" follows "A," "A" must have caused "B." This is an easy fallacy to assume because this couldhappen, but we cannot always assume this happens.

Question 8/10

Hasty Generalization

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

Slippery Slope



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