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The Maze runner



You wake up on a lift that never stops going up. Suddenly, it stops and the doors open. Many people appear in front of you and they explain you that you’re locked in an enormous stone made labyrinth. You must look for the exit as soon as possible to avoid being infected by very big spiders.


Explore the Labyrinth


It's too dark...

There're many spiders here

Open inventory...

In this way you find a big bottomless hole that occupies almost all the path and you don't want to fall down. You can do 3 different things


Try to go through a very narrow side

Jump the hole

Turn around and go another way

Now you see a door and for open it you have to solve this riddle:Where does Firday come before Thursday?

Mayan calendar


In the dictionary

Moon calendar

Well done!!, you have opened the door and now you contunue walking



Oh noo, there's a big spider in front of you, what do you do?

You fight with it

You turn and run

Stay still


It's not correct... You fall down

It's not correct... You don't find another way

The spider has bitten you And now you must take another path and look for a cure

Explore the Labyrinth


It's too dark...

You've already tried to go this way

Open inventory...

Resolve this riddle to get the medicine:

The word 1 was Bactericidal

The word 1 was antibacterial

The word 1 was Bacterium


Pharmacology- Antibiotics » hangman online games

Congratulations!!!! You have find the cure, now continue looking for the exit

Explore the Labyrinth


You've already tried to go this way

This way is too dark, if you find a lantern you will be able to get in it. First of all, click on the second inventory rectangle to get a box in which you must find a key that will help you a lot.

You've already tried to go this way

Open inventory...

Find the key to continue

Explore the Labyrinth


The key doesn't open this door

In this room you have to find the lantern, following the different clues

This note isn't the first, continue looking for it

This note isn't the first, continue looking for it

This note isn't the first, continue looking for it





RESOLVE IT:Although I never move for me they go up, for me they go down; and I am of diverse materials.What am I?

Wrong answer, try it again

Wrong answer, try it again

Wrong answer, try it again

Well done, now look for the next clue on the stairs

In this room you have to find the lantern, following the different clues

This note isn't the second, continue looking for it

This note isn't the second, continue looking for it

This note isn't the second, continue looking for it





RESOLVE IT:It has legs and does not walk, it has food and does not eatWhat is It?

Wrong answer, try it again

Wrong answer, try it again

Wrong answer, try it again

Well done, now look for the next clue on the table

In this room you have to find the lantern, following the different clues

This note isn't the third, continue looking for it

This note isn't the third, continue looking for it

This note isn't the third, continue looking for it

Shoe sole




RESOLVE IT:Everyone steps on it but he never complains. It can be made of many materialsWhat is It?


Wrong answer, try it again

Wrong answer, try it again

Wrong answer, try it again

Well done, now look for the next clue on the floor

In this room you have to find the lantern, following the different clues

This note isn't the last, continue looking for it

This note isn't the last, continue looking for it

This note isn't the last, continue looking for it


You've found the lantern. Go the last way now that you have the necessary item

Explore the Labyrinth


You've already tried to go this way

You've already tried to go this way

Open inventory...


First, click on the button below

Do the first level and close the game


Congratulations!!!! You've reached to get out