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My aim is to evaluate thr advantages and disadvantages of working older horses on painkillers such as bute and devils claw and look into affordable alternatives with less detremental effects on the horses.
My objective is to use primary and second date to understand the advantages and disadvantages of working riding school horses with minor movement restrictions such as arthritis who are not rerady to be retired but need extra support such as bute to improve performance and relieve pain.
By looking into other alternative methods than medication i hope to enducate riding school owners on cheap, effective and non-damaging alternatives to bute. Also spread awareness on the damages long term bute use can do to a horse.
Due to covid problems/ illness could occur with my distribution of questionaire to prevent limited primary im going to distribute online and papoer questionaires. Also i plan on speaking to proffessionals such as a farrier, equine physio and equine vet to get a professional opinion on advantages and disadvantages This also can increase my primary reaseach and help me understand better.
Resorce problems such as internet, computer,
Slow primary research response could effect my primary research and therefore im distributing 40 questionaires in person (20 questionaires to non-equestrian people and 20 questionaires to equestrian people.) Covid could have a big inpact on my speaking to professionals primary research therefore im going to other them online or in person interviews 

Problems that could occur
Task 4- Bethany shorter
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My aim is to evaluate thr advantages and disadvantages of working older horses on painkillers such as bute and devils claw and look into affordable alternatives with less detremental effects on the horses.

My objective is to use primary and second date to understand the advantages and disadvantages of working riding school horses with minor movement restrictions such as arthritis who are not rerady to be retired but need extra support such as bute to improve performance and relieve pain.By looking into other alternative methods than medication i hope to enducate riding school owners on cheap, effective and non-damaging alternatives to bute. Also spread awareness on the damages long term bute use can do to a horse.

Due to covid problems/ illness could occur with my distribution of questionaire to prevent limited primary im going to distribute online and papoer questionaires. Also i plan on speaking to proffessionals such as a farrier, equine physio and equine vet to get a professional opinion on advantages and disadvantages This also can increase my primary reaseach and help me understand better. Resorce problems such as internet, computer, Slow primary research response could effect my primary research and therefore im distributing 40 questionaires in person (20 questionaires to non-equestrian people and 20 questionaires to equestrian people.) Covid could have a big inpact on my speaking to professionals primary research therefore im going to other them online or in person interviews

Problems that could occur

Task 4- Bethany shorter

Working older horses on painkillers

I am looking for an alternative to bute due to the side affects it can give a horse.My conclusion product needs to be cheap enough that riding schools and older horses that typically need this treatment can afford it. Widely avaliable to the public It needs to minimise the pain of arthritis and help increase the horses stiffness and movement.

Methodology of my Conclusion

  • look into articles on the internet
  • books on biological systenms and how bute effects the body

Methodology of my secondary information

I am working on producing a questionaire based on the secondary information i find on my topic, to investigate peoples opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of working older horses on painkillers and other alternative remidies that could work.Next im going to distribute my questionairs to local equine facebook groups, local riding school and survey monkey an online surveying website. after i have recieved enough information i will collate answers and draw conclusions on the public opinon and relate this to my secondary reaseach

Methodology of my primary information

Task 4- Bethany shorter

Working older horses on painkillers

Methods i used were facebook groups around equine health and questionairs.

Primary information key Points

  • topical creams, dicofenac sodium, anti- inflammatory cream, apply twice a day
Price 100g tube £13.90 a month

Treatment methods

  • herbal remedies, feed high omega 3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory
  • glucosamine and chronctoitin supplements for joints
  • hyaluronic acid supports and nourishes the synovial fluid that coats and protects joint surfaces
  • magnesium
  • natural vitamin E
  • Devils claw ( illegal in some competitions)
  • Price adverage £30-50 a month
  • joint injections, hyaluronic acid, phenylbutazone, polysulfated glycominoglycans
Side effects leading to gastric ulcers, kidney damage, liver damage on long term use Price £250-£300 per injection twice a year

Secondary information key Points

Task 4- Bethany shorter

Working older horses on painkillers

Primary information key Points

Task 4- Bethany shorter

Working older horses on painkillers

FFacebook was a great way to look into what products people with horses have used and their opinions. This allowed me to look into more products than i had considered.

Primary information key Points

Task 4- Bethany shorter

Working older horses on painkillers

Personally i feel the best method of reducing arthritic pain in horses is to feed a high omega 3 fatty acids (anti-inflammatory) diet with low omega 6 fatty acids (pro-inflammatory). With supplements such as glocosamine, chondroitin, magnesium and natural vitamin E which all individually are great for the joints and help nourish the synovial fluid which is typically deterierating in artheritic horses.For some horses these herbal remedies may be enough to ease the pain. This method provides no adverse side effects and costs on adverage £20-30 a month depending on the products supplied. Although for more serious arthritic cases joint injections may work better, although this is a more expensive route it may be better for riding school horses as they typically deal with unbalanced riders. If the horse has an unbalanced rider it could put more pressure on the horses arthritic leg causing it more pain. Therefore a higher level of care should be provided. One way to determine if joint injections are required for your horse is if with using herbal remadies or topical cream does the horse still have issues with jumping, landing, changes in gait shifting weight when standing. joint injects work by injecting a needle into the tarsal metatarsal joint and the distal metatarsal. Then they take a radiograph to ensure the needles are in the correct place. The injection often consists of hyaluronic acid and a steriod. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occuring component in the synovial fluid, which is in the joint. The components of the injection can impact by slowing down or stopping the cyclical process of arthritis and reduce inflammatory which could be cause the horse pain. Joint injects do have some negative effects such as risk of infection to the hock although with a good veterinarian to perform the injection this should easily be prevented. This procedure costs £250- 300 per injection site and lasts between 6-12 months. In conslusion both of these methods outway the use of bute. Bute does have its purpose on short term use but the side effects of ulcerations, kidney damage and liver damage with long term shouldnt be allowed in modern day society as its neglegence to the horses health when other alternative methods are avaliable.


Task 4- Bethany shorter

Working older horses on painkillers

  • https://www.thesprucepets.com/how-much-can-you-ride-an-older-horse-1885986
  • bluecross.org.uk/pet-advice/care-older-horse
  • https://thehorse.com/17720/sacroiliac-joint-pain-in-horses/
I am using these websites as i know all the information is up to date and for a valid source. I am also going to look into youtube videos on the topic such as
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JpyO_hNvb4
Although this is not as upto date as i would like and could be slightly more opinion than fact most information can be backed up by reliable, up to date, articles.
  • https://hoofpick.life/dr-sue-dyson-an-ill-fitting-saddle-could-be-making-your-horse-lazy
  • https://yourhorsefarm.com/three-natural-bute-alternatives-for-horses/
  • https://www.equisearch.com/articles/dangers-bute-in-horses-17311
  • https://forums.horseandhound.co.uk/threads/bute-and-older-horses.763504/
  • https://abler.com/blog/muskoskeletal-issues/right-dosage-of-bute-in-older-horses/
  • https://www.thesprucepets.com/how-much-can-you-ride-an-older-horse-1885986
  • https://www.rossdales.com/horse-owners/pain-management-in-horses

Strengths of my project

  • I had sufficeient evidence to back up my choices
  • I stuck to my objective
  • I included 2 types of primary research allowing me to broaden my information
  • By ask people what they had used and their opinions i avoided using google and getting biase opinions of products given by the companies
  • I included pricing as cost is probably the number 1 factor why people consider bute
Weaknesses of my project
  • I havent tested the products myself and therfore cant give my full opinon, if i was to redo this project i would take the time to test how effect all the methods of treatment are
  • i found limited information of cooling therapy or heat therapy therefore couldnt include it as an opinion.
  • I didnt manage to talk to farrier or veterinarians due to the timeframe of my project

Strengths and weaknesses

Task 4- Bethany shorter

Working older horses on painkillers

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