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In a faraway galaxy that scientists have not found yet, there is a small strange planet named KLONG.

KLONG has two different sides, depending on the light they receive from their star.One side is mostly green and blue. It is full of water and it is very loud.The other side looks like a desert. There's no water at all. It is mostly brown and yellow. It's always quiet and calm.

Ayla is a young Klonger who lives on the green side of the planet.She's tall and thin, with blue skin and white hair. She has a smiling, friendly face with pointy ears, two big orange eyes and a little one in the middle of her forehead. Her hands have six fingers and her feet have six toes each, but you only see three because they are always joined in twos. She wears a bright green tunic, and a little fling bag across her right shoulder. She doesn't wear shoes.

Ayla lives with her family and her pet. She's very brave and she doesn't mind spending time alone.

She likes exploring around, learning about new creatures and travelling with her new spaceship. She can fly really fast in it. But there's one thing Ayla can't stand... LOUD NOISE.

Ayla lives near a waterfall. She has been hearing water running loudly and hitting the rocks, every hour and every minute of her life. She can't stand it anymore.

One day, she feels she's old enough to travel on her own. She waves goodbye to her parents and her pet and gets in her spacecraft. She wants to find some peace and silence on the other side of the planet.

She stays there for a few days. At first, she enjoys being in a quiet, barren desert. But after a while she realizes that a silent planet is not so good for her.She starts to feel bored, so she decides to travel back home.

But on her return journey something goes wrong with her spaceship. The controls are not responding. She feels a strong force pulling them away from the planet, as if something very powerful was trying to absorb them into a turbulent black tunnel.

“This must be a black hole”, she thinks. She has heard about them before, and she knows that once you enter one, anything can happen. Black holes can take you to remote galaxies, or even make you travel in time.

When she's finally out of the black hole, she doesn't know how long she has been there or where she is right now.

She looks around and everything looks different than usual. She can't find her location on any map. She drives her spaceship towards a big, bright star. When she gets closer, she detects eight planets orbiting around the star. One of the planets looks very similar to KLONG, so she heads there.

“It must be night time here now ", she says as she gets closer. She needs some rest, so she decides to land on one of the bright spots she can distinguish in the dark.

Ayla doesn't know it yet, but she has just landed in a hidden corner of Escuelas Bosque's playground.

All is dark and quiet, so she sleeps inside her spaceship.

She wakes up to the sound of strange creatures, moving around in peculiar ways.She leaves her spaceship and tries to communicate with them. She approaches a group of individuals. No one seems to notice her or her spaceship. They can't hear her. They can't see her. She stays in a corner watching the rest of the show.

It’s Carnaval day in Escuelas Bosque. All the students and teachers are gathered in the playground. They are dressed up in costumes representing different arts. Some sixth graders are taking pictures and recording videos of the different performances. No one is aware of Ayla's presence.

At the beginning Ayla was confused, but now that the show is over, she's amazed.She has never seen or heard anything like this before!Now she is intrigued. She needs to learn more about this planet, its creatures and their noise.

Back in her spaceship, her computer connects to something called Google.She doesn´t understand how all these things are happening. After some time in front of her computer, she finds out she is on planet EARTH, the strange creatures are called HUMANS and the noise she has heard is called MUSIC.

She needs to write all this down in her journal: the black hole, the bright star, this planet, humans... But above all, she is fascinated by the sounds of MUSIC. She needs to learn more about it. One night, when everyone has left school, she enters the building. She finds a door with the word she's looking for.

When she enters, she just finds an empty room. She is very tired again, so she lies on the floor and takes a long, long nap.

The next morning when she wakes up, students from 6ºA are having a music lesson. Their teacher is telling them about a traditional song from Castilla y León that female bakers used to sing while kneading bread.

This song is called ‘Panaderas’. Ayla is impressed, she loves it! She even tries to copy the movements with her hands. She tries and tries until she gets it. Luckily, everyone is still unaware of her presence in the classroom.

Some time later, 6ºB are learning about a traditional dance from Aragón called "Jota".

This time there is another teacher moving her body beautifully as the students sing and move some objects with their hands making the most fascinating sounds.

After that, both groups of sixth graders are meeting before a white screen. They are going to watch together all the videos and photos they took during Carnaval. Ayla can’t believe her eyes... She can see herself in most of the pictures shown!She wonders if humans can also see her.Soon, she is going to know.

"Who was that monster in the middle of our show?", asks one of the students in the first row . "Maybe a fifth grader dressed up like a character from Avatar “, replies another one. "Remember they were representing films".

Ayla is alarmed... she rushes out of the room, trying to get back to her spaceship.

Another surprise is waiting for her there. A smaller creature with four legs and a tail has entered and it’s looking at her now with bright, green eyes... she’s sure it can see her. Her computer tells her that it is a cat and that humans keep them as pets. This one looks very friendly. She misses her pet terribly, so she thinks about keeping this one.

She starts the engine and takes off quickly but quietly, trying to leave unnoticed. She had already figured out her route back home before going into the building. After a few minutes, she feels that something is not going as planned.

The cat must have stepped on the controls and altered the route. She needs to fix this as soon as possible.

From the window she sees a landform shaped like a boot and heads her ship towards it. Ayla is fascinated by what she sees beneath her…”That’s wonderful”, she thinks.

But just at that moment the spaceship has some new mechanical problems.The on-board computer suggests an emergency landing in Sicily!

As soon as the spaceship lands on the beach, a group of five kids arrive running, attracted by the light.They are Enrico, Michela, Laura, Gianni and Filippo. They see a blue girl with a cat in her arms!Ayla doesn't immediately understand why they can see her now… The answer to the mystery is this: when the cat is in her arms, humans can see her and even speak to her!!!

It’s getting cold, so Enrico lights a bonfire to warm up Ayla, who is trembling..Everyone is happy and they begin talking and telling their stories.“But…what is that bell I hear?”, asks Ayla.

The old ice-cream truck is arriving and the boys run to buy a big almond granita with brioche for Ayla.“This is really great”, she says when she tastes it.

But it’s nearly time to go to school for the Christmas Festival, where students are singing and playing “A la notti di Natali”, one of the best known Sicilian Christmas songs.

After a while Michela notices that Ayla is sad and asks her what’s wrong.Crying, Ayla says that her spaceship is broken and she fears that she will never be able to go back to her planet.“No problem!”, says Filippo. And he explains that she is lucky because Italy_ and particularly Maranello_ is where the best mechanics of the world, the Ferrari mechanics, live and work. If she can manage to reach Maranello, she is safe! So she says goodbye to everyone and gets on the spacecraft.

She flies towards Maranello but, above Vignola she becomes curious when she sees a lot of little red balls on something called “albero”.So she decides to land and find out what they are.

Sitting on the branch of a tree, she sees a girl named Giada, who is eating the red balls…“They are cherries!”, Giada says and gives Ayla some of them.They are delicious, and while eating them Ayla tells Giada her story.Giada listens carefully and at the end she exclaims “My father is a mechanic for Ferrari. He can surely repair your spacecraft!"

Then, Giada invites Ayla to the annual school party.Ayla is glad to accept the invitation because she knows by now that at a school party, she can always hear good music!!

The party is over and the spacecraft is fully functional now. Ayla has to leave, but before that, Vignola’s students give her some musical instruments to take with her to Klong!”“Goodbye Ayla!”, “Have a nice trip!"

Ayla takes off, but as soon as she leaves the atmosphere, the cat starts meowing melancholically. “This poor little cat belongs to Escuelas Bosque”, Ayla says. “I’d better go back to Madrid and bring it home”. But again... things won’t go as planned...

She ends up landing in Cagnes-Sur Mer, in France. The first thing she sees is the dark blue sea and green palm trees. But then, when she turns around, there are snowy mountains in the distance! On top of that, there isn't a single cloud in the sky, but beautiful sunshine, a sun that shines like a huge diamond in the perfect blue sky.

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Ayla walks along the seaside for a while, but then she becomes very hungry. She wants something sweet to eat! She remembers the delicious ice cream she tasted in Italy. As she walks past a young woman, she stops to ask her where the nearest ice cream shop is. After pointing her in the right direction, they introduce themselves. Her name is Beverly, an English assistant in a middle school in Cagnes-Sur-Mer.Beverly and Ayla go to buy some ice cream to cool down on the hot sunny day. Ayla chooses the vanilla flavour and Beverly mint chocolate chip. This is the most delicious ice cream ever!

+ info

Expetenda tincidunt in sed, ex partem placerat seaCommodo ex eam. His putant aeterno interesset at. Usu ea mundi tincidunt, omnium virtute aliquando ius ex. Ea aperiri sententiae duo. Usu nullam dolorum quaestio ei, sit vidit facilisis ea. Per ne impedit iracundia neglegentur. Consetetur neglegentur eum ut, vis animal legimus inimicus id.

Beverly asks Ayla if she wants to meet her amazing English class and listen to their beautiful Christmas carolling, and of course she agrees. She has just made her first friend in France! Then she walks towards the harbour, where there are many big boats. She passes restaurants and shops. “What a beautiful, busy region of the South of France this is!”, she thinks as she finds her location on a map.

Suddenly, she notices a big problem – she's melting! On her planet Klong, temperatures are not as hot as in the French Riviera! She becomes very scared and begins to panic. Luckily, she sees a big refrigerated truck that is parked nearby. The back door is open, so she runs inside and sits amongst the food in the truck. She is very tired again… and, accidentally, she falls asleep.

When she wakes up, all is dark around her and she is rocking back and forth. She quickly realizes that someone has closed the door and is driving away! She has to wait because she cannot open the door.

When the truck finally stops, Ayla jumps out and looks around. She is lost! There is no sign of the sea, only of a building that looks like a castle in the distance. She visits the streets that look very old, and feels sad that she is all alone again.There is no sign of the cat. It must have followed a group of cats that were playing under the truck.

All of a sudden, Ayla cheers up, she raises her pointy ears because she can hear something in the distance. It sounds like a choir of angels! She follows the sound of these heavenly voices and soon she realizes that they are singing Christmas songs. It is the English class that Beverly talked about! Our alien is very happy that she found them!

The children explain how they make music with their voices, Ayla has never done it before. It isn't quite in tune, but they all laugh so much! They sing together, sharing the Christmas spirit.

Ayla has discovered the fabulous magic of singing and music. Now she knows what she must do with her life.She’s determined to go back to KLONG and start making her own music with the instruments they gave her in Italy. She would like to teach music to young Klongers. She wants to create the first choir in KLONG.

RAP (Lampal was a favourite) POP (Mickael Jackson) Rock ‘n Roll (the teacher said that Elvis Presley was called a king).Classical music (it was really hard to choose, but Vivaldi was chosen with his four seasons) Country music (Garth Brooks)Teacher’s suggestion: “Oxygène” by the French Jean-Michel Jarre, quite innovative at the time with a laser show And, of course, “Space Oddity” by David Bowie, since Ayla came from Space !

The students offer her a few CDs to take back to her planet. They choose to give her a little sample of all kinds of music:

Now she has to go. What the children don’t know is that she too had something magic to show them: when she wants to be invisible, she holds her braids, one in each hand, and her hair turnes like a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple… and “puff”, she disappears. She promised to find a way to keep in touch with her Earth friends somehow. All she said was: “Look up to the sky at night. Every time you see a shooting star, it will be a new song from Klong.”

The End...


Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "L. A. Muratori" di VignolaVignola (Mo), Italy

Collège Départemental Des BréguièresCagnes Sur Mer, France

e-Twinning Project created by