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A slippery character

the room of...

Discover the identity of the mysterious character by exploring the objects found in its room.

Por mucho que nos aproximamos a él, no hay manera de conocerlo del todo. En 2014, una supercomputadora trabajó durante más de 3 meses para conseguir conocer 12,1 billones de sus "detalles"

Nuestro personaje misterioso tiene que ver con todo lo circular y esférico. También con este balón de baloncesto, pues es la razón entre su perímetro y su diámetro

En Estados Unidos, su día se celebra comiendo pasteles redondos pues el término "pastel" en inglés se pronuncia muy parecido a su nombre

In the third century BC, Archimedes used hexagons and other regular polygons to try to understand our mysterious character.

From Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and China to Europe, India, and the countries of Islamic culture, it has been used and investigated around the world for as long as anyone can remember.

Its birthday is March 14th. Interestingly, this is the day Albert Einstein was born and the anniversary of Stephen Hawking's death.

No matter how close we get to it, there is no way to know it completely. In 2014, a supercomputer worked for more than 3 months to find out 12.1 trillion of its "details".

Our mysterious character has a lot to do with the formula that allows us to break down a signal into its constituent frequencies, something that allows us to emit and hear the different sounds through our phone.

Our mysterious character has to do with everything circular and spherical; and also with this basketball, because it is the ratio of its circumference to its diameter.

Although it was first named by William Oughtred, it was the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Paul Euler who made it popular when he introduced it in his book Introduction to the Infinitesimal Calculus in 1748.

It is present in the calculations of Einstein's theory of general relativity.

In the United States, its day is celebrated by eating pies, as the word "pie" and the name of our mysterious character are homophones.

It is necessary for the formula for calculating the time of pendulum clocks.

If you travel to Greece, you will discover that its name is represented by the sixteenth letter of their alphabet.

The number π

Great job! You discovered this irrational number called "pi" (or π). It is one of the most important constants in mathematics, used, as you have seen, in a multitude of disciplines. Its most popular truncated value is 3.14.

Por mucho que nos aproximamos a él, no hay manera de conocerlo del todo. En 2014, una supercomputadora trabajó durante más de 3 meses para conseguir conocer 12,1 billones de sus "detalles"

Nuestro personaje misterioso tiene que ver con todo lo circular y esférico. También con este balón de baloncesto, pues es la razón entre su perímetro y su diámetro

En Estados Unidos, su día se celebra comiendo pasteles redondos pues el término "pastel" en inglés se pronuncia muy parecido a su nombre

Si viajas a Grecia, descubrirás que se representa por la decimosexta letra de su alfabeto