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sex education

Educación Sexual

provides tools so that adolescents can: Express their emotions and feelings. Decide freely and responsibly when to start sexual relations and with whom. Avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Each young person should have the experience of leading healthy and safe relationships, of knowing how to set and repeat limits. Our application is not just about sex, it is much more than that, it is letting young people know that having a different sexual orientation than the one we are used to is not bad, and that in case of any doubt they can have a place to go and find the information they need. need or who to talk to.

Why is our app necessary?

importance of the app.

STDs are common, especially in young people. Each year there are about 20 million new cases of STDs in the United States. About half of these infections occur in people ages 15 to 24. Young people are at higher risk of STDs for several reasons

app available for app store and play store.

When entering the application we can enter our username and password.

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In this application you can choose the gender and sexual orientation with which you identify, if you do not want to let your sexual orientation be known, you can choose the option "I prefer not to share."

EChoose the genre with which you identify.

It lets people know that their voice matters and that they have choices. You will also learn to respect the decisions of others by understanding the concept of consent.

The consent


in this video we can see some of the elements that the application will contain and why.

information about preventive methods

In the application we will have the necessary information on contraceptive methods.

+ info

+ info

+ info

We will end an inclusive application in which we will have information on the different forms of sexual relations and how to take care of oneself, regardless of the sexual orientation of each person.

inclusive application

The app will have a section to inform girls about their menstrual period. Everything you need to know about this one.


menstrual period information and puberty


in the app we will have professionals with whom you can communicate in case you want professional tutoring

Nombre Apellido

Nombre Apellido

Nombre Apellido

Nombre Apellido

everything in the app will be confidential

interview with a sexual specialist

the interview we did with mix. Suma helped us to know the most frequent topics that young people want to know about their sexuality and apply them in our app

thank you.