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Daily Life Algorithms
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Daily Life Algorithms

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13. How to cook an omelette

19. Make a cake

18. Creating a logo

17. Laundry Washing

16. Daily algorithm

15. Tooth Brushing

14. How to do comun salad

12. Make fried eggs

11. Take care of a turtle

10. Home Yogurt preparation

9. Hand washing algorithm

8. Login to Kodlabuyu site

7. Going to buy bread

6. Happiness algorithm

5. Umbrella taking algorithm

4. Doing omelette Algorithm

3. Crossing (For Pedestrians)

2. Bulgur Pilaf Making

1. Tea Brewing


an algorithm is a finite sequence of well-defined instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computation.

By Şirin Aslan

Tea Brewing Algorithm

  • Step 1: Start
  • Step 2: Go to the kitchen
  • Step 3: Put water under the teapot
  • Step 4: Put the teapot on the stove
  • Step 5: Light the stove
  • Step 6: Wait for the water to boil
  • Step 7: If the water has boiled, put tea in the teapot. If it does not boil, go to step 6
  • Step 8: Put hot water in the teapot and brew the tea
  • Step 9: Put water under the kettle and put it on the stove
  • Step 10: Wait for the water to boil
  • Step 11: If the water has boiled, the teas are ready to be served. If it does not boil, go to step 10.
  • Step 12: Finish

Taji Siho, Şirin Aslan's student

Bulgur Pilaf Making Algorithm

1) Start2) Chop 1 onion 3) put the oil in the pot 4) place it on the stove and light the gold 5) fry the onions 6) Are the onions roasted? if yes, go to step 7 if no go back to step 5 7) Add 1 bowl of bulgur to the pot 8) Roast with two spoons of tomato paste 9) Add two bowls of water and discard the meat salt 10) wait until you run out of water 11) Finish

By Berat Siho

Crossing Algorithm (For Pedestrians)

  1. Start
  2. Look at the traffic light.
  3. Is the lamp lit Red? If Red, go to step 2.
  4. Is the lamp lit Yellow? If it is yellow, go to step 2.
  5. Is the lamp lit Green? If it is red, go to step 6.
  6. 6Cross the street.
  7. stop

By Elif Sude, Melda Coşanay's student

Doing omelette Algorithm

  1. crack the eggs
  2. add milk , flour , black pedpper and salt
  3. mix it for five minutes
  4. heat olive oil in a pan
  5. pour the mixture into the pan
  6. fry it for ten minutes
  7. serve it hot

By Ayvuzhan, Zeynep GÜL KARABODUR's student

umbrella taking algorithm

  1. Start
  2. is it rainy?
  3. if yes go to step 5
  4. if no go to step 6
  5. take your umbrella
  6. leave your umbrella at home
  7. stop

By Aylin, Zeynep GÜL KARABODUR's student

happiness algorithm

1- start2- is there a problem? 3- if yes go to step 5 4-if no go to step 8 5-are you able to solve? 6-if yes, solve 7-if no, go to step 8 8-Don't worry about anything, there's nothing you can do. let it go 9-stop

By Hatice, Zeynep GÜL KARABODUR's student

algorithm for going to buy bread

1-start 2-get out of the house 3- enter the market 4- take the bread 5- take it to the cashier 6-pay the money 7-come back home

By Merve, Fatih Imam Hatip's student

Login algorithm to Kodlabuyu site

1-Start 2-Turn on the computer 3-Enter Google 4-Click the Search button 5- Search for "Codemaster" and open it 6- Type your username and password and press login. 7-Finish

By Nisanur, Sultan Tilki's student

hand washing algorithm

1-) start 2-) turn on the water 3-) wet your hand 4-) put some soap on your hand 5-) lather by rubbing your hands 6-) rinse your hands 7-) turn off the water 8-) dry your hands with a towel 9-) finish.

By İclal R10iho, Sultan Tilki's student


  1. Get Started
  2. Take your milk in a deep saucepan and boil it.
  3. Wait for the milk to warm up.
  4. For yeast, pour 3-4 tablespoons of yogurt into milk and mix.
  5. Let's divide into containers and cover
  6. After 5-6 hours, let's put it in the refrigerator.
  7. Finish

By Catarina Almeida, Patrícia Carvalhais' student

Take care of a turtle:

  1. Take the turtle out of the aquarium
  2. Wash the aquarium
  3. Brush the turtle's shell
  4. Put the turtle back in the aquarium
  5. Open the turtle food jar
  6. Put five shrimp in the aquarium
  7. Check if the turtle eats without choking

By Rodrigo Monteiro and Francisco Feliciano, Patrícia Carvalhais' students

Make fried eggs

1- put oil in the frying pan2- set the stove on 9 (temperature) 3- take the egg and beat with the shell on something resistant 4- with two hands open the shell where the egg breaks and then open 5- put what was inside the egg into the frying pan 6- and let the egg white turn white

11. mix it 12. take in the frying pan 13. put same oil in the frying pan 14. put the mixture of eggs andmilk in the frying pan 15. put the frying pan on the oven 16. wait some time 17. omelet strips from the frying pan 18. eat 19. stop

By Matvii Oliferenko, Patrícia Carvalhais' student

how to cook an omelette

  1. start
  2. take 2 or more eggs
  3. break eggs
  4. separate the shell
  5. put it in the bowl yolk and egg white
  6. take the milk
  7. put milk in the egg cup
  8. mix it
  9. take the salt
  10. put sal in the egg cup

By Diogo Almeida, Patrícia Carvalhais' student

How to do comun salad

1. you need half of one onion, some sheets of lettuce, one cucumber an mozarella. For suace you go put salt,olive oil and vinagar. 2. you go put sheets of lettuce and go put in the water. 3. Then you go put wetted lettuce and go put in the lettuce callender 4. slice the onion in the half. 5. slice the onion in the horizontal and then slicein the vertical 6. put the cucumber in the horizontal and slice in the vertical 6 cut morzarella 7. put all you have and put in the cup. 8.put some salt in the cup. 9. put some vinegar and olive oil 10 mix all 11 put all suace in the cup other salad 12. mix all 13 an eat


Tooth Brushing Algorithm

1-Start 2-get the brush and paste 3-rub the paste on the brush 4-brush your teeth 5-rinse your mouth 6-finish it


daily algorithm

1.Start 2.wake up 3. Wash my face 4. Have breakfast 5. Put on your school clothes 6. Go to school 7.Come from school 8. Do your homework 9. Pack your bag 10. Watch TV 11. go to sleep 12.Finish

By Emre Siho

Laundry Washing Algorithm

1.Start 2.Open Lid 3.Fill Machine 4.Weigh Your Weight If Weight<=5kg 5.Set Washing Program 6.Set Wash Time 7.Close Lid 8.Run If Lid Is Closed 9.Lock Lid If Working 10.Stop Machine When Time Runs Out 11.Unlock If Machine Stopped


Creating a logo from Canva

1-Intro to Canva 2-Click on the logo option 3-Design your logo the way you want 4-Save and download 5-Now,your logo is ready.


Make a cake

1. Start 2. Prepare the necessary ingredients for cake making. 3. Beat sugar and egg in a bowl. 4. Add oil and milk and beat again. 5. Add the flour and baking powder and mix. 6. Pour the mixture into the cake tin. 7. Put in the preheated oven. 8. Wait for it to cook. 9. Take the cake out of the oven. 10. Wait for the cake to cool 11. Serve the cake. 12. Finish



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